Chapter 20

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Wanda woke up from her dream, her covers were thrown to the ground and Jane the Virgin was still playing on the TV. She always had the same dream from that day in Sokovia, but ever since she entered y/n's mind, she hadn't had it for a while. She was caught off guard by it, she normally got used to having the same flashback so that when she came back to reality she was relatively fine, but this time she was having a meltdown. 

Nat and Steve rushed into her room hearing her screams and held her until she stopped. They were the ones who would console her from this particular nightmare, so they were thrown back that she had it again after so long. Wanda excused herself and went to the bathroom to take a shower and cool off. She slipped out of her sweats and turned her shower to an almost burning temperature that fogged up all of the mirrors and glass in the bathroom. It didn't really work, but she at least felt more refreshed afterward.

Breakfast wasn't as quiet anymore, everyone was chatting as they all made their own breakfast. Wanda decided to toast a bagel and have it with cream cheese along with sprinkling some everything bagel seasoning. "We're going to have a meeting with Fury in 20, be in the conference room by then please," Steve announced. 

He looked to Wanda to see how she was feeling, and oddly enough, she looked fine. Wanda was pretty good at masking her emotions, she would just bottle them up inside until there was something strong enough to make her crack. 

The meeting room was cold, at least to Wanda it was. She always needed a light jacket to keep herself from shivering. Wanda sat in the back corner in between Nat and Vision. Vision hadn't visited Wanda very much lately, which Wanda thought was weird. What happened to the surprise he was supposed to give her? Not that she was greedy, but she was actually looking forward to seeing what it was.

Nick Fury called into the meeting, he scolded them for not capturing or killing Loki. Steve and Tony then explained what Wanda found out about Loki and y/n's origin to which Fury was mildly shocked. His new task was for the Avengers to get a hit on HYDRA bases in Europe to get more information as to what Loki was doing with them. Wanda didn't pay attention to what was being said, all she could think about was y/n's hurtful words to her. She did feel something for her, but it was too soon to really make anything of it. But Wanda at least knew that she cared deeply for y/n even if it was one-sided.


Y/n didn't go back to the feast, she went straight to her room. Her room was even larger than the one at the Avengers compound. They gave her dresses to wear, but y/n preferred pants and shirts over them, but for tonight she decided to give in and wear a white nightgown. She was looking forward to finally figuring out her powers and how to use them properly because she was tired of accidentally going into Wanda's body out of nowhere. 

She rolled over on the bed to face the window where the night sky looked absolutely beautiful. Every star and galaxy glimmered throughout the dark sky, each its own unique color. Y/n prayed that she could just have one good night's sleep. The last one she had was with Wanda in her bed. No, she thought to herself, stop thinking about her. Tears began to sting her eyes when she thought of what happened earlier that day. Wanda looked so hurt when y/n scolded her. She never wanted to hurt Wanda, but after what she did to Loki, y/n snapped.

Maybe she should have heard her out before she left with the group, maybe Wanda had reasoning behind her actions. Y/n groaned at her irritating thoughts. All she wanted was to fall asleep and wake up refreshed and ready for the day. She squirmed in her bed until she found a comfortable position which was spooning one of the large pillows, and she shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Once again, y/n was in the body of Wanda. It appeared to be that she was on her way out of the conference room, but now y/n was in control. *Y/n, is that you?* Wanda asked within her subconscious wondering if y/n could hear her. *Uh, yeah. I swear I'm not doing this on purpose. I mean I did before, and I'm sorry for doing that to you earlier with you falling from the sky. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.* y/n responded. 

"Wanda, you okay?" Nat asked at confused as to why Wanda was standing in the middle of the hallway. Y/n made herself turn around to face Nat, "oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just trying to think about how I can be productive today. But in hindsight, I feel tired so I'm going to just go to my room," y/n made up on the spot. Nat shrugged her shoulders and walked away, y/n breathing a sigh of relief. 

*Real smooth,* Wanda thought sarcastically. *Okay, Princess, I don't usually possess people,* y/n retorted. *Why don't you actually take me to my room so it doesn't look like I'm a weirdo in the hallway.*

Y/n then made Wanda go up the elevator onto the second floor, but before going into Wanda's room, she noticed her's. She opened the door and everything was just how she left it. *Wow, you guys kept it? And the clothes for me are still here, too,* y/n was actually surprised. 

*Of course, why would we get rid of it? I come in here from time to time, I miss having you around,* Wanda admitted. 

*We've known each other less than two weeks, I don't see how I've made such an impression on you,* y/n turned back and went into Wanda's room. 

*Honestly, I don't know either. Maybe it's because we both share this tremendous amount of grief,* Wanda thought. Y/n paused, she remembered seeing Wanda's dream of the battle with Ultron, which Wanda could also see her thinking about. *You saw my nightmare? I don't get it. I had been seeing your past memories when I was dreaming ever since I first helped you get your memories back, but since the first time you took over my body like this, they disappeared. It was like I was carrying all of your emotions and hurt for you, but it all went away in the matter of a couple of days,* Wanda explained. 

*Maybe that's why I've been feeling so heavy over the last two days. It's as if everything I've ever felt came rushing back to me. You were carrying all that for me?* y/n responded. 

*I didn't mean to, but it made me feel so protective over you. I was worried for you, y/n, I could barely do anything without you in my mind. It's like everything around me made me think of you. As if I was infected by you.* Wanda confessed. 

*Are you saying I'm a parasite? How kind,* y/n joked. 

*I feel like ever since I read your mind, we've been connected somehow. I just feel you. All of the time, it's you.*

*Wanda, I-* before y/n could respond, she woke up in her bed in Asgard to Thor's booming voice outside of her door. "Wake up y/n! It's my turn to show you around Asgard!" Thor yelled through the door. "God damn it," y/n groaned as she covered her face with her hands. 

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