Chapter 5

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January 17th, 2020

Tupac sat at his desk with his fist balled. Suge had finally taken it too far and Tupac was tired of it. Without Tupac knowing, Suge decided it was okay to pull a prank on Janet and Shania that left them in fear. When Tupac got home that night, his entire outside home was trashed and there were teenagers and adults in his backyard. He was so pissed he almost choked one of the men to death. "Ah there he is, I have another-"

"No! Have you lost your mind Suge? My wife and kids were in harm's way and you thought it was okay to play with their life? Aw hell nah, you can take your missions and leave me the hell alone." Suge chuckled darkly. "You're gonna regret that..mark my words." Suge left Tupac's office and Tupac got a sudden chill down his back. He looked at the security system and saw Janet was laughing and playing with Eissa. He smiled to himself and got back to his work.

January 19th, 2020

When Tupac got back in his office, there was a sudden note on his desk. He looked at it and read "Look at your security system. - love Suge." Tupac looked at the security system and his heart dropped. Janet was struggling with one of Suge's men and she was screaming. He turned up the volume and could hear her cries. "Please no! Please I'm innocent I swear!" One of them forced her and pinned her on the couch while another tied her up. "No please, please don't do this! NO!" Tupac ran out of his office and got into his car.

Tupac drove home so fast he almost got into an accident. He had said no to Suge and realized that his wife and children were at home and he had two other kids in California that could've easily been harmed. He finally got home and hurried into the house. Janet was still struggling with the men and Tupac shot both of them. He untied her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry babygirl..I'm right here.." She was shaking and had blood on her from the struggling. "Shania..Eissa! My babies they're upstairs!"

Tupac slowly walked upstairs with Janet. He pulled out another gun and handed it to her "Nia? Hey lil square..where y'all at?" Tupac could hear a from the bedroom and he looked at Janet. "Stay right here.." Tupac whispered to Janet and she nodded. Tupac slowly made his way to the door and stopped before slowly opening it.

When he peeked in nobody was in there. He peeked in the closet and seen Shania tied up with tape on her mouth. "Oh my god." He tore the tape off her mouth and untied her. She was shaking and she was extremely cold. "What happened?"

"T-they took Eissa. The pulled him out of my a-arms, I tried so hard to pull him back but one of them was so strong..I put up a fight and I even put some down in the process..but they still took him." Janet was in the hallway shaking and her breathing had changed. The look in her eye was something Pac had seen before. "Baby? Calm down for me..please."

Janet walked past him and opened the big closet door. She pushed a box away from one of the walls in the closet and put a key through the wall. It suddenly opened like a door and Tupac looked in shock. There were knives, guns, a silver bat and a red metal bat. There was also a spiked bat that had a spider and Janet's intials on it. Janet bagged mostly everything and closed the door and put the box right back where it was.

Janet cocked a gun and looked at Tupac. "You got five minutes to tell me what trouble you done got yourself into or you might not make it out this mothafucka alive." Tupac's heart started racing and he got a sudden chill down his spine. Janet's voice had gotten a lil dark and a tiny bit deeper than usual. "I was trying to protect y'all I swear I was. I ain't know that if I refused to do this shit, he would go so far as to take Eissa."

"Who is "he" Pac?" Tupac sighed. "'s suge."

"I thought his ass was locked up! How the fuck he get out?!"

"He was bailed out by somebody. I don't know who but somebody paid for his bail." Janet picked up the bag and went outside to put it in the car. "Wherever his ass is going, he ain't going far, I know how Suge works, he worked for me for crying out loud."

"How do you know he isn't on a plane somewhere with my child?"

"He wouldn't..he likes a chase. Like cat and mouse, we're the cat, he's the mouse."

"What if we catch the mouse?"

"You don't want to know." Shania got in the back seat and Tupac started up the car. They drove for so long, it felt like there was no end. Finally, they stopped at an abandoned warehouse. "This is the same place I shot the drug lord.."

"You shot a drug lord???" Janet looked back at a shocked Shania. "It's a lot your father has done, just stay right here and if you see something, call us..or the police."

"Don't call the police." Janet glared at Tupac as he got the car. "Call the police." Janet whispered to Shania and she nodded her head. Janet walked in the warehouse with Pac and Suge was sitting at a desk, opening a small white bag. "I thought you'd follow me here.."

"Suge I just want my son back..please. We really don't have to do this." Suge smirked and motioned one of his men towards a door and they opened it. Eissa was sitting on a chair, playing with a rubix cube and it was visible that he had been crying.

"Mommy!" Eissa ran to Janet and she hugged him tightly. "My beautiful prince." She kissed his face and giggled. "I okay mommy. I fight off big men with my strength." Eissa flexed and Janet hugged him tightly. "You had me so scared bubba.." Janet made eye contact with Suge and something in her changed. "Bubba, your sister is in the car, go outside and sit with her, mommy and daddy will be right back." Eissa ran outside to the car and knocked on the door, scaring Shania. Shania opened the door and saw Eissa holding a rubix cube. "Buddy! Oh my god you're okay."

"I fine, I fight off big men!" Shania giggled and hugged Eissa. She closed the car door and kept Eissa as close as possible. A few gun shot rang off and Eissa jumped. "Mommy!"

"Shh she's okay, she's fine I promise." Eissa cried in Shania's shoulder and Shania rubbed his back. Janet had shot two of Suge's men and Suge didn't even flinch. "What the hell do you want from us Suge?"

"I want what was taken away from me, my freedom." Janet shot at him but he dodged it. "When you got released from prison, you got it back."

"I didn't." Suge shot at Janet and she sucked down. Tupac shot one of Suge's goons in the eyes and foot while Janet tried to shoot Suge. "Suge give it up! We can all leave here alive if you turn yourself back in and you let this behind you."

"No! I won't!" Just then, more of Suge's goons started coming in. Janet reloaded her gun and started shooting. Tupac pulled out another one and started shooting with Janet. Janet finally got good aim at Suge and shot him three times. Two of Suge's goons helped him out the warehouse without Janet and Pac knowing. When Janet looked up, Suge was gone. "We gotta get outta here, right now." Tupac checked to see if everything was clear and then made a run for it. When they got out there, the police were outside. "Miss Jackson, we'll make sure this gets no coverage at all. We've got a strong track on Mr. Knight." Shania and Eissa were still in the car and Janet ran over to them.

"Mommy! You alright!" Eissa hugged Janet tightly. "My beautiful prince..mommy's got you." Janet kissed Eissa's cheek and Shania's forehead. "Mommy you very strong! Are you a superhero?"

"Every mother is a super hero baby." Meanwhile, Victoria was at her house when she heard a soft knock at her door. She opened it to see Ida. "Hey baby." Ida kissed Victoria softly and closed the door. "How have you been beautiful?"

"I've been good! I missed you though, I've been thinking about you a lot Ida."

"I've been thinking about you too..and I've been wondering about if we could take it to the next level.." Ida pulled her closer and gripped her ass.

"I'll be gentle..I promise." Ida tongue kissed Victoria and pushed her onto the couch. Suddenly Victoria's phone rang and she answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey sis it's Kendra. You busy cause..girl I gotta tell you sum." Victoria signaled Ida off her and she adjusted on her couch. "What's up?"

"So I met this guy named Trevante and he's so fine, but I'm scared to go out with him."

"Don't be scared sis. Go out with him and if you don't like this date, there's other men out there sweetheart." Kendra smiled. "Thank you Vicky, you're literally the best. I'll call you after my date." Victoria ended the call and looked over at Ida. "So..where were we?"

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