2. Bangalore

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It's been a week since our engagement. Both of our families are very happy. They fixed our marriage after six months due to our request to know each other before marriage. We exchanged our phone numbers and decided to start as being friends first to overcome the awkwardness.

I came back to work and started my daily routine. My colleagues were teasing me and asking me to give a party.

On Wednesday night, my cousin, Pranavi, called me and said sorry for not attending my engagement. I know that she is pregnant, so I told her not to worry. She then invited me to come and give her a visit. They live in Bangalore, so I decided to book my tickets for the weekend to go there.

I packed my necessities and clothes for two days. Pranavi is two years older than me, but we are super close. She is my go-to person whenever I feel sad or happy or anything for that matter.

I am very excited to meet her. It's been two months since I last saw her directly. We do video calls and all, but she is busy nowadays due to pregnancy and work. My brother-in-law, Pranav, is one of the coolest guys I know. They both are made for each other.

I boarded the bus and informed Pranavi. She told me to call her in the morning after getting down. She said that she would send someone. I slept hearing the songs. When the bus came to the last stop, I got down from the bus and decided to call Pranavi.

When I checked my phone, it seems that it got shut down. I remember her number, so I requested one uncle, called her from his phone, and said the exact place where I will be waiting. I know that their house is 20 minutes from here, but I don't know the exact address. So I decided to wait till my brother-in-law came.

But even after an hour nobody came, I got irritated and decided to leave from there, but suddenly one bike stopped near me. I can't see his face because of the helmet.


Pranav is my best friend from school, and Pranavi is like a sister to me. I was so happy that he decided to marry her, leaving his past. He was not able to attend my engagement party because of Pranavi's pregnancy.

Yesterday Pranavi called me and asked me to come to their home directly from the office and spend the weekend with them. I don't have any plans, so I decided to go there.

In the morning, Pranavi woke me up, saying that her cousin was coming for the weekend and asked me to pick her up. When I asked her number, she said that her cousin's phone is dead, and told me the details of the place where she will be waiting. I took my bike and went there. But I did not see anyone there and decided to ask the person in the tea stall. He said that no girl with those specifications came there today.

After some time, I decided to go forward and see. Suddenly, I saw a similar face. I stopped my bike near her and removed my helmet. I can see her surprised face. My guess is correct. It's Tamara there. I got surprised and asked her what is she doing here, that's when she told me about her cousin.

"That idiotic cousin of mine said that she would send her husband to pick me up, I am waiting for an hour, but he did not come yet. I don't even know their address. Can I borrow your phone and make a call?."

I gave her my phone, she dialed a number, and it displayed Pranavi's name. That way, we came to know that her cousin and my best friend played with us.

This weekend is going to be an interesting one, it seems.

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