Chapter 27

201 10 13

June 5th, 2020

As the family sat around the table, it was extremely quiet. Deija, was a guest at the table and she sat by Shania, who was picking at the small bits of food on her plate. Shania couldn't stand the silence and the clanging of forks and plates annoyed her. "Why y'all so quiet?" Tupac and Janet smirked while Shania's siblings and few cousins, who she liked, tried not to laugh. "Baby finish your food."

"Mom we've been sitting at this table for almost an hour. I'm full and I'm bored."

"Well if you're so bored Shania, go do something, yeah?" Uncle Chris' wife, Sasha, had a bone to pick with Shania ever since Shania revealed that Chris raped her. She didn't like Janet and Tupac was dead to her for all she cared, but she wouldn't say that out loud, because Pac and Janet thinks Sasha is on their side 100%.

"You know what Auntie Sasha? You ain't said nothing but a word. Everybody, I have an announcement to make!" Sasha rolled her eyes as Shania stood up at the table.

"Well as you all know, I'm going to be a senior next year and that means college, independence, and I'm also turning 18. But before all this stuff, in middle school, I questioned myself a lot. I questioned my hair, my skin sadly, my weight, my speech, and many other things about my mind and body. But there was one thing I was never too sure of, my sexuality. I never really knew what I was on days and it was so...confusing. As the days went by and I got to know people my age, they seemed to have it all together, but they really didn't. Until one day, I met Deija. I've been knowing Deija, and her brother Demario since sixth grade, and ever since then, they've shown me nothing but love and respect. But Deija, Deija is more special than you think. She's my best friend, and I wouldn't change that even if I could. She taught me a lot. But when it comes to my sexuality, I didn't know what I was, until I asked my mother how she felt and after that day, I felt comfortable enough to say, I am bisexual." The whole table was shocked and quiet.

"Go Shania! Woohoo!" Eissa cheered and clapped for Shania making her laugh. Victoria, John, Kendra, some of Shania's cousins, and other family members were clapping and cheering. When Shania looked over at her mother, there were tears rolling down her face. "You make me so proud to call you my child." Shania smiled and hugged her mother. "You know you got my support kiddo, always will, always has." Pac kissed Shania's cheek. "Wait, y'all accept that shit in my house?" Sasha's daughter, Vanessa asked. "What's wrong with being bisexual Vanessa?"

".. Nothing." Vanessa was clearly bothered but Janet didn't pay it any mind. After the dinner, Shania was scrolling on TikTok and liking the congratulations comments after coming out to her parents. She checked her following list to look for a friend but realized, most of the family had her blocked.

She quietly laughed to herself. "And so it begins." Shania knew it was coming, she just didn't know when though. After Shania deactivated her Instagram and became extremely famous on twitter and tiktok, her family was already pissed. Not to mention, the days she'd call them out on social media and embarrass them.

"Girl, yo family is really trippin! One of them posted on they story "keep that gay shit away from me." Deija and Shania busted out laughing. "Oh this shit is really hilarious. Guess what they also did? Blocked me on all my social media."

"Are you for real? They really don't like you, but they gon get they karma soon. Hey I'm finna go outside real quick to get some air."

"Well let me go wit you cause I need it."

"Uh I actually want to go alone if you don't mind." Shania shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever floats-" And then it hit her. Shania knew Deija wasn't clean, so why would she go outside by herself. "Deija I'm not slick, give me the stuff." Deija kissed her teeth and emptied her pockets. "Ma! I need the clear bin please!" Janet came in Shania's room and but Deija's stuff in the clear bin. "Don't worry Deija, we're here to help you, and I know it's hard but you'll get through it okay?" Deija nodded and Janet kissed Deija's forehead. Suddenly, a scream was heard from Eissa's room. Everybody ran into his room to see Eissa screaming and crying on the floor and fighting with his blanket. "Baby it's mommy, it's mommy I'm right here!" Eissa held on to his mother as tight as he could. "I don't wanna go back, I don't wanna go back!" Eissa screamed and cried hard. "You won't go back, momma got you, momma got you." Shania had noticed Eissa had wet himself again. This was the 6th time he's done it. "Mom, there's something you need it know."

"What?" Eissa was red in the face and looked at Shania. Shania signaled Eissa to speak.

"'s been hurting me. He's been hurting me and he won't stop touching me." Eissa broke down in tears again and Janet almost saw the rest of her life flash before her eyes. "What's he been doing baby tell mommy."

"He sniffs this white powder stuff in front of me and when he does he gets angry and starts to hit me. Then his lady friend..she touched me and..and she.."

"And she what Eissa? What did she do?? I won't get mad at you baby I swear I won't." Janet sat Eissa back on his bed to look at him. "She touched me where you told me never to allow anyone to touch me. I'm sorry mommy, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't stop messing with me and dad laughed when she did it. Dad also threatened to hurt daddy and he threatened to do something to Shania. He said he couldn't wait to get her in a closed room."

Janet could've sworn she saw Jesus after hearing all of this because she absolutely didn't know what to do. She was at the final straw with Wissiam and she softly chuckled. "Don't worry, mommy's gonna get this cleaned up okay? Deija run Eissa some bathwater, Shania call your father, it looks like Damita is going to be home for a while."

We're finally at the last chapter of this book y'all! I know it's a lil short but I promise I'll make it up to y'all for book 3.

How do we feel about Shania coming out and some of the family members blocking her? How do y'all feel about Shasha, Chris' wife and her daughter Vanessa? What about Deija? How long do you think she'll be able to handle living with Shania and get family for the rest of the summer?

And Janet's reaction to Eissa confessing about his father? What do y'all think Damita is going to do and y'all's thoughts on who Wissiam's lady friend is?

Thank y'all for the support of book 2! Book 3 will have more drama, more crying, and more smut since y'all love that shit ya little nasty fucks.

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