Chapter 14 Interrogation

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Good whenever the heck you're reading this everyone. I'm back and I've gotten my school stuff handled for a little bit so time for more chapters.
So as of this point (actually a few chapters ago) I've completely exhausted my old plot points I kept from my original write up. I still have some major story beats to hit going forward but it's all new stuff from here on and for those of you wondering what the heck Yuna is up to don't worry there will be another chapter for that soon anyways on with the show.

Auri POV
I couldn't believe it. I wasn't sure if I'd ever talk to Auntie again but here she was or at least here she was on the phone.

"Auntie... is it really you?" I asked the voice a second time to make sure

"Yes A-Elise it's me. I may not be with you in person but I'm here." The realization of it all started to hit me and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I wasn't sure why. I'm not sad so why am I crying?

"Auntie I missed you so much... I'm so glad to see-er talk to you again." I said between breaths trying not to cry

"It's ok Elise. I may not be able to see you right now but I just want you to know how happy I am to hear your voice and know you're safe. I wish I could be with you right now *chuckle* but unfortunately humans can't use teleportation magic." I started to calm down and giggled a bit at her response

"I'm so happy. There's just so much I want to tell you about Auntie." I said to her after the chuckling died down

"Well then go ahead my Dear. I have plenty of time and I'd love to hear your story so far."


Dawn POV

I watched the sweet scene unfold though only hearing what Elise was saying I could imagine by her reaction that the duchess realizing things would be ok I turned around to face Elizabeth and signed inwardly

I'm not looking forward to this but I have a job to do now that Elise has been found and that's find out about this monster seen down by the river.

Lord please give this child strength for what I'm about to put her through.

"Elizabeth I need you to come with me. We need to speak in my office in private." I told her trying my best to sound firm but caring

Teenagers are awkward I'm not sure if I should be calm and caring when addressing them or blunt and to the point.

"Alright lead the way." She replied to me. She hasn't talked very much but I can tell this girl wasn't some naive teenager.

That being said I'm not sure if it'd be better for her if she was actually a monster or not.

Being caught up in my thoughts we reached my tent after just a few seconds.

Well I suppose it's time.

"Elizabeth please close the door behind you and take a seat we have something serious to discuss"

She kept a relatively blank look on her face as she did what I asked before sitting down and looking at me with an expressionless face.

"Elizabeth I'm going to ask you some serious questions and it's necessary that you answer me with complete honesty. Do you understand." I asked her which earned me a nod in response.

"Alright then. First question Elizabeth. Is it true that you're actually a Daimanos?" I asked her

"Yes ma'am." She said in a surprisingly meek tone

She was trying not to show it but I could tell she was scared. *sigh* No matter what I'm gonna have to be the bad guy here.

"Ok. Now Elizabeth there was reports of a Daimanos resembling a succubus woman down by the river a week ago. Was that you?"

Daimanos Act 1Where stories live. Discover now