Chapter 17: Sick

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Good whenever you're reading this everyone (apparently this story is actually getting seen by a couple people now so that's cool) I don't have much else to say so imma get started

Temuri Inn
7:30 am

After a fairly nice sleep I woke up to see Liz was still in the bed not really moving only for my thoughts to be interrupted by a nasty cough coming from her.

"Liz... are you ok." I asked genuinely concerned. I hadn't ever seen her like this before. Her breath was heavy and her body was red all over. I remember she was having trouble sleeping last night but not that it was this bad. I'm not sure how I knew but I could tell she needed help and quickly.

I gotta go tell someone quickly. But as I was about to rush out the door I heard the familiar voice of Elizabeth stop me.

"Auri *cough cough* don't run outside in your Pyjamas. Put some better clothes on *cough*"

"Liz I need to get you a doctor." I said in my most serious voice I could manage

"Auri. If you don't dress well you'll get sick too and that won't do either of us any good." And with that I saw her point

I quickly looked through my new cloths putting on some fuzzy socks, a blue dress and my rabbit eared hoodie before going to choose the smaller pair of boots the shoe maker gave us when we moved into Temuri village.

With that I did a looked at Liz to see if she approved of the outfit and she gave a simple smile and nod of her head. Without anymore hesitation I quickly left our room to try and find a doctor.

As I went down the stairs I noticed a fairly large gathering of people around some stand I didn't recognize. So I tried reading the banner

"Temm urrrr eeeee, out post goo ild?" I read aloud but it didn't sound quite right

"Heheh close but not quite little one. It's Temuri Outpost Guild" a voice said from behind me and I turned around to see the goblin man from yesterday. If I remember his name was...

"Oh good morning mr Gun." I greeted

"Heh. Again close but not quite. The name's Gan little missy." He told me after chuckling

"Ah. Good morning Gan." I repeated the greeting correctly this time

"Good morning little Missy... say where's your big sister?" He asked noticing I was alone this time

"She's really sick all of a sudden. I don't know what to do and need to find a doctor." I told him a look of desperation in my eyes

"Hmmmm. She seemed fine this morning when I spoke with her... tell ya what let's go see if Leur can help."

"The tan elf lady with the pretty eyes?" I asked

"Oh if only she heard you say that. Yes that's the one. Cmon I'll take ya to her." He motioned for me to follow and I did

So we set out to see if miss Leur could help us.

Medical tent
7:48 am

"Aaaaaaand that should be enough potions. Alright what's next" I finished up my morning routine and had been bottling the medicine into potion bottles. Now that a guild was finally being set up here we'd probably need the extra medicine anyways

"Miss Leur! Miss Leur are you there?!?" I could hear a young girls voice outside the tent.

"Yes I'm here. Need something?" I yelled to the outside voice. If it was important they'd come in to see me

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