Chapter 12: Phonecall from Temuri

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Hello everyone. Had to retype this chapter multiple times so sorry for the wait.
Anyways on with the plot

Elizabeth POV
Temuri village
7:55 am
We were given a tour of the village by Damian they had shops, a blacksmith, tailors, a food market, even a hot spring. It was a surprisingly lively town despite the cold atmosphere.
Apparently the one common thing that Temuri village lacked was an adventurer guild.

Actually if there wasn't a guild here I wonder where those people at the Fortress went... how far did I go with Auri anyways it felt like only a few hours passed but... now that I think about it I'm not sure all I could think about at that time was get away from the burning place and avoid that mysterious creature.

Ah well I suppose not much use worrying about it right now.
While out and about we met another knight this Hyena man apparently named Cazra. He didn't say much of anything but he still seemed nice enough. After a while we headed to an area with some tents that apparently was where the knights were staying.
Apparently they were meant to only stay in Temuri village for a short time but it turned into a long term station. We entered a smaller red tent that seemed to have a table and some chairs along with some weapons and... a claw? Laid out on the table. There were three other people here wearing the knight uniform.
A dark skinned girl with silver hair and pointy ears that looked a few years older than me.
A goblin man that looked surprisingly... noble... stoic? I'm not sure how to describe it but he seemed more like a knight than some of them
And then a middle aged human man that looked shabbily put together but gave off a feeling of strength on par with Captain Surenis. Maybe that was just a personal feeling or maybe my analysis was working without me knowing it... Nah it's just me.
"And welcome to our meeting tent. This is Lieutenant Ras-" Damian was then cut off
"Look kid It's great you're trying to be nice but let me just cut to the chase. The goblin is named Gan, this Knightly one here is Damian, Hyena man is named Cazra, the dude in armor is Laurence, the girl is Leur, and my lazy ass is named Rastoc. We got two other members named Dave and Eusis, Dave is the most generic background looking character with a personality as interesting as water. Eusis is a blue blooded pain in the ass." He said before taking a breath.
"Well... he's not wrong. Anyways I suppose you are Elizabeth and the little one is Elise?" The Goblin named Gan asked us.
"Yes sir I am." I nodded and tried to be polite but I'm not exactly great with social interaction.
"Anyhow we were informed you have an appraisal skill Elizabeth. Is this true?" The girl Leur asked me to which I nodded again.
"Well then that's promising. We wanted you to examine these weapons and this claw to see what information we could learn for them." Leur told me.
"Alright then. Let's get down to business.

After a bit of time all of the weapons were scanned and I saw some interesting weapons.
[Steel Short sword]
[Iron Hatchets]
[Rusted Iron Chain]
I wasn't able to get any stats on the weapons but I was able to identify what they were at least and determine their materials so that was nice but hopefully it will get better with practice and time.
But these weapons felt familiar but not in a good way
...oh shit

these were the weapons of the bandits that attacked me and cut my wing off

those painful memories from a week ago flashed through my mind and I dropped to my knees desperately suppressing the urge to vomit.

Thanks to my rapid drop my hat fell off leaving my admittedly small horns proudly on display.
As much as I'd like to say silence filled the room my panting was filling any would be silence and I was now in a cold sweat... great.

"-ay" my mind finally started to clear up a bit and I could hear Auri's voice again asking me if I was ok and trying to shake my. I looked up to her and smiled somewhat weakly.

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