Chapter 8

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*Your POV*

I slammed the door to my room and locked it shut. I needed to get out of here, I don't want to stay here any longer. They're all just trying to use me, that's all everyone has ever done. Use me. I found a small backpack in the closet and began stuffing clothes in it. I was going to find a way out where nobody would see me or else they'd probably chain me up in the basement all over again. I looked out of the window in my room, the drop wasn't too bad since this was only the second story. I carefully unlocked the window and slid it up, then sat on the edge of it. The adrenaline rush from my anger was only driving me to go, to run away and never look back. 

I took a deep breath and jumped down onto the grass, rolling to help soften the landing. Everything was intact and so I sprinted, I sprinted to wherever my legs could take me. I didn't even look back, I just ran forward, going into the forest to avoid being seen. I may have been in a forest, but I followed the road from a distance knowing it would eventually lead to a town. The air was hot, the sun's rays were beating down on me as I now walked. I hoped they still haven't realized that I left because they could probably find me in no time. 

The sun began to set when I finally could see a small town in the distance. My stomach growled in hunger and my throat was dry. I didn't think this through, I don't even have any money to buy food. I made my way over to what looked like was a bar, I clutched my stomach from pain going without food. I've been able to go without food for days, maybe even a week, but how could I not handle 12 hours? Maybe it's because I've been properly fed over the last week thanks to Wanda shoving food down my throat for most of the time. Why did she care so much? I shook my head to get myself to stop thinking about them. The bar wasn't empty, but it also wasn't crowded. My shoes were muddy and my face had some scratches from low-lying branches in the forest. I walked up to the bartender, "could I get a water, no ice." The bald man nodded his head and picked up a clean glass in front of him and proceeded to fill it up with water from a pitcher behind him. He placed the glass on the counter and I chugged it down feeling the parchedness dissipating from my throat. "Do you want anything to drink? Besides water that is," the bartender smiled. "I don't have any money on me, I'm sorry." The bartender turned away, probably annoyed that he won't make some extra business tonight, but he came back with a beer and handed it to me. "It's on the house, it looks like you need it," he chuckled. The man looked to be middle-aged, he had a graying scruff of beard and a beer belly. "Thank you."

As I slowly drank my beer, I observed the rest of the bar. People were laughing, dancing, and just talking, nothing much happening. Then I heard a commotion at the back corner of the bar. I saw a tall guy, clearly drunk, trying to pull a girl to the front of the bar. "Come on, just one night," he whined. "Get off me! I don't know you!" the girl cried. I got up from the barstool and put my empty mug of beer on the counter, and assessed whether or not I should step in. The guy then slapped the girl with such force that she fell to the ground. That's what forced me to storm over and grab him by the throat, raising him up in the air. Everyone in the bar gasped and all rushed to get out, even the bartender ran out, too. The girl looked up at me, her eyes wet with tears and sniffling. Her hand was still on her face from where the guy hit her. He choked, trying to breathe and his face turned red "p-please l-let me g-go." I gripped even harder before dropping him to the ground. He coughed and held his throat trying to catch his breath. As soon as he huffed a few breaths he scrambled to his feet and ran out. 

The girl was clearly afraid of me by the look in her eyes, but she thanked me anyways. I knew I had to leave this place or else everyone's night was gonna be ruined, so I picked up my backpack that was by the barstool and left the bar. Everyone outside moved out of my way and went back inside the bar, the bartender didn't even make eye contact with me. "Freak," he muttered under his breath. I didn't react, I sighed and walked on. It was probably around 10 pm now and I didn't know where to camp out for the night. My stomach growled, telling me it needed to be fed, but there was nothing around to satisfy the feeling. I went to the park and decided to spend the night on a bench. It was now much colder, so I dug in my backpack for some warmer clothes until I found a folded piece of paper. 

"Meet me in front of the bar tomorrow at 10 am"

My mind began racing, who put that note in there? Definitely not the bartender, he called me a freak. I tried to remember the faces I saw at the bar, but I couldn't remember if anyone sat near me. My eyes were too heavy to keep open, so I gave up and tried to fall asleep praying that I wouldn't get any nightmares tonight, longing for Wanda's warmth. 

Revelation: Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now