Chapter 6: Living Situation

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Hello to all 2 of my readers we got another chapter but we're finally back to Elizabeth.

(Elizabeth POV)
I'm... still alive?

But didn't I die in that shed?

I moved my arms to check my body only to realize something... I can't seem to move them so I chose to open my eyes to see what awaited me...

It was Auri

"Good morning Liz" she said before her eyes shut

I was about to start panicking but then I heard her start snoring.

"Thank goodness she's just asleep." I said not sure if I could take anymore drama for a while.

That just leaves the question of where the heck are we?

I started trying to move only to realize I couldn't so I looked down and found I was wrapped up in a giant towel.

So I slowly started shifting around to loosen the towel before finally breaking free only to have a serious question

How am I still alive? I was stabbed and hacked into. And sure enough I could see the scar on my shoulder and another on my stomach so I can only image how my back must look.

"So you're awake." A deep voice startled me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see a massive red Ogre man. Staring calmly at me.


"Ummmm... hello sir. Are you the owner of this house" I asked

"I am." He said

"Oh ok..." well this is awkward uhhhh... hmmm

Oh maybe I could

Analyze: Quick Scan

[Performing Analysis]


[Analysis complete]

Oh faster than it has been actually

[Displaying Status]

Name: Argos Laxus Berva
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Job: carpenter
Condition: Good
Suggestion:Thank him... ya dingus.
[Analysis complete]

Ok so that's his name.

"Well thank you for saving me... us Mr. Argos." I said trying to sound polite.

He looked a bit surprised I suppose he hasn't told me his name yet... dang it Liz.

"Oh. I suppose Elise already told you my name." He said getting over any surprise he had fairly quickly

Wait Elise who is tha- oh wait Auri
I suddenly remembered the scan I performed on her from the second night hiding her true name.

"And I suppose you're Elizabeth." He said flatly

"Oh er Yes." I'm still not entirely sure what my real name is but screw it we're sticking with this one now.

"Regardless. While your thanks is appreciated it's unnecessary. I patched you up but if not for Elise you would've been dead long before I arrived." He said

"Oh... I see. Well regardless thank you for letting us stay here. I don't have any money but I can pay you some other way." I am a succubus after all I should at least be satisfactory at... that.

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