3. Tricked and more.

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Currently, I am doing a happy dance in my head. I want to see their reactions. It serves them right for not showing me their engagement pictures. Pranav and I got surprised when we came to know about their proposal. We know that they will make a perfect pair. We are more eager for their marriage to happen. But we did not disclose our involvement to those dimwits. We were so excited to go to their engagement and surprise them, but we could not make it due to my tiredness. The doctor advised me not to travel in this condition.

So I planned this weekend to spend time with both of them. Pranav is preparing my breakfast. These days I am craving for different types of foods. I Am glad that Pranav knows what I want. He came with a plate of bread omelet in one hand and a glass of orange juice in the other hand. Just then, our doorbell rang. It's showtime.


We are waiting at the doorstep, and my BIL opened the door as expected. As I entered the hall, Pranavi came to me, gave me a tight hug, and said, "oh, Tara! How are you? You are glowing. Are you thinking about your fiance? Please leave him for the weekend and spend time with us."

Doesn't she know that Ram is my fiance, or is she playing games with us?

" How are you, my dear sis, leave me, tell me about yourself. How is my BIL treating you?" I asked her.

"you already know, right, then why are you asking me," she replied with a shy smile.

Then my BIL came to me and gave me a side hug. I punched him in the stomach playfully. He acted as it hurt him.

"Hey, idiot, why are you punching me? If something happens to me, then who will be responsible, who will take care of my PRANAVI."

Did I say that my sis is a drama queen, then my BIL is a drama king, no surprise that they are made for each other.

"oh, please stop acting. I know that punch didn't even hurt you." He just laughed and then turned toward Ram and started introducing us to each other.

"Ram, this is my stubborn sister Tara, and Tara meet Mr. Ram. He is my best friend."

For a minute, I genuinely thought that they didn't know about our engagement, but by seeing the sly smiles on their faces, I know that they are playing this drama with us.

"OK, stop playing this dumb act, both of you. Can you please tell us why you are putting this much drama".

Meanwhile, my sis is watching this drama while munching her food. Excellent.

"It is our revenge on both of you for not showing your engagement pictures to us," she said this and stuck her tongue out.

I know that these two are playing with us. And then, they started to narrate the story of how they helped to fix this proposal. Ram and I listened to them with shocking faces. Such a small world. Anyway, I am glad that, if Ram is my BIL'S best friend, then Ram must be a good boy. I don't need to worry about his character.

After all the drama, I decided to go and fresh up, but not before ordering my BIL to prepare my favorite masala dosa. I chose to wear a simple black salwar kameez for the day. I Am feeling hungry. I did not have my food that previous night because of the bus journey. I just ate a packet of biscuits.

While drying my hair with a towel, I entered the kitchen. The hair covers my eyes, I gave a punch on my BIL'S shoulder while he is preparing dosa, and I started laughing. But my laughter was replaced with shock when the person turned towards me. It's not my BIL. It is Ram. Such an embarrassing moment.

I always try to control my hands, but they have their own mind. They always tend to beat others. Because of that, they treat me like a boy rather than a girl. Next time, I should tie not only my hair but also my hands. That way, I may be saved from this type of embarrassment.

Ram must be thinking like, why am I going to marry such a tomboy. While thinking about all this, I even forgot to tell him sorry. Now indeed, he must be feeling like, girl, where are your manners. I came out of my own world and decided to say sorry to him.

When I lift my head to see him, he is already watching my actions intently while trying to control his laughter.

"Haha, I must have recorded your expressions now, beating yourself inside your head. Don't worry, Tamara, it did not pain me that much. Just a pain killer would do," he said and then burst into laughter.

Oh boy! Here I Am, trying to say sorry to him, but he is mocking me and laughing, wait and watch, Mr. Ram, you will be regretting your actions.


I was quite shocked in the morning due to all the revelations, but I am happy with how it happened. I got the time to know her more. Even though we exchanged numbers, we did not message each other till now. We need some ice-breaking. I think this will be a perfect opportunity. I can say that she is close to Pranavi. I can see their love for each other like real siblings.

After she went to fresh up, Pranav came to me said, " buddy, don't expect her like a shy Indian bride. She is a total tomboy. You saw right how she punched me in the stomach, and it's just a sample. Be careful, brother. And one more thing, please make the dosa for your beloved fiancé by yourself, at least you will get prior experience," just like that, he went away.

What's wrong with making dosa for her, and also it's not like something special right, I make dosas for Pranavi also, there is nothing special.

While spreading the batter on the pan, suddenly someone hit me on my shoulder and started laughing. I turned back to see the idiot who disturbed me, her laughter replaced with embarrassment. Suddenly her face showed so many expressions, from laughing to scowling and realization. I think she must have realized that she did not say sorry yet.

Before she uttered the words, I spoke first, "haha, I must have recorded your expressions now, beating yourself inside your head, don't worry, Tamara, it did not pain me that much, just a painkiller will save me from the pain" and laughed my heart out. You must see her face. Smoke is coming from both of her ears. Cute, so cute.

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