Chapter 19 A new job

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Dawn POV
Temuri Inn
8:30 PM

"So Elizabeth what do you think?"

"Well... I suppose it could work... sure I'll do it."

Two days had passed since the surgery and she recovered enough to get up and walk around. Now we were speaking about her getting a job working as the assistant receptionist for the Temuri outpost guild.

After all the injuries she's reportedly had I figured it was better to have her stay inside the village the girl was clearly prone to trouble and with her Appraisal skill not only would she be safer but she could be a good fit as a receptionist.

"Then in that case I suppose we should get you a new uniform... don't worry we already have one in your size." I replied trying to hide my smirk

"Wait what? Captain was this decision already made?" She questioned me with a slightly annoyed tone

"Well I suppose I'm guilty of that. Don't worry though you'll like the outfit." I tried to calm her down

"Uggggh... fine just gimme the outfit and I'll go change." She replied in a huffy voice

She took the clothes we handed her and stormed off into the room behind the guild stand and shut the door

"Took that better than I expected she would." Rastoc wisecracked

"So Captain why exactly are we so involved with that girl anyways?" Eusis asked me

"That girl saved Elise from Xant fortress and is the daughter of Argos Berva. Since he's not here right now I'm tasked with looking after her... I suppose the rest of you are here by choice." I replied

"Wait she's the Red Orcs Daughter? They don't look a thing alike." Dave asked

"She's adopted. Nothin wrong with that." Gan answered for me

Changing room

I took my outfit off and began to look at my uniform
A white blouse with a black vest and blue skirt and a cravat to tie it all together.
Since it was cold though I threw over a brown sweater that also came with the uniform as well as some black tights for my legs. With that I was officially wearing my guild receptionist uniform but I didn't have a mirror to look in so I wasn't sure how I looked at the moment. But I figured everything looked nice enough from what I could see so after a minute of doing my best to straighten up I stepped outside.

"So... how do I look?"

"Cute yet dignified

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"Cute yet dignified. It suits you." Captain Surenis said

"You look Great Liz" Auri exclaimed

"Well thank you." I replied trying to hold back my amusement at a peanut gallery of a centaur woman twice my age and a human girl not even 1/3rd my age... then there was that knight with noble blood or as I liked to call him Frumpy.

Wait a second why was his face red... oh my god he's totally blushing

To tease or not to tease... on a little bit of teasing

"What's wrong Frumpy you look red. Are you sick?"

"WAH! No I am not sick and stop calling me Frumpy you child!" He responded ticked off

"Well what should I call you then. You've never introduced yourself." I replied pretending that I didn't know his first name at least

"Very well I suppose introductions are in order." He began as if he was going to give a long speech and at some point during that time the other Knight Dave left the inn entirely while Captain Surenis seemed to be humoring Auri with something out of earshot

"My name is Eusis Valghis von Hyperion. Second son of Count Hyperion."

Ah so he's the son of a count huh... interesting

"Well then if it's nice to officially meet you Eusis." I said while doing a little curtsy

"I suppose the feeling is Mutual Elizabeth." He replied in a tone trying way too hard to sound official

Maybe we could try to get off on a foot but there was something that was bugging me. Second child or not he was still the son of a count and from what I've heard Temuri was one of the more remote villages so why was he here?

"Hey Eusis since you're a noble do you mind if I ask you a question?" I tried to sound as polite as I could

"I'm not sure if I'll have an answer but go ahead." He replied simply

"If you're a noble from a fairly high ranking family no less why are you a Knight stationed here in this remote village?" I asked him

"Well Elizabeth I'm here because my squadron was assigned here and as for why we are here that is under order of Duchess Eilas. We were to look for her missing Niece, Elise, and we were also tasked with helping the development of villages in her region. It was all a part of her plan to help rejuvenate the region and the homes here." He explained the situation

"Anyways I have work to attend to and you do as well Elizabeth. Good day." Eusis said before giving a slight nod and leaving the inn

"Phew... today has been a long day... I'm beat." I'd need to study up some before I could fully become a receptionist but I had a strange feeling of accomplishment in all of this. I suppose the old me must have been quite the character.


"So she was spotted in a place called Temuri village huh."

"Yes boss what should we do."

"Isn't it obvious we go there and collect our profits."

"But sir aren't Knights stationed there?"

"What of it? We'll just kill them and collect our target and from what I've heard the knight captain Arios is in another town entirely. A few reaper mantises will more than take care of them."

Aaaaaaaand that's the chapter hope y'all enjoyed

Imma have to work on improving my writing for fight scenes because Imma have to make some of those soon.

But regardless we finally reached what was going to be the original plot point of this story and that's Elizabeth becoming a guild receptionist.

Anyways gonna be trying to crank out the next few chapters until act 1 finishes

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