Chapter 20: Studying up on Monsters

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Hope all of y'all are doing well. On with a new chapter.

10:30 PM
Temuri Inn: Liz and Auri's room

It's been about 3 weeks since Auri and I started staying in Temuri Village.
Captain Surenis and the rest of her Knights were sent off to take out a bloodbear yesterday so they'll be out for a few days. Normally that would be a sort of request provided for adventurers but as I've learned we aren't allowed to give monster suppression quests yet as I still need to pass a receptionist test.

Why would I need to pass a test to give out monster quests? Well the answer is to know how dangerous they can be and rank the quests appropriately. If a receptionist fails to properly rank a monster quest many rookie adventurers could be sent in over their head and die.

So that's why I've been studying up for my receptionist test tomorrow. But I can still give simple collection quests although this town doesn't have much in the way of adventurers staying here we do at least have some that stop by and handle a quest or two while they stay a couple nights.

From what I've Gathered many adventurers are either heading towards the border as new materials and monsters are able to be found in the neighboring nation and now adventurers are allowed to freely crossover after peace talks concluded now that Xant fortress was destroyed. I'm not sure why but apparently a Daimanos lord that was trying to reignite a war was finally put down and with him out of the way Emperor Ledrayke of this nation and Queen Eiserne of the Daimanos were able to finish their peace negotiations.

Long story short we appear to have entered a new Era of peace but something about it just seems off to me... ah well it's all over my head anyways.

"Hey Liz. I got you some Tea for your studying." Auri snapped me out of my thoughts handing me a cup of hot tea.

"Well thank you very much Auri." I smiled graciously accepting the drink.

"*yaaaawn* Liz I think imma go to bed." She said sleepily as she got into the bed.

"Well I think imma stay up for a bit more and study. *hug* goodnight Auri." I gave her a hug and tucked her in before cutting off the lamp leaving our room.

As I stepped outside I headed down to the outpost guild stand using it as a desk for my book while pulling up my creature book out.

In all reality I could probably appraise the book and find out all the information but that wouldn't cover the notes very well simply the stats of the monsters. Really numbers without a frame of reference are just numbers.

"Let's see what monsters we got here" I mumbled to myself and opened to a random Page.

Bloodbear: An Ursine beast with blood red fur found throughout the northern hemisphere. Bloodbears are considered highly aggressive and one of the most dangerous challenges for newer adventurers though still manageable with teamwork.
Vitality: 1000
Mana: 50
Attack: 300
Defense : 200
Special Effects: Bloodbear Blood has a higher boiling point than most other liquids. When enraged or desperate a bloodbear is known to raise its internal body temperature and and coat its claws and arms in its own blood effectively giving them the ability to not only tear through an opponent but burn them in the process
Notes: Bloodbears are near immune to fire in most circumstances however an enraged bloodbear will die within minutes of being ignited as its internal organs will go beyond survivable temperature and it's blood will begin to evaporate however many can still live long enough to become high threat monsters for at least 3 minutes.

Stagalos: a monster with a thick exoskeleton providing solid defense but very low mobility.
Vitality: 100
Mana: 25
Attack: 55
Defense: 550
Special Effects: Stagalos have the ability to tighten up their body making them near indestructible to slashing and piercing
Notes: extremely slow and not very maneuverable. Crushing damage may prove effective and fire works well at burning them from the inside.
"Well fairly common monsters now let's look at some of the less standard ones." I said changing some pages to the chapters on less usual creatures.

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