21. Brotherly love

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I am going to kill this person with my bare hands. Who the hell pours cold water on a sleeping person. Without even opening my eyes, I pulled that person down by holding his/her hands and head locked him/her in my arms. Instead of shouting, I heard a chuckle from that person. That's when I came out of my sleep and opened my eyes. "Ahh," I shrieked out loudly. No, it's not a dream. Its reality. I am holding Ram in my arms. Oh god! Why does it always happen with me only? I released him immediately and ran into the bathroom.

After recovering from the shock, I realized that he did pour the cold water on me. Now I am going to take revenge. A plan formed in my mind. Instead of bathing, I just changed into Ram's clothes and entered the kitchen without making any sound.

There he is, kneading the dough. I quickly picked the flour packet beside him and emptied it on his head. He is stunned for a minute. After that, he turned towards me and poured water on my head. I took a nearby sauce packet and smeared it on his face. And then, he grabbed an egg from the fridge. Oh no. This is not going in a good way. I don't want my hair to be spoilt by an egg in the early morning. So I took some baby steps backward without him noticing my movement. But to my bad luck, he lunged forward. Next movement, I don't know what happened. We both fell to the ground.

He is on top of me, but his hand is under my head, protecting me from the impact of our fall. His eyes are gazing into mine intensely. We are so captivated by the moment that we did not even try to shift. Our moment got interrupted due to the doorbell. Someone is continuously ringing the bell, but we both are not in a mood to attend to them. After what felt like an eternity, Ram stood up to open the door. There stood Adi, Arjun, Pranav, and Pranavi. I squealed in delight and hugged Pranavi carefully.

"I don't know that my sister shifted to her would-be husband's house without informing me. What a pleasant surprise," said my sister to tease us. But the damage is already done. If looks could kill, Ram would be 6 feet underground due to the death glares he is receiving from my BIL, Pranav.

Arjun and Adi look at the scene amusedly while Ram is trying everything to avoid Pranav's glares. Suddenly someone pushed me aside and gave a bear hug to Ram. Now, it is my turn to throw death glares. The worst thing is Ram is not even pushing her. Calm down, Tara. She might be someone close to Ram to hug him like that. Don't do anything stupid and become a fool in front of others.

Even though my heart is burning like fire, my brain is the thing that helped me to maintain my cool. After what felt like an hour or so, which in reality is 15 seconds, that girl untangled herself from my Ram.

"What a sudden surprise, Jaan. When did you come here?" asked Ram. What the hell. On top of hugging her, he is now calling her Jaan(which means "loved one" in Hindi).

"I came to Bangalore yesterday for my internship, and guess what, I am going to stay here till next month," said that annoying girl.

"Wow! We will enjoy it so much," said my would-be husband. Everyone is looking happy except me. So I also tried to put on a fake smile. At last, Adi came forward and introduced us.

"Hi, Tamara! She is my little sister Jaan, short form for Jahnavi. And Jaan, this is Tamara, Ram's would-be wife." We both shared an over-sweet smile. There is a challenging look on her face. That, even more, increased my suspicions.

"Okay, guys! Let's go inside. I am feeling damn hungry. And you both go and clean yourselves," ordered my sister, pointing towards Ram and me. We followed her orders obediently. Nobody wants to mess with the pregnant lady. Ram and I came to the living room after cleaning up. It seems that Pranav has ordered from the restaurant. Different dishes are spread out on a blanket on the floor. Pranavi has already started eating.

"Sorry, guys. I thought of waiting for you. But again, this fellow didn't let me do that," said my sister apologetically while rubbing her stomach.

"We understand, my dear sister. You don't need to feel bad, especially if it concerns my little champ," I said while sitting beside her. After that, we all started eating.

This is one of the best fulfilling breakfast I had after so many days. The room is filled with light chatter. I am enjoying with Pranav and Pranavi, but my eyes are wandering towards Ram, who seems like enjoying Jahnavi's company way more than he should.

"Pranav, do you think something is burning?" asked Pranavi while raising her eyebrows at me. "Yeah, I am going to ask the same. Even the gas is turned off. I wonder where the smell is coming from," said my BIL looking at me teasingly. This couple is going to be the death of me. I punched my BIL to make him stop from talking further. "Ouch," he yelled loudly. Now, all eyes are on me. "What happened, Pranav?" asked Jaan concerningly. Note the sarcasm. I started shooting death glares at my BIL. "Nothing. Just a mosquito bite," said my BIL. Again everyone went back to their usual chatter.

The day came to an end after so many activities. Everyone started returning to their places.

"Bro, even her father, wouldn't have done such a drama that you are doing," Said Ram to Pranav when Pranav tried to send me to my room. Pranavi and I couldn't stop laughing at their tantrums. Ram wants me to stay in his apartment, but Pranav does not agree to that. They are debating about the same for half an hour.

"That's the point. Since her father is not here, it is my responsibility to take care of her. Don't forget that I am the one who arranged your marriage," said Pranav.

"Stop it, guys. I got bored with both of your antics. Tara, what do you want to do?" asked my sis. Now both of them turned me. Ram is looking at me with his puppy eyes, but my BIL looks at him with fierce eyes. I don't want my BIL to get angry with his best friend, so I decided to take my BIL's side.

"Okay, Ram. I will go with him," I said, turning towards my BIL. He felt relieved hearing that and held my sister's hand and walked her towards the car. I felt so envious of their relation. Suddenly someone snapped in front of my face. That's when I came back to present. "Let's meet again tomorrow," I whispered in Ram's ear and climbed into the car.

But there was an uneasy feeling crept into me. I didn't fulfill my purpose of coming to Ram's apartment yesterday. I should tell him about my worries. I don't want to prolong this anymore. But knowing my BIL, he won't let me go to Ram now. So, I decided to lie to my BIL. I am so sorry, brother, but I don't have any other option. Please forgive me.

"Bro, since Pranavi is already tired, please drop me at the nearest bus stop and take her home," I said to my BIL.

He looked at me suspiciously and said, "don't play games with me, Tara. I know that look on your face. You can meet Ram tomorrow. Just go and have a tight sleep now." Damn, he knows me too well.

"Please, brother, I want to meet him now. I don't know why, but I am feeling very uneasy. The need to meet him and talk to him is like never before. Please understand," I pleaded with him with my best puppy dog eyes possible. He stopped the car sideways and smiled contentedly.

"At the beginning, we were worried about this marriage. Because both of you are very dear to us, we can't stand if anything happens to any of you. But this marriage concerns both of you. So you can imagine how much we would have thought before fixing this marriage. If it is not for Krishna, we wouldn't have proceeded with this. He was the one who reassured us that everything would work out. Now, I can see how you both are happily in love, " he said.

"I am thankful for your intervention. I hope this would work out till the end," I said.

"Don't worry too much, my sis. We will always be there for you guys," he said. "I know," I said sincerely.

"And you should have known by now that I treat you like my little sister I never had. So I will always choose you over my best friend," he said in a cheerful tone. I nodded at that.

"Okay then, enough of the serious talk. I will drop you near the bus stop. Ask my idiotic friend to pick you up," he said. I don't know when my eyes became moist.

"Thank you so much, my dearest brother," I said while wiping my eyes.

I think this is going to be a long night.

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