Chapter 9

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*Avengers POV*

Wanda stood still as she watched y/n storm off into the elevator. She didn't feel guilty but misunderstood. She didn't mean for her words to come across the way y/n interpreted them, but how was she going to fix this. Wanda pulled on her fingers, unsure of what she should do. The entire team was still standing in their place towards the back of the hall, but Nat walked up behind Wanda and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You should just leave her alone for a while, she needs to blow off some steam before you can go in there again." Wanda turned her head towards Nat and sighed before glancing at the rest of the guys who all had concerned faces. None of them really knew how to feel about y/n, she just came out of nowhere. Not trusting her should be a given, for the moment at least. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower," Wanda pulled her shoulder off of Nat's hand and went to the elevator. Nat's heart ached for Wanda, as did Tony's. Both of them knew that this situation hit close to home for her with all of the trauma that went on with her past. The rest of the team went back into the living room area in silence. 

Sam finally broke the silence, "what should we do?" The truth was that none of them knew. Was keeping y/n in the compound safe for the team or would letting her go cause more problems? "Let's just take it one step at a time, Wilson. Wanda can try talking to her again after a bit," Rogers suggested as he gathered ingredients to make tonight's dinner. The rest of the team nodded in agreement and proceeded to lounge in the living room while Vision decided to help Steve. "I wanted to go all out and make beef wellington with a side of green beans and mashed potatoes" Steve was clearly excited so Vision quickly researched the recipes in his mind and went on with helping Steve.

Meanwhile, Wanda walked towards y/n's door but then stopped herself. She needs some space, I'll give her some space. Wanda turned back around and went into her room to get ready to take a nice long shower. She stripped out of her clothes and turned the water temperature to almost a boiling hot to help soothe her body and mind. The steam covered the mirror and metal all throughout the bathroom and increased the humidity. Wanda pushed her hair back with her hands and allowed the water to fall on the top of her head. As the water fell, so did her worries. She finally got out of the shower after 30 minutes and dried herself down. She decided to wear a plain red t-shirt with grey sweatpants before heading down to the kitchen for dinner.

Wanda decided to call down y/n to eat dinner because she realized that she had skipped lunch, so she must have been starving. Wanda remembered when she handed her the sandwich while she was in the cell, how most of her bones were showing when she first came in. It's been only a week and her body was already looking more healthy. "Hey, y/n. Let's go and eat dinner and then we can talk," Wanda called out while standing outside her door. She waited about a minute before knocking again. "Y/n open the door. Y/n?" The door was locked, but Wanda couldn't hear a single bit of noise coming from the room. She used her powers to unlock the door from the outside and rushed in to see the window was wide open. "Fuck."

Wanda rushed downstairs to the kitchen. They waited for Wanda before they began to eat. Wanda was out of breath "Y/n's gone, she ran away," the worry could be heard in Wanda's voice. The team looked up from the table and stared at Wanda with varying expressions from unphased on Sam, Bucky, and Vision's faces to apprehension on Nat's and shocked on Steve and Tony's. "Well, shit," Tony muttered. "Do we honestly need to find her? She doesn't seem much like a threat. You guys saw how she broke down when we brought up testing. I think we should just let her go," Sam admitted earning a nod from Bucky but received a head tilt and furrowed eyebrows from Wanda. "I thought you were better than that, Sam. Aren't you like a therapist for veterans? Y/n has undergone trauma just like them. Do you not see that?" Wanda was irritated by Sam's words. It was so unlike his character. "Let's eat and then we'll go look," Steve suggested and was afraid Wanda would get offended but she nodded and sat down at the table. "I'll go get a headstart," Vision stood up and phased out through the ceiling. 

The group hastily ate their food. Steve was disappointed that all of his hard work he put into making it wasn't being acknowledged, but he didn't want to mention it right now because Wanda could launch him through a wall for that. Tony finished first, "I'll go get my suit and then go see if her jet is still where she left it." One by one, everyone else was done with their food and all went outside of the compound. They all looked up at Steve. "So what's the game plan?" Nat finally broke the silence. "Oh, that's why you're staring, uh okay. So where could she have gone in such a short time?" "Her jet is still here and I haven't seen her anywhere near it," Tony announced over comms. "Maybe she went to a nearby town?" Bucky shrugged his shoulders. "I cannot seem to locate her, I have been searching on the sides of roads," Vision informed through comms. "Nat and Wanda go north to the nearest town while Bucky and I go west. Tony and Sam go south and Vision go east." Everyone went their separate ways.

*Your POV*

The bench was made out of metal, so it only made me colder. My once heavy eyes coated with the need for sleep were suddenly gone with the sound of a honking car. I tried to fall back again, but with the freezing air, the noise of traffic, and my constant racing of thoughts, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I decided to get up and walk around since sleeping wasn't much of an option. There was a lake in the middle of the park that I decided to stroll around it. 

There were street lights that reflected off of the dark lake that made the water glow a beautiful blue. There were no other people, so I figured it was most likely pretty late. There was, however, a tall figure a few hundred feet in front of me that stood facing the lake. As I got closer, he sensed my presence and turned towards me with a mischievous smile. I could make out his features as they gleamed when they were met by the street light. Long black hair, green eyes, and wore a green suit under his black trench coat. He began to walk towards me, but I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around walking back from whence I came with a worrying feeling growing in my stomach. "Hello, miss." He had an odd accent, it felt British, but not exactly. "I was wondering if you could help me?" I stopped and replied still facing the other direction "With what? Who even are you?" "I'm Loki, the god of mischief, son of Odin and brother of Thor. And you, y/n, have an important history." I turned around and noticed that he was only a few feet away from me. "What the hell are you talking about? And weren't you the guy who attacked New York? I may have been locked up for a while, but I saw that on the news before my life went to shit." The feeling in my stomach turned into anger. I remembered how he hurt so many people and destroyed New York bringing some weird aliens in to attack it. Who does this guy think he is? Was he the one who put the note in my bag? What history does he mean? Wanda already replayed all of my memories. "Yes, I did. But that's not what I need you for. I'm here to inform you of something that may be some great news to you depending on how you take it. I was going to meet you tomorrow, but I can sense that the Avengers are looking for you right now." "Well, what is this information?" He smirked, "you, y/n, are an Asgardian." 

Revelation: Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now