15. First Love

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I couldn't imagine my love life to be more beautiful than this. Ram and I work in the same tech park. We meet almost every day. He took me to several places and showed me his favorite hang-out spots. We both go to Pranavi's home and spend some time with them every weekend. Today is Saturday, and I decided to go to his apartment and watch some movies.

I wore simple Kurta and took an auto to reach his apartment. The door is still locked. Is he there inside, or he went somewhere. I rang the doorbell, and he opened the door after so much waiting. I handed over the snacks to him, which I bought from the nearby shop.

"How much time do you need to open the door, idiot?"

"I was eating my breakfast while watching yesterday's match." He said.

" Oh, Okay! What are the plans for today?" I asked

" I have an excellent plan. Just sitting here on the couch and watching movies." He said it like he planned an amazing party after so much hard work. I just laughed at his behavior.

It is already evening, and we both are sitting on the balcony with coffee cups in our hands. I want to confess my feelings to him. I like him so much. He is the first person who comes to my mind in the morning and my last thought before sleeping. I miss him like crazy. Whenever I go somewhere without him, I always imagine how it would be better if Ram accompanied me there. Our marriage date is also nearing, so I thought of expressing my feelings to him before that. These feelings are not new to me, which is the exact thing I wanted to say to Ram before proposing. I think this is perfect timing.

"How many girlfriends did you have before me?" I initiated the conversation. I never felt this nervous before in my whole life. Knots formed in my stomach, and my throat is becoming dry, imagining the upcoming discussion. Thankfully he is not watching my expressions. He is facing the garden. He chuckled after hearing my question.

" Zero, Tara! I didn't like any girl before. Sure there were many crushes, but I didn't have any girlfriend," he clarified. I am waiting for my turn next. But there is no question from his side. After a couple of minutes of silence, I only started again. " Don't you want to know about my past relationships?" I asked him.

"I know about you, Tara. I want you in the future. I don't want to know about your past. But if you want to share anything, I am all ears."

That's it. I want this man for my lifetime. I know that he will embrace me with my past.

"I liked someone. Maybe more than that. But it is all one-sided. I never revealed my feelings to that person and acted like a coward at that time." I don't know whether to continue or not. I just wanted to see Ram's expressions once. I want to know what he is thinking.

When I lifted my head to see him, he gave me a nod indicating I to continue further. But this time, both of our phones started ringing at the same time. It is Pranav and Pranavi calling us. Before answering the call, we both saw each other and said, "you are in your flat," " I am in my flat," simultaneously. Of course, we have to lie to that duo, or else they will tease us till they get tired, and we are not going to let that happen.

"Hello, Pranavi! How are you? Just now, I am thinking about you," I said.

"I am good. Where are you?" She asked me. I know that she will ask me that question.

"I am lazing around my flat and thinking of what to cook for today's dinner," I lied smoothly.

"No need for that, just come here with Ram. Krish and Kavitha are spending this weekend with us. So you two also come and join." she said. I just replied Okay, and cut the call. Mixed feelings surfaced in me after hearing that name. Suddenly Ram tapped me on my shoulder. I masked my face with a cheerful smile and turned towards him.

"It seems that we are going to Pranav's place today. Krish is in town with his wife. I am excited to meet him after a long gap," he said. I just nodded my head.

"Let's hear your story some other time. We have to go and get your belongings from your place to spend the weekend with them." I want to tell him that I don't want to go there and I want to spend this weekend only with Ram. But I don't have any option now instead of going there.

"Okay, cool! Can you please wash these cups? I will go and fresh up in 5 minutes. After that, we can go to your place to get your essentials," he said and walked towards his bathroom.

I don't know why this is happening right now when I am slowly adapting to the idea of loving Ram and welcoming him into my life entirely. Maybe this my chance to check if I am entirely ready to start fresh and let go of my past.

We are on our way to Pranav's place while Ram stopped his bike near a shop. "What happened, Ram? why did you stop the bike here?" I asked him.

"This is my first time meeting Krish after his marriage. So, let us buy some sweets and gifts for them," He said thoughtfully. I agreed with him.

"Bhayya(Brother), can you please pack 2 Kilos of that sweet" Ram asked the shopkeeper, pointing at palakova(a sweet made only with milk and sugar). "No, Krish doesn't like sweets made with milk. Let us buy some other sweet," I said without thinking.

Ram looked at me with questioning eyes. Then only I have realized my mistake. "Pranavi once mentioned to me that Krish doesn't like milk products. Since we are buying these sweets mainly for them, I thought of informing you," I tried to rectify my mistakes. Wow, Tara, you are telling lies very smoothly today, my mind taunted me.

"Oh, okay, I don't know about that. Let us buy something else then," he said and asked the shopkeeper to pack two types of sweets.

We bought some gifts and sweets and then started to resume our journey again. "Why are you looking tense, Tara? Do you want to say anything to me?" I don't want to spoil his mood, so I kept quiet and rested my head on his back, and circled my hands around his torso.

We both did not speak anything till we reach our destination. Once we get inside the flat, I was met by a pair of eyes looking at me with affection. The same emotion which I have mistaken for love once. Ram gave a brotherly hug to Krish while I was standing there without knowing what to do.

He is the one who melted my heart and broke it without even knowing. It took me an ample amount of time to move on from him. I don't have feelings for him anymore, and moreover, I am the one who prayed to god to get him married early to someone else so that I can move on from him because I know that I don't have a chance with him from the start. No other soul knows about this secret except me, not even Pranavi or Abhi.

Yes, Krish was not just my crush. He was my first love.

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