Chapter 1

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The moonlight barely lit up the cell. Y/n couldn't remember how long it had been since she was kidnapped by HYDRA. Her body was covered in gashes and bruises from the repeated abuse and one could see her bones starting to protrude from the lack of sustenance.
Heck, she even started to forget her life prior to being caged. All y/n could think of was her little sister's face as she screamed before y/n was knocked out and thrown to the ground. What was her name again? Oh shit. She couldn't remember. Tears started to well in her eyes ashamed that she couldn't remember the name of the most important person in her life. Ashamed that she didn't do her job of protecting her.

The door to y/n 's cell slid open and three men walked inside.

"Hello, girl. It smells in here!" The man in the middle says as he approaches y/n. He was the one who has been coming in every day to torture her.

She tried to scoot away but her back hits the wall. He then grabs y/n by the throat and drags her up the wall as she gasps for air.
"I'm going to break you and make you into my bitch. You have potential." He says while maliciously chuckling.
Y/n 's vision begins to blur and then she drops to the floor when he lets her go. She coughs up some blood into her hand.
"We're going to have some fun." She gets knocked out with a punch to her head.

Y/n wakes up in a chair with something metal squeezing her head. There's something in her mouth preventing her from closing it and all she's wearing is a sports bra and leggings. Pain begins to surge in her head as the metal compresses it and she lets out a blood curling scream. Tears stream down y/n 's face in agony. She begins to lose her grip on any remaining memories she has left. No remanence of her sister exists in her head, only the sheer pain she's enduring at that moment.

4 months later

"Here's your job for today." Y/n marches up to the man to receive your mission. She has a stonecold face, toned body but still skinny due to barely being fed.

"The Avengers are planning an attack on our base tonight, I need you to go to their headquarters while they're away and retrieve the scepter they stole from us."
She nods and heads over to the jet field and sets off on her journey from Europe to New York.

The jet lands a few miles away from the Avengers base in upstate New York, so y/n sets on foot for the rest of the way. She walks through the woods in the night being careful not to make any noise.

She's able to make it past the gates with ease, almost too easy. She didn't think too much of it as she carried on with her mission to take the scepter which contained the mind stone, or so that's what HYDRA told y/n. In reality, they knew the mind stone was used on the Vision. The Avengers weren't even planning an attack on the HYDRA base at all. Y/n was bait for an even bigger mission. To gain the Avenger's trust and later stab them in the back when it was time for them to attack HYDRA in the future.

*In Avengers base*

F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerts the Avengers that there is an unknown aircraft that landed three miles from their base. She also detects an unknown heat signature heading towards the base.

"They're by themselves? That's weird." Natasha says skeptically.

"Suit up, we don't know who or what this is. We need to be prepared." Steve tells everyone in the room which comprises Nat, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, and Steve himself.

"Heat signature is past the gate. Shall I initiate defense protocol?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces. "No, open the door, we're going out." Steve runs out with the rest of them running behind him as they go outside to meet with the super soldier who was not prepared for this.

All y/n had with her was a gun and a mask covering her nose and mouth. When she saw Captain America and everyone else come out she began to shoot, but she knew she was outmatched.

"Who are you? Who do you work for?" Cap yelled from a distance while walking towards her and blocking the bullets with his shield.

Y/n doesn't answer him. She isn't sure what she should do. All of a sudden she is encased in red wisps and her gun is pulled out of her hands. The red energy slams her into the ground and ties her hands behind her back. Y/n groans in pain and is surrounded by Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon, the Winter Soldier, the Vision, and Wanda Maximoff who's eyes were glowing red and continued to hold her down.

Bucky's eyes widened. He knew y/n was from HYDRA, but he wasn't sure why she came here all by herself. He glanced at Steve and tried to hint to him what he was thinking, but Steve pulled y/n up and gripped her arms tightly while taking her into the compound. Wanda still held on as well just in case y/n tried to escape, but y/n knew that there was no way out, she failed her mission.

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