Chapter 5

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Y/n sat in the corner of her cell biting her fingernails, a habit that began when she was first kidnapped by HYDRA. Now knowing that she's 19 years old, her sister: murdered, her parents: murdered, she realized she had no one. 

She remembered all of the torture, the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. However, now she was safe. She felt like she could trust Wanda and maybe the rest of the group, but she didn't appreciate being kept in a cell. That obviously meant they didn't trust her yet.

Heck, y/n couldn't even trust herself. What if HYDRA brainwashed her again and make her attack the gang. She then vowed to remain distant to avoid causing too much damage and pain if that were to ever occur. She knew it would be hard since she found Wanda to be such a nice friend. 

There was a knock at the cell door and a man with an oddly trimmed beard, dark brown hair, and expensive-looking clothing walked in. "Hi, I'm Tony Stark. It's nice to meet you y/n." He walked towards y/n holding his hand out in front to shake her hand. Y/n slowly brought out her hand and shook his with a loose grip.

"I'm here to tell you that we set up a room for you and that you're not going to be staying in here anymore. I'm sorry we locked you in here, but we were afraid you would try and attack us or something else, I'm sure you understand."

Y/n nodded her head and stood up. Tony unlocked the collar around y/n neck and she rubbed her throat feeling it for the first time in three days. "Could I get a shower?" Y/n mumbled afraid of sounding needy. "Of course you can. I'll show you the way."

The two of them went up the elevator to the third level where all of the bedrooms were located. "Your room is down this hall right in between Nat and Wanda's. You have your own bathroom inside. Wanda said she left some of her clothes in there for you as well as an extra towel. If you need anything, just holler at F.R.I.D.A.Y. and she will assist you and you can have her contact me or anyone else you feel comfortable with." Tony smiled as he opened the door to y/n's room.

The room was ginormous. Y/n had never had this much space before and the bed was about queen-sized. "Damn, I didn't need this big of a room," Y/n admitted. "All of the rooms are the same size. You can redecorate it to make it more personalized as you settle in. I'll leave you to take a shower. Lunch will be ready in an hour, you can come and join us." Y/n nodded silently as Tony shut the door and left.

Y/n went to the closet and picked out a blue t-shirt and gray sweatpants along with a bra and underwear. She took the towel and headed into the bathroom and turned onto the shower setting the temperature to a medium-hot setting. She hadn't had a warm shower in forever. HYDRA would just give her a bucket of cold water, an old rag, and a bar of soap that was the size of a quarter. 

When y/n stepped into the shower, a memory of her and her family at a waterpark flooded her mind. Her father chased her in the pool while her mother jumped in and tackled him to save her daughters who were laughing their asses off. They then got water guns and squirted them at both of her parents. 

"Why are you squirting me! I saved you!" Her mother protested. "Nah you only did it to save yourself!" Y/n shouted back and began to swim away when her parents started coming after them. 

Y/n was brought back to reality when F.R.I.D.A.Y. talked to her. "Y/n it seems that you are in the middle of a panic attack. Shall I call for someone to help?" Y/n was lying on her side in the shower crying. She didn't even realize that this happened. She couldn't bring herself to respond. "I am informing Wanda Maximoff to come and help," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied. 

Within a minute there was a knock on y/n's bathroom. "Y/n it's Wanda. F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you're having a panic attack. Can I come in?" Y/n's breath shudders as she manages to make out a "mhm" and Wanda rushes in. She grabs y/n's towel and blocks her view of y/n until Wanda wraps her with the towel. She shuts off the shower and sits with her in the shower and hugs y/n who is heaving with small sobs. 

"It wasn't even a bad memory," y/n managed to say. "I don't understand why I'm feeling like this. I just want all of this to stop," y/n cried into Wanda's chest, drenching her shirt with her wet hair. When y/n calms down a bit, Wanda helps her up and dries her. Wanda tries not to pay too much attention to y/n's naked body because she doesn't want her to make her feel uncomfortable. She then helps her into the clothes that were left out, all that was once Wanda's, and helped her into her bed. She combed her fingers through y/n's hair as her whimpers dissipated and fell into a slumber. 

Wanda then slowly got up, making sure not to make any noise, and left the room. She told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to let her know when y/n wakes up so she can bring her food since she was going to miss lunch. 

"Where's y/n?" Tony asked when Wanda walked into the kitchen. 

"She's not feeling well so she's going to take a nap and eat later," Wanda replied and grabbed one of the two plates of pasta that was left on the counter. "I'm assuming Steve cooked today since this smells so good," Wanda smiled.

"You sure bet I did. Took me a good 2 years to perfect the immaculate blend of flavors in this delicacy," Steve stated proudly. "I saw you using Prego, Rodgers," Nat snickered causing the whole group to laugh at him making his face turn red. The team carried on eating and laughing at jokes while y/n slept peacefully in a bed for the first time in 4 years.

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