Chapter 4

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Wanda's eyes began to glow red and she brought her hand up to y/n's head. In a matter of seconds, both Wanda and y/n relived all of y/n's memories. Wanda's eyes went back to their normal greenish/blue color and she sat down next to y/n.

"Wow, I'm sorry you went through all of that." Wanda empathized with y/n. Y/n then burst into tears, heaving sobs when she remembered her life, her family, her sister, and her trauma. It was as if all of the pieces of the puzzles finally matched together. 

"Y/n, you'll get through this. You have me. I'll be here with you every step of the way. I've experienced a tremendous amount of loss as well, and Bucky was used by HYDRA in a similar way as you. We will all help you." Wanda held y/n tightly as y/n cried into the crook of Wanda's neck with her tears drenching Wanda's shirt, but Wanda didn't care.

Y/n calmed down and chuckled. "Y/n. That's my name huh." She wiped her tears and collected herself. "I'm sorry for drenching your shirt." 

"Oh don't be sorry. I need to take a shower anyways and you just gave me a headstart." Wanda joked making y/n giggle as she picked up the sandwich Wanda made her and took a bite. 

Y/n finally felt like she could trust someone. She felt safe with Wanda, and Wanda was happy to help y/n through this. 

"I've gotta go, but I'll see you when I bring your dinner later." Wanda got up and headed, taking one last glance at y/n before shutting the cell door and going into the elevator.

"Wanda you have to tell us what you saw in her mind," Tony demanded as he stood with his arms crossed. Wanda rubbed her eyes with two fingers before slamming the table with her fist.

"As I said at least twenty times before, I will not! I am not going to break her trust because then she will never open up to any of us again!" Wanda screamed at Tony leaving him, Nat, Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Vision wide-eyed.

"Well, then you can just read her mind whenever," Bucky snorted. Wanda got up and held Bucky up in the air with her energy, eyes glowing red and face enraged. 

"Say that again, James," Wanda threatened. "Say that again and I will throw you out the window." 

"Wanda put him down!" Steve yelled running up to her. 

Wanda scoffed and brought him down in a rough landing. Bucky groaned "that'll teach me to never mess with Wanda" as he rubbed his back. 

"All I can say is that she went through a lot of pain. The equivalent of mine and Bucky's, maybe even more. We can't just use her for information on HYDRA, we need to treat her like a human before we do any of that." Wanda made her way towards the door before saying "You think I'd give you any information about her when you didn't even ask for her name?" Wanda shook her head in disappointment and walked to her bedroom. 

"She's right," Natasha confessed. "We're better than this, when did we become like this?" Steve put her hand on Nat's shoulder. "I don't know, Nat, but it looks like this girl has no one, so we need to help her."

Wanda stared at her ceiling thinking about y/n's memories. 

"Please! Don't take her! Take me instead! She's only thirteen! We have nobody! Leave her and take me!" Y/n pleaded as the HYDRA agents dragged her sister away.

"Y/n, help me! I don't wanna go!" Her sister screamed. Y/n was held on the ground by a HYDRA agent until she brought up her leg and kicked him the balls. He fell to the ground and she charged at the two men dragging her sister away. 

Y/n kicked them both in the back of their knees causing them to fall to the ground releasing her sister. "Run! Run away, Liv! I'll hold them off. I'll meet you at our place like always," Y/n smiled and embraced her sister one last time before she nodded and sprinted away with tears streaming down her face. 

Three gunshots went off and her sister fell to the ground with no movement at all. Y/n fell to her knees and a blood-curling scream echoed around the walls of the buildings on the street. Then one of the HYDRA agents knocked y/n out with the butt of his gun.

Wanda quickly sat up in her bed when she heard a knock on her door. Her face was wet, but she didn't remember crying. "Come in," Wanda mumbled, barely even coherent. 

Tony walked in and saw Wanda's eyes red from crying and rushed to her side. "What's the matter why are you crying?" Tony giving her a side hug.

"I was thinking about her memories, and there's this one that's just terrible. It reminds me too much of Pietro," Wanda covered her face with her hands and let out a sob. Tony rubbed her back "She lost a sibling, too? That's terrible." 

Wanda wiped her face and cleared her throat. "I never said sibling. Are you trying to get fucking information out of me? Still? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Wanda screamed.

"Wanda, no, I wasn't trying to do that." Tony put his hands up. "I came here to tell you that we want to take her out of the cell tomorrow night so that she can build bonds with all of us. She doesn't seem to be a threat anymore." 

"Really? Well, okay. I think we should get Bruce up here for a bit to run some tests on her, I think she may have PTSD." Wanda got up and brushed out her hair with her fingers.

"I'll do that right now." Tony got up and smiled at Wanda and made his way out. "One more thing, what's her name?" Tony asked as he opened the door.

Wanda smirked. "Y/n, her name is y/n y/l/n." 

"That's a very pretty name," Tony replied before shutting the door and unlocking his phone to call Bruce Banner.

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