Chapter 19

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"Loki..." Wanda began to say until she was interrupted. "Stop, just stop," y/n spoke up. "You have no right to say anything about my family after trying to kill my cousin. And I believed you actually cared about me," y/n laughed in disbelief. 

"Y/n, I need to explain," Wanda's heart sank at y/n's words. She attacked Loki BECAUSE she cared about y/n so much, but y/n wouldn't let her speak. "No, I don't want to hear it. Thor, take us back, please," y/n closed her eyes shut and turned away from Wanda, who began to run towards her. "Wait! Y/n please!" Wanda cried out running as fast as she could, but she was too late.

Thor raised Mjolnir and the four of them were gone, leaving behind a circle with intricate markings on the ground where they all once were. Wanda fell to her knees and ran her hands through her hair. Nat rushed to her side to help her, Wanda was having difficulty catching her breath. Even though the weight of y/n's trauma was gone, it was replaced with her own. This moment just added to it.

"Breathe, Wanda, breathe," Nat rubbed circles on Wanda's back as she slowly caught her breath. The rest of the Avengers came up and sat in front of her as she collected herself. "What did Loki do, Wanda," Steve interjected. Nat darted her eyes at him, trying to signal that this clearly wasn't the right time for this talk.

"He's the one who was with HYDRA when she was first brainwashed. I saw him in her memories, but I don't think she remembers him there. I have a lot more explaining to do and it's going to take a while to get through it all," Wanda explained with her tear-filled looking down at the ground. 

"Well we've got time," Tony replied. "Get comfortable everyone."

*30 minutes later*

"Okay, so you've been able to see y/n's memories every night since she's been gone? And she possessed you? Twice? I have to admit, I was so confused as to why you were free-falling, but I didn't want to say anything. And also, she's Thor's cousin?" Tony thought out loud trying to make sense of Wanda's explanation. 

"Yeah..." Wanda trailed off. She was expecting him to scold her for not mentioning this. "Why didn't you tell us?" Steve questioned. There it was. "I mean I told Vision about the nightmares, I just didn't want to because you guys don't care about her," Wanda replied coldly. Everyone expressed a guilty look, they were quite harsh when it came to y/n, but they were just protective of themselves. 

"Let's go back home. We can make a plan tomorrow, we all need rest. Especially you, Wanda," Nat suggested and everyone agreed. Vision got up and carried Wanda, who was sniffling from the tears streaming down her cheeks. The trip back was in silence, no one dared speak a word. They arrived in the evening, they ordered takeout, and ate in their separate rooms. 

Wanda knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep that night, so she was going to pick out a new show to watch until she heard a knock at the door. She unlocked it with her powers. She was expecting Vision, so she was shocked to see Tony. 

"How's your head?" Wanda had completely forgotten the small blow to the back of her head Tony had caused. "It's fine, doesn't hurt," she responded curtly. "I wanted to apologize to you, for everything. I've just-" he sighed and sat at the end of Wanda's bed, "Ever since Ultron, I've been afraid. I don't want anyone I care about to get hurt. It felt like I was the reason Pietro didn't make it. That so many people died. I'm the one who made Ultron, so it is my fault. Now I feel like it's my responsibility to keep you and everyone here safe. HYDRA has ruined so many people's lives, so yeah I didn't trust y/n. I thought she would give us the opportunity to finally take down HYDRA, but I didn't take the time to actually help her. I'm sorry, Wanda." 

He was actually sincere. Wanda took a second to gather her thoughts, but Tony took her silence as a sign for him to leave. When he was almost one foot out the door, Wanda got up and hugged him. The first hug they had ever shared. "Don't blame yourself for Pietro. You made a mistake, we all make mistakes. Just please, think about others more," Wanda said to him during their embrace. Tony rubbed Wanda's back before pulling away, giving her a smile and walking out. 

Wanda got back into bed and picked to watch Jane the Virgin. Eventually, her eyes drifted off and she fell asleep.


It had been a few hours since Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, and y/n had arrived. Loki was sleeping to help recover from the injuries he sustained from the fight. Nothing major, just lots of bruising. Thor introduced y/n to Odin and Frigga, both were extremely teary-eyed when meeting their young niece who had grown up so much since they had last seen her. Thor explained what had happened to her family prior to the introduction just so there wasn't any uncomfortable conversation. 

Valkyrie was there for y/n every step of the way, making sure she didn't feel out of place or lost. She took y/n to the main town and everything there was to see outside of the palace. Then it was time for dinner and Odin held a large feast in celebration of y/n's return to Asgard. Loki was feeling better, so he joined as well making y/n relieved that he was okay. Suddenly, y/n had a painful headache that came out of nowhere. Valkyrie, who was sitting next to her, looked to her in concern. 

"What's wrong?" Y/n pushed on her temples to help soothe the pain, but it did nothing. Then just as the pain came, y/n was now overcome with a rush of emotions. She restrained from showing anything at the table, so she excused herself and tried to get to a secluded area. She found a balcony overlooking Asgard and she collapsed to the floor, releasing loud sobs in between her breaths. She didn't know where this was coming from, but the sadness she felt overtook everything in her body. 

She closed her eyes and she was pulled into a vision. 

She was in a battle, red wisps were flying out of her hands attacking robots. Each one getting closer and closer to the center of where she was standing. She was protecting whatever was in the middle of this broken building, but out of nowhere, her stomach dropped. Something in her just broke. She screamed, falling to the ground and red energy spread out all throughout the area, killing every robot around her. 

Y/n knew she was in Wanda's body, experiencing her memory. She soon got up and started to head to a bus where there was a more menacing robot lying on the ground. "Wanda, if you stay here, you'll die," the robot said empathetically. Wanda crouched down to his level. "I just did. Do you know how it felt?" She then ripped his robot heart out of his chest with her magic and held it in her hand. "It felt like that," Wanda said coldly.

Moments later, the entire area was falling to the ground. She was free-falling. Then, Vision came and picked her up and flew her out to a lifeboat holding a bunch of people and the rest of the team. She then saw a man with white hair and a beard with bullet holes all over him lifeless on the floor. She slowly made her way towards him and fell to the ground once again. Her gut-wrenching sobs ached those around her. 

"Y/n, are you okay?" Loki shook her out of her daze. "Oh, uh yeah I'm fine," y/n wiped the tears from her face and brushed herself off as she got up. "I just need to get a grasp on my powers, they've really been affecting me out of nowhere lately." Loki smirked, "Well that's going to be our priority from now on," he put his arm around y/n's shoulders and stepped towards the edge of the balcony. He took a deep breath, taking in the beauty of Asgard, which he hoped would someday be his with the help of y/n. 

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