10. Phone calls

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I did not have a proper sleep last night because of all the revelations. I woke up early compared to my daily timings and decided to walk near the park. Many things are running in my mind, and this time it is altogether for a new reason. I have trust issues that I don't showcase to the outer world. That is why it is tough for me to make friends, let alone a best friend. It took me nearly a year to genuinely consider the current group of friends as my friends. When it comes to Abhi, he is the only one who truly worked hard to know the real me outside my family.

That is why he is more important to me. When I received the news of my engagement, he is the one with whom I shared the information first. If he at least objected at that time, I would have convinced my family to reconsider it. My parents know how much important is Abhi to me. They consider him as their son. Sometimes they trust him more than me. But now, it is late to undo anything. Ram is going to be my future. I can not and will not do anything that causes inconvenience to my parents. They sacrificed so much for me. This is the least I can do for them.

And most importantly, I wouldn't say I like Abhi in that way. He is my best friend, and that is the end of the story. I don't even know why I am thinking of reconsidering. Maybe because of guilt, but I am clear now. I will talk with Abhi and tell him my opinion. I don't like to hang people in between. And one more important thing is I need to say this to Ram. I want our relationship to be transparent. With this newfound determination, I come back home.

Just now, I realized that I did not message Ram after the phone call. It is already 9 in the morning. So instead of texting him, I decided to call him. He did not answer the call. Maybe he is still sleeping. Anyway, it is Sunday today. So I just texted him to call back when he is awake. I decided to make chicken curry and chapati for brunch.

After so many days, I got some time for myself. These days I am not getting time to read new books. I will utilize this time to finish a new book today. I started reading ' Angels & Demons.' My mobile is ringing for the past two minutes. The plot is so gripping that I don't want to stop in between. But my phone started to ring again. When I see the caller id, I got ready for the scolding.

"Mamma! How are you?"

" Don't talk to me. Why are you not answering your phone? Do you know how worried your father and me about your well being? You are not even answering your phone. Why do you want to work far from us? Please come home and search for a job nearby," as usual, she started her drama.

My parents don't like the idea of their only daughter staying away from them. " Sorry, mum, I am reading a book, so I did not see your call, don't be angry," I said. After that, we discussed the past week's incidents. I told her about Abhi's revelations also.

"Don't worry, Tara, talk with him and explain the things from your perspective. I know he will understand. He is such a good boy. You know we considered him for you in the beginning. But too bad, from your behavior, I see that you don't like him that way. That's why we have to go out and search for a good proposal."

To say that I am shocked would be an understatement.

" What is this, Mum, a revelation week? I am receiving shock aftershock," I said in a disbelieving tone.

She chuckled from the other end and said, " Life is full of surprises, Tara. We don't know what will happen in the next second, so enjoy the current feeling."

In between, I saw the time. It is already seven in the evening. I forget to each my lunch also. My mom would kill me if she came to know about this.

"Okay, mum, I have to prepare dinner. Bye, love you."

" Bye, Tara. Love you." after saying this, she cut the call.

I did not receive any message or call from Ram. I remember him saying that he is going out with his friends today. Maybe he is busy. With that thought, I stood up to prepare my dinner. It's been so many days since I last had pasta, so I decided to make white sauce pasta, of course, by following a youtube tutorial. It came out okayish to eat. I switched on the television and surfed through channels. Finally, I decided to watch some singing show while having pasta.

From childhood, I did not find any necessity to learn cooking. My mum is a wonderful cook. Even though she told me to learn cooking many times, I did not show any interest. But after shifting to this apartment this year, it became a necessity to learn cooking. I followed my mom's recipes in the beginning. After that, I moved to youtube. It gives me pleasure to cook for myself. I did not expect to enjoy cooking this much. It became one of my stress buster.

After finishing my dinner, I decided to go to bed early. As usual, I recollected today's events before sleep and closed my eyes. After 5 minutes, I received a call from Ram. I was conflicted about whether to answer or not, but after so much debate in my mind, I decided to answer the call.

"Hello Ram"

"Hi Tara, what are you doing."

"I am about to slip into my la-la land, and then you called"

"Oh, sorry! shall I disconnect the call." I don't want him to disconnect the call. Is it wrong if I say that I missed him today? And also I have to tell him about Abhi.

" No, I have to tell you something before that. Did you have your dinner?"

"Yes, ma'am, I already had my dinner. So tell me."

"Actually, after disconnecting your call, I went to meet Abhi. He was not in a good state. You know right how much I care about him. I got panicked, seeing his behavior. He took me to the beach and kind of proposed to me. I didn't know what to reply to him at starting." There is no response from him. I don't know whether he is listening or not.

"Are you listening to me?"

" Yes, I am listening. Tell me after that."

"I don't like silent listeners. At least give some indication that you are listening, or else I will stop telling you."

"Okay, continue, Tara. I am all ears."

"After that, he told me that he doesn't want to pressure me. He just proposed to me to remove his feelings for me. I was too shocked to say anything. I told him that I don't see him at that angle. He will always be my best friend, and that is the end of the story. After that, we went to have ice cream." I finished telling him briefly about the last night's events.

"You know what, Tara, I feel proud of you. If it is anyone else in your place, they may not consider it essential to inform. But I am thankful for you for telling me." he said.

"Hello, Mr, if I am sharing something with you means, I expect the same in return from you. I give more value to trust than love. So, be careful," I said in a fake serious tone.

" Understood, Tara, I will do the same. Enough with the serious discussion, I want to tell you what happened today."

"I forget to ask you where did you go today? You did not even message me from the morning," I asked him.

"I left my mobile in the room only, so I did not reply to you. Okay, listen. We went to a restaurant to have lunch, and you know what, one waitress wrote her number on the napkin and gave it to your BIL. You should have seen Pranavi's expression. That waitress flew from our table, seeing your sister's expression." He controlled his laughter while saying this.

I, too, laughed while imagining this, poor girl. She had to face my sister's wrath. My sister is so possessive when it comes to my BIL. Like that, we talked for half an hour more, and after that, I slept with a smile on my face.

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