Chapter 18: clipped wings

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Temuri Inn

After removing the night gown from Elizabeth I had Damian use his heat magic to disinfect the tools while I gave Elizabeth a light paralysis potion to help numb her senses.

I used my companion link to talk with Damian while we worked.

Damian I'm going to need you to hold her down. If we're lucky she'll be out of it but if not she's going to be in immense pain when I start cutting.

On it he simply nodded and placed both hands on her shoulders as I pulled out the scalpel and began cutting

It wasn't the first surgery I've performed but usually they were on soldiers and patching up wounds but I can't say I've performed surgery on a child before.

The scalpel faced little resistance entering her back. It'd be one thing to simply cut the wings off but given the amount of decay shown I'd likely need to completely detach the wings to ensure infection couldn't spread into the rest of her body.


After a few minutes I had successfully removed both of the infected wings from Elizabeth and now all that remained was to sew her up but thankfully the infection hadn't reached the inner parts of her body and I was even able to salvage her two bones connecting her wings to the rest of her body. She wouldn't have any appearance of wings once being in her body (assuming she's didn't scar) but it meant we could try prosthetics in the future should she ever desire those.

After a few more moments of silence I finished sewing her up while Damian helped wipe the blood off.

Thankfully she didn't seem to feel too much of it.

Well the anesthesia did it's job but I'd say she still felt it cause she was crying in her sleep.

Well that's unfortunate but it can't exactly be helped

"Oh lord heal the wounds of the one before me" I performed the healing spell to finish allowing her back to heal up quicker as could be seen by the body healing over the stitches.

"If only we could just cast a healing spell and fix things" Damian muttered

"You and I both know that won't work once the wound has been infected. And if the enemy poisoned you then..." I began but was unable to finish

"I know Leur I know cure the poison first because otherwise a healing spell would risk causing it to spread faster. I may not be a healer or a cleric but I had to take the medical courses with you remember. Besides if she's poisoned isn't that what your Atalas spell is for?" Damian cut me off before rolling his eyes.

"Ok fair enough. Anyways Damian could you please put the wings in a container and get out." I requested him noticing Elizabeth was starting to wake up.

"Wait why would... ohhhh alright on it." He answered me

Thank the lord I didn't need to explain to him that Elizabeth would have to get dressed.

Elizabeth POV
Location unknown
Time unknown

Where am I? Let's see last thing I remember was a lot of pain and then Leur said something about surgery.

So that doesn't explain where I am now it felt like I was in a dark hallway so I simply continued to walk

I saw various rooms with different sorts of equipment I didn't recognize

There were many strange looking people I didn't recognize but I could tell they weren't human and then I continued walking through the hallway to see rooms that looked awfully familiar but I wasn't sure where. I suppose it was similar to the fortress but before it was destroyed though that may be simply because I had little else for a frame of reference.

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