Chapter 10: Nightmare

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Sup everyone. This will be a shorter chapter and will include music.

Time: for bed

"Alright rest up. We're going to town tomorrow" Argos told us before he went into his room.

Both Auri and I dressed out of our clothes and into something better for sleeping.

Auri was wearing an oversized T shirt that was pink with a rabbit on it. Meanwhile I wore white bra and panties with a regular sized purple T shirt.

Auri and I went to our bed (which was technically in the living room which was technically in the kitchen and after turning the lights off I drifted off to sleep.

Auri POV
Time: Unknown
Location: Unknown
I was in darkness. This location. It seemed familiar but... much darker


What was that?

"Momma? Poppa? Auntie? Liz? Mr Argos?" I called out in hopes of finding someone but no luck

That strange noise again louder this time...

"Gotta keep moving. Can't stop here." Gotta encourage myself and stay strong

I continued through the strange murky landscape until I reached what looked like a village.

"Maybe there's someone here." I went into the village hoping to find someone

I knocked on the door.
"Hello! Anyone there?"

"Someone... anyone?" Where is everyone

After what felt like 10 minutes a door finally opened

But what came out wasn't a person... it was some sort of skeleton like creature except it was... bleeding?

The skeleton looked at me with its soulless gaze and I felt it.

Fear... paralyzing fear.

I gotta move my legs I have to run I have to get away

Why can't I move




the creature started lumbering towards me leaving a trail of blood behind it

It's arm began to extend reaching towards me

But all of a sudden it stopped moving

Everything was becoming darker and harder to see. The skeleton quickly forgot about me and began to run. The darkness was engulfing the entire village to the point I could barely see in front of me.

Thankfully I could finally move my legs again but then I heard a blood curdling screech resound throughout the village

before I had a chance to even process what happened I heard a loud crash as one of the houses was destroyed in an instant and something that sounded like maniacal laughter filled the air

"Grrrhhaaaagrrrrhaaaaa grrrrhhhaaaaaaaaaaa"

I have to run now

Some music to set the scene (Metallic bow fight from Mary Skelter nightmares)

I didn't even stop to think as I turned around and ran as fast as my legs would let me. I had to get away and get away now.

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