Chapter 7

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Wanda was awakened by a ray of light that seeped through a part of the window that wasn't completely blocked by the curtain. She rubbed her eyes and slowly became aware that y/n was cuddling her, her feet were intertwined with Wanda's, her arm around Wanda's waist, her breath hitting the back of Wanda's neck. Wanda smiled at the thought of this moment, but she knew she had to get up for training so that Nat doesn't murder her if she wasn't there exactly at 7. She placed a pillow to not wake up y/n to the feeling that she had left, and she quietly got ready and left for the gym.

About 3 hours after Wanda had gone, y/n woke up from her peaceful slumber. She for once didn't have nightmares, which she believed was all thanks to Wanda being near her. However, y/n didn't want this to be a nightly thing because she didn't want to impede on Wanda's space. She got up and made Wanda's bed before walking down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. 

Bucky was there looking like he was trying to cook something, but it didn't smell all that appealing. "Good morning, uh what are you making?" Bucky noticed y/n coming down, but he didn't think she would actually talk to him after he hurt her. "Well, you see. I'm trying to make pancakes and bacon, but I don't think it's working properly," he gave a wary chuckle knowing that his concoction resembled nothing to a pancake batter. Y/n walked over and took a look at his batter and it was very thick, almost like dough that was too wet. "Why did you make it so thick? It should be liquidy, not like dough for bread." Bucky rubbed the back of his neck and cringed at the consistency of the batter he made, and he made one pancake using that batter which looked like a ball of burnt bread. "Why don't I make the pancakes while you do the bacon, you can at least cook bacon, right?" "Psh of course I can cook bacon," he side-eyed y/n. "Are you kidding? You can't cook bacon either? You just put it on a pan and cook it. Come on, dude." She teased Bucky making his face blush in embarrassment. "Here, you can be my sous chef, I'll show you how to make this stuff so that next time you don't make pan-bread," y/n smiled.

*30 minutes later* 

There were now three stacks of golden brown pancakes and a large plate of bacon sitting on the kitchen counter ready to be eaten. Bucky high-fived y/n in accomplishment and waited for everyone to shower and come back from their training. First to arrive were Sam and Nat, both rushing to get as much food as they can before the others arrived. "Hey hey hey, you guys can get more food once everyone gets at least the first plate," Bucky said sternly. Nat and Sam looked at each other before shamefully putting back some of the food on their plates and went to sit down at the dining table. Steve, Vision, Tony, and Wanda all came down at the same time and were excited to see the food that was the source of the sweet aroma traveling around the compound. Vision, of course, doesn't eat, so he sat at the table anyways. Y/n and Bucky were last to get a plate of the food they made and sat next to one another at the table with Wanda on y/n's other side. "Bucky did you make all of this? Sam and I bet that you were gonna miserably fail," Steve laughed while everyone else tried to stifle the laugh. "I did miserably fail, but then y/n came down and helped me. She did all of the work," Bucky shook y/n's shoulder and grinned. "These are some of the best pancakes I've ever had," Nat admitted as she got up to get seconds. The rest of the team nodded in agreement and sporadic 'mhms' making y/n smile. 

After talking and joking over breakfast, y/n wanted to go on a run outside, but Steve, Nat, and Tony were wary about letting her go out on her own. "They don't trust me, huh. This isn't that much better than being locked up in a cell. This time I'm being imprisoned in a giant building with people who pretend they care for me, but they only care about themselves," y/n thought while she made her way to the gym. She went to the punching bag first, pummeling it until her strength knocked off its hook and split the bag open. The others never noticed y/n's strength because she didn't show it off. The time she hurt Wanda could be an example, but Bucky and Wanda just thought Wanda was just caught off guard at the moment. Y/n noticed the row of split punching bags on the ground and a few brand new ones on the other side, so she carried the 200 lbs bag with ease and put it along with the tattered ones, and hooked on a new one. Y/n used this time to let out her anger, her trauma, and her fear, all into the remaining punching bags until there were none left. It was about an hour and a half since she started, so she decided that she was done for the day.

Her body was now glistening with sweat, and now her body didn't show her lack of sustenance like it once did. Now she was toned all throughout, gaining looks of the guys whenever she would walk into a room. Y/n went to take a shower, but she wasn't lost in her memories like she was the last time. She was now deciding what she's going to do. Can she really stay here? These people don't trust her, and maybe they never truly will. They won't see her as one of them, they'd gladly throw her in front of a bus if it means to save one of their own. She knew they wouldn't let her leave because then they'd just hunt her down. Of course, she never wanted to go back to HYDRA. But it's not like y/n had anywhere else to go. In the meantime, she decided to just stay here. She washed off the last of the soap on her body and dried off. She put on sweatpants and a hoodie. She skipped lunch because she had a fairly large breakfast, and now it was 5 pm, so she went to the common area to see if there was a plan for dinner.

When she stepped out of the elevator, she heard Steve yelling. "Bucky I know you did it! The next shipment of punching bags doesn't come until next week and you used up all of mine in one day!" "I told you it wasn't me! You can go look at the security camera yourself!" Bucky shot back. They were standing in between the living room and kitchen while everyone else stared from the living room. When y/n came in, everyone glanced at her. "Fine, if you didn't do it then who did." "Did what?" y/n asked. "All of my punching bags are split open, I was trying to make them last a week before the next shipment comes." A guilty look spread across y/n's face and she looked down. Everyone glared at her in shock wondering how she managed to do that. "It was you? How? They're 200 lbs bags?" Tony said with a curious tone. "I'm just strong I suppose, I don't know." 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" "Yes, Mr. Stark?" "Please pull up security footage from the gym starting at 1 pm." Then a hologram of y/n in the gym was being played and a display of her sheer strength was witnessed by the entire group. All of their jaws dropped as she split open one bag after another. "She's a super soldier..." Steve said lowly. They all stared back at y/n who wasn't sure what to do. "Uh, why are you guys staring?" They all pulled their eyes away except for Wanda who already knew after looking through her memories. "Bruce is coming tomorrow, I'll have him run some tests on her," Tony announced. "No you will not," y/n protested and her voice shaking. "I don't want to go through that again," tears began to well up in her eyes as she ran off to the hallway and crouched down with her knee pulled up to her chest. She remembered the terrible pain from HYDRA's experiments, being electrocuted, injected, stabbed, broken ribs, everything was playing in her head. 

She soon felt a hand on her knee and was suddenly brought back to reality, but the tears in her eyes blurred her vision. "Aw, y/n." It was Wanda. "Bruce isn't going to hurt you. We aren't HYDRA. We just need to know what they did to you so that you don't get hurt." "Bullshit," y/n mumbled. "What?" "Bullshit! This is bullshit!" y/n screamed making Wanda take a step back and pulled her hand away. The others quickly came over to hear the commotion. "You don't want to help me! You're just using me to help yourselves! I don't matter to you! I never well! You wouldn't give a second thought if you had to choose between killing me or saving your own asses! I'm better off just brainwashed!" y/n cried. Sobs escaped from her mouth causing her entire body to move along with the motion. She was still curled up on the ground as everyone stared at her. She felt everyone's eyes so she quickly got up and ran to the elevator to get to her room.

"I mean she's not wrong," Sam mumbled and everyone shot him a deadly glance.

Revelation: Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now