6. Back to work

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After boarding the bus, I plugged in my earphones and wrapped the blanket around me as usual sad songs played in my ears. I don't know why I love sad songs more than any other genre, maybe because they made more sense to me. I always put an act of bravery in front of others so that no one will know my inner turmoil. Sometimes I want to shout out my feelings, but my brain won't cooperate for that.

I hope that Ram will be that person with whom I can share everything without any reservations. I pray to God to make this marriage work, mainly because I want my family to be happy. With these thoughts in mind, I drifted to sleep. I reached my destination at 6 in the morning, called my parents, and informed them about my arrival. I sent a message to Pranavi and Ram after reaching my flat.

My roommate is still sleeping, so I decided to prepare breakfast and lunch for us. Mrudhula is three years older than me, and she is a warm girl. We bonded well within a few days. She has a doctor boyfriend, and I always tease her about their marriage.

We both help each other with our chores daily. Most of the days, she does not eat her breakfast before going to the office because her office starts at 9. So it's just me who prepares breakfast and lunch, but in the evening, we will be cooking together.

I made bread omelets for breakfast and dal with some side dishes for lunch. By that time, Mrudhula got ready and came to the kitchen.

"Hey, you are back already! How's your sister doing? Did you enjoyed it well? " she asked me.

"Yes, I came at 6. I don't want to disturb you, so I did not wake you up. Pranavi is doing well, and you know they are expecting."

"Wow, super Tara, convey my wishes to her," she said with an excited face.

"I want to tell you something more interesting. Come, let's talk while having breakfast."

"Okay, tell me all the exciting details."

"You know what. Ram was there with us on the weekend," I told her. Her eyes became saucers, and then she gestured to me to continue. I narrated all the incidents that happened during the weekend.

" So you had so much fun on the weekend then. This guy seems cool. Tara, we will talk more on this after returning from office."

"Sure, Di, bye," I said.

After she left for the office, I checked my mobile, and there was a reply from Ram." Good morning Tara!" I also just replied with a good morning text. I'm horrible at initiating conversations.

My office is just a 15-minute walk from my room, so mostly I will be going to the office on foot. I got ready for the office and locked my room. When I'm walking, suddenly, someone started following me. I began to walk at a faster pace. We have to appreciate this guy's guts. Even though the road is bustling with people, he still dares to follow someone. I don't want to create any scenes, so I used the universal rule to call someone to avoid this guy.

The first person that came to my mind is Abhishek, and he is the one who helps me in these situations. He is not accepting the call; maybe he is still sleeping. After some debate with my brain, I called Ram. He answered the call in the second ring itself.

"Hey, Tara! Are you okay? " he sounded surprised for a moment.

"Yes, I'm okay, don't cut the call for 5 minutes. Just keep talking," I said.

"Now you are scaring me. Tell me what is happening."

"Nothing serious, just some random person started following me. I don't want to create any scene, so keep talking with me till I reach my office."

"Are you serious! Shall I call the police for you?" he asked.

" Don't worry, Ram, it is not that serious. Just keep talking with me until I reach the office. He will get the message and leave me."

"You are saying this like you experience this type of situation daily," he said.

"Not daily, but sometimes I face this issue. At that time, I call any one of my friends, mostly it will be Abhishek," I said.

" Oh, be careful, Tara. Please don't hesitate to call me next time. By the way, who is this Abhishek," he asked.

"He is one of my close friends from college. We both are working in the same company now," I said.

" And I learned self-defense also, so don't worry about my safety. It's just that I don't want to scare that poor soul with my skills." I added.

He laughed at my sentence and said, "I very well know about your skills, and my shoulder is still paining from your punch that day. But on a serious note, please ask someone to help if needed. I will be more than willing to help you."

A small smile started to play on my lips due to his protective words, but my manager saw that. Oh god! Time to receive teasing from him and my teammates now.

"Okay, Ram, I will make a note of it. It is nice talking to you. However, I reached my cabin now. I will talk to you later. Bye," I disconnected the call without hearing any reply.

I maintain a friendly relation with my teammates and manager. We go for lots of team lunches and parties. But when it comes to working, we will be helping each other and complete the tasks within the given time. We received appreciation from our clients many times.

When they came to know about my engagement, they annoyed me until I gave the party at a beachside resort. Now they got one more reason to tease me. Someone, please save me from this teasing. I will buy you a bar of chocolate.

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