Chapter 5: A shift in perspective (part 2)

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Hello everyone. Hope you're doing well time for another chapter and another character to be introduced.
(Dawn's POV)
Hmmmm. Well the situation in Temuri village seems to have calmed down. But I'm still not sure why Duchess Eilas sent us here. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any signs of her Daughter Elise anywhere near here.

"Captain Surenis Ma'am" one of my soldiers snapped me out of my pondering. A young human adult with light brown hair.

"Yes Damian? Do you have a status report."

"Yes Ma'am the wall around Temuri village has finished construction and the carpenter said he was going home"

"The red... orc?"

"Yes ma'am Argos is his name." Oh so that's his name.

"Good. Send a someone to deliver his payment in the morning."

Though I have to be honest he does seem familiar. Do I know him from somewhere?

"Yes Ma'am"

"Hey chief any reason in particular we've spent the past week fortifying this village. Not to be rude but I don't think what we're looking for is here and I don't think this village gets attacked enough to really warrant a wall surrounding the village."

Oh yes Rastoc... ugggggggh

"Well Rastoc it's because Duchess Eilas said our secondary objective was to help out the villages in her territory while looking for Elise"

"Pffft ya really think that kids still alive? Please the Daimanos took her deep into their territory. I don't care if they killed one of the lords 2 days ago at xant fortress." He kept going on

"So then do you wanna go back and tell Duchess Eilas that her Daughter is dead and that you were too lazy to find anything to bring back to her?" I said making my annoyed tone apparent.

"Look Dawn all I'm saying is the best chance they had of finding her was at Xant fortress but the place she was supposedly being held was empty. Odds are she was already killed and eaten." Rastoc said dismissively

I was starting to get fed up with him.

"First Rastoc you're a knight so maybe you should care a bit about the wellbeing of oh I dunno THE LADY YOU SERVE! Secondly would it kill you to address me as Captain Surenis?"

"Yeah whatever captain you know our squad is just the rejects and Demi humans."

"What makes you say that?" I asked though I already figured his answer.

"Well look at Arios' squad. Humans, One Elf, and a Lion Kin. All upstanding members of the order. Then there's our band of rejects. A couple nondescript soldiers, a goblin, a dark elf healer, a Hyena Beastman, my Lazy Ass, and we're led by you. A lady Centaur. Is it really any wonder why commander Palon went with Arios and not us." He finished.

"Tell me how you really feel." I said as I got in the process of putting on my armor.

"Nah that just about sums it up. Anyways don't forget to dress warm snows on the ground." He said as he left my tent.

Anyways Rastoc sure is a handful but he's right our squad is definitely different.


A few minutes later I finished putting on my armor and walked out of my tent ready to begin the day.

A few minutes later I finished putting on my armor and walked out of my tent ready to begin the day

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