Chapter 18

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Vision pushed Tony off of Wanda and helped her up. She held the back of her head with her hand feeling slight pain from when Tony knocked her down. The rest of the team was now there running in from all different directions. They saw Vision helping to keep Wanda up as she winced while rubbing her head, making them all glance at Tony who had a guilty look on his face. He didn't mean to hurt her, but he knew that if she attacked Loki on her own then she could've gotten even more hurt.

The handle of the motel door began to turn and out came Thor wielding his hammer. He looked down from the second-floor platform at his friends. "Hey, guys! Funny to see you all here! I forgot to let you guys know that I was back on Earth! I actually came to er- surprise Jane! You know, my girlfriend! We kinda ended up breaking up, so I've uh, been staying at this motel to have some me time! Eating ice cream, watching The Notebook. You know?" he shouted from the rooftop. 

"We know Loki's up there, Thor. Bring him down and we can work this out civilly," Steve assured with a stern but calm voice. "What do you mean? No one's here except me!" Thor replied. Wanda then could feel y/n's presence go farther away. Loki must have teleported them out. She began to fly up and let her senses take her to where she felt y/n go. The team watched as she flew towards the former SHIELD base and they followed her, with Tony and Vision flying after her. Thor had a worried look on his face, but he joined them. 

Wanda could see three figures in the distance standing outside of the base huddled together. She landed about 20 feet away from them, and they all turned to see Wanda standing there with her red energy dancing around her hands. There was y/n. Wanda was relieved, but then she saw Loki standing next to her with his hand on her shoulder and the relief was replaced with rage. Her eyes glowed a crimson red and held Loki up in there and launched him 30 feet away. He rolled in the dirt, coming to a stop after 4 tumbles. 

"What are you doing?!" y/n screamed at Wanda. Y/n ran towards Loki, who was lying on the ground clutching his abdomen, but Wanda held her back with her magic. Wanda approached Loki and began to strangle him with her wisps. Y/n was screaming at her, it reminded Wanda of y/n's screams while being electrocuted, which only made her strangle him further since he caused that suffering upon y/n. Thor came crashing down and hit Mjolnir on the ground making Wanda lose her grip. 

Loki coughed to catch his breath while Wanda found her footing again. Thor struck lightning down on the ground towards Wanda, but she shielded herself with her powers. She smirked seeing Thor astonished by her powers. She then encased Thor with her magic and put him to a deep slumber to avoid fighting him, she didn't want to hurt him because he was an Avenger and a friend. Y/n was finally able to get through Wanda's energy, she and Valkyrie charged towards Wanda, but with a flick of her wrist she knocked them down. 

Loki was still trying to regain his strength as Wanda slowly approached him, narrowing her eyes on him with disgust. "I know what you did. You are playing them. You're trying to use her for something evil, and this is where I stop you from hurting anyone, for good." There was true fear in Loki's eyes. Wanda strangled him again, but then she lost control. Her powers stopped, but that wasn't her doing. Her body then began attacking herself. She punched herself in the face, her stomach, but then she flew straight up into the air. She had to have been at least 100 feet up until she stopped. She was now free-falling straight down towards the ground.

"WANDA!" she heard Vision scream as he was flying towards her to catch her, but he was too far away. She was falling faster than he could fly towards her. Tears escaped Wanda's eyes as she was falling to her imminent death. Y/n then realized she was taking this too far, right as Wanda was about to hit the ground, y/n forced Wanda to use her powers to stop herself from crashing. Before leaving Wanda's body, she woke up Thor from his trance. Wanda still dropped to the ground as she caught her breath from the fear. Vision sped to her and held her in his arms holding her close to his chest. He thought he was about to see her die right then and there.

Y/n woke up in Valkyrie's arms again and smiled, but it went away when she saw Vision hugging Wanda. She remembered when Wanda said there was nothing going on between the two of them the night she slept in Wanda's room, but obviously, that was a lie. She shook her head, why does she care? Thor groggily got up and saw his brother unconscious on the ground. He darted towards him and shook him awake. "Loki, Loki please are you awake?" The rest of the Avengers who were late to the fight surrounded Thor who was holding Loki in his arms. He began to cough and he slowly opened his eyes. 

The team didn't understand what had just happened. Why was Wanda falling from the sky? They had more dark conclusions as to why, but they didn't want to say anything right now.

Thor looked up from his brother and stared at the Avengers with disgust, "you came here to kill him?! And she, she's psychotic!" He pointed towards Wanda who froze. Thor's enraged voice scared them all, even Valkyrie and Loki. Wanda wasn't sure if she should tell them about Loki and what he did to y/n, they wouldn't believe her. But what was his game now? If she stayed quiet the who knows what he'd muster up next.

"Thor, don't say that," Nat scolded him. He knew what Wanda has gone through losing her own brother, but at this moment he couldn't recognize this red-eyed girl. Wanda squeezed Vision's arms to refrain from lunging at Thor. If she were to explain Loki's true intentions, then she'd also have to talk about how she's been seeing y/n's memories every night since she has left.

Y/n got up from Valkyrie's arms and made her way towards Thor and Loki, and she knelt next to them. "Almost lost you there huh," y/n smiled teary-eyed. Even though it's been only about 2 days, y/n felt so closely bonded with Loki, Thor, and Valkyrie. I mean they were her only living family after all, but ever since she broke from HYDRA's control, she has been finally able to feel emotions on such a deep level again. She was afraid of losing another family member, so she wasn't going to let that mistake of not saving them happen again. 

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Loki croaked, his voice sore from the strangulation. "Why are you here on Earth? More importantly, why with him of all people?" Tony asked. "To find her," Valkyrie responded approaching y/n on the ground and putting her arm around y/n's waist. Wanda glared at her action and looked away. 

"What's so special about her?" Sam questioned raising an eyebrow. "She's our baby cousin," Thor replied looking at y/n lovingly. "I'm not in the mood to explain her upbringing though, we're here to take her home," just as Thor said that, he began to raise Mjolnir calling for Heimdall. 

"Wait!" Wanda shouted as she got up from Vision's embrace. "I need to say something, and all of you need to listen to me," Wanda said with a serious tone and she stared directly into y/n's eyes. Her breath hitched, just seeing her after experiencing all of her trauma made her want to run to her and cry into her arms, but she couldn't, not right now. But oddly enough, the trauma she had been holding onto felt almost nonexistent, sure she remembered each one, but the emotional weight of them wasn't there anymore like it once was.

"Loki..." Wanda hesitated. 

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