Chapter 3: Trial by combat.

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Well so much for updating once a week... heh. Sorry bout that.

Hello there everyone. Before we get started you may have noticed the romance tag. I am just going to say this now.
That would be Pedophilia and that shit is not ok and I will not give any ground on that.
Anyways in this chapter we see why I gave it a mature content warning.

With all that out of the way let's continue:

"Well well well what do we have here?" A voice said distracting me from my thoughts. I looked up to see what appeared to be 4 scruffy looking men.

Hmmmm. My gut is telling me there's probably another one hiding

Regardless I decided to ignore them and went to fill up the bucket with water only to quickly have a blade start poking into my side.

"Oi don't ignore me ya whore!" Irritation clear in his voice.

"The hell do you want then?" I was tired and grumpy and did not feel like dealing with this shit right now.

"Looks like we got ourselves a decent haul boys. Not often you find a domesticated succubus." The presumed leader said sneering.

"You're gonna make us a lot of money. Bern tie-" I zoned out not very interested in what the reject mercenaries had to say.

I was cold and tired. I wanted to get back to the shed, rinse off and sleep. I didn't care what these dipshits had to say...

Only to immediately feel immense pain course throughout my body.

I looked down to see a lot of blood but also my remaining wing. The jackass cut it off.

"AAaa-aaahhh" my breathing grew staggered and I barely had the energy to cry out in pain.

I brought my eyes up to see the 4 of them laughing. These bastards just cut my wing off and now they're laughing.

[Observation: this is a great opportunity for slaughter]

I did a quick look over picking out which one I should target first then did a quick look back at the shed. Hopefully Auri would be safe.

"Oi Dars go check the shed. If ya find anyone drag em out here or kill em. I don't care which."

"Guess that's the first target then."

"What was that bi-" dumbass never got to finish his sentence as a spear of ice went through his mouth and came out the back side of his head. Blood and bits of brain stem coming out the other side.

"You were saying?" I said mockingly as I formed another ice spear. Thankfully the cold and moist air meant I'd have a solid weapon for a while.

"THE HELL ARE YOU? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ONLY BE GOOD FOR SEX NOT ICE MAGIC!" I could tell the leader was pissed but also pissing himself.

"You cut my wing off. What made you think I was going to let that slide?"

"Bern, Razef, change of plans. Kill the bitch. We'll still make some money off of the corpse of a demon." The leader said.

The one called Bern looked to be on the larger side but lacking brain cells. He was holding some sort of chain but otherwise not much for weapons.

Razef on the other hand looked more unhinged with bloodlust all over his face with twin Hatchets in hand.

Then there was the leader. He was armed with a Short-sword and what looked like a leather shield.

Thankfully while they were now focused on my they weren't exactly coordinated. Bern swung his chain while Razef charged at me but all I had to do was dodge to my left and the chain came down on Razefs arm causing him to drop his hatchet.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!" He screamed out in pain but I didn't stop to listen. I picked up his hatchet and threw it as hard as I could towards Bern causing the hatchet to bury in his skull. Honestly probably the most regular death of the bunch.

Razef didn't seem to care too much for his dead partner but didn't care for me using his weapon as he started swinging his remaining Hatchet wildly managing to land a strike in my right shoulder causing me to wince in pain.

He started to laugh maniacally as scoring some damage but it was short lived as I shoved my hand through his chest then pulled out fast taking blood and intestines with it.

All that remained was the leader but unfortunately with the corpse of mr psycho on me I couldn't see him until it was too late.

As soon as I forced Razefs body off of me I felt another surge of pain. The asshat stabbed me in the stomach and left the blade in.

"So what ya killed some thugs. That just means I don't ave to pay em." He started to laugh.

Unfortunately he was smarter than the others. Grabbing me with his right hand while keeping his shield shoved in my face with his left. I couldn't use my spear this close either and there was the matter of a sword still being stuck in side me as well as my wing being amputated and an axe taking out my right shoulder. Barely able to do more than scratch him but at least it could break the skin.

"You caused me a lot of trouble bitch so I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna kill ya first and then fuck your warm holes till I'm satisfied. Then I'm gonna go into that little house you have and take whoever it is you were fighting so hard for as my prize."

This bastard. Cmon Liz think of something what else could there be... wait I still have a tail.
I moved my tail into position and jabbed as hard as I could and it was enough to distract him. So I took the opportunity and put my left hand where I scratched him open earlier.

"GLACIAL SPIKES!" I yelled and with that the fight was over.

He started to freeze from the inside. Some organs ruptured from rapidly expanding but that wasn't the end as dozens of small ice spears stabbed through his body from the inside out. Simply put his corpse was properly ventilated.

With the fight over I started staggering back to the shed with pain and exhaustion fighting to see which would overtake me first.


Gee ya don't say.

I'm not sure how but I noticed one last person running off in a different direction.

Part of me thought I should give chase but my body said no. So I guess there was a 5th bandit but for some reason he didn't want to join in. Can't imagine why...

I opened the door to the shed but after that I was spent. I fell in the floor with a sword still stuck in me bleeding out rather fast. I guess this is it but hopefully Auri can keep going for a while.

"Liz? Liz?!?! LIZ!" I heard her voice say going from surprise to concern but after that the world started to go dark.

At least I was able to keep her safe for a bit.


And then darkness.

And that's the end of this chapter...
Heh sorry I've been gone for a month. Lost my old job and was very busy with my new one. Hopefully I'll be able to crank out another chapter or 2 in the next few weeks.

Until then take care.

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