11. Trip to Pondicherry

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Everything is going on smoothly except my relation with Abhi. I talked with him and explained to him clearly my thoughts, and he took them positively. Even though we are trying to act normal, I know that we both are not comfortable with each other like before.

I guess we need some time to get back to ourselves. Last week, we had a review meeting with our client, and as usual, he brought Bangalore's topic. Our team needs to collaborate with another team in Bangalore for an upcoming project. So, our client suggested that at least one member from each team should relocate. We are postponing this issue for the last three months because none of us are ready to relocate. But guess what, this time I am making the call.

Moving to Bangalore seems like a better option for me. Abhi can move on from me, and I also will get closer to my hometown. But I will miss my friends and Mrudhula. Sometimes we have to leave something to gain another. I told my decision to my manager and my teammates. They are all shocked and saddened.

I got ten more days to shift to Bangalore. I decided to inform my friends beforehand. I have connected them through a conference call and told them about my relocation. We decided to go on a two-day trip to Pondicherry this weekend before my departure. Ticket bookings are made during the call itself.

Mrudhula did not come from her hometown yet. So, I decided to message her. I will miss her, for sure. She is such a sweetheart. I developed an excellent rapport with her within a short time. I share almost everything with her. She patiently listens to my tantrums, and I do the same. It will be hard for me to find a roommate like her again. I decided not to tell Ram or Pranavi about my relocation. I want to surprise them. This is my time to give a shock to them.

With those thoughts in mind, I drifted to sleep without even bothering to pack my bags. The next morning I woke to the sound of our doorbell ringing. I abruptly woke up from my beautiful dream. If this is that milk boy again, then I am going to kill him. How many times should I tell him to leave the milk packet in front of the door without ringing the calling bell?

I opened the door with full of irritation. But the sight in front of me softened my rage. Mrudhula is standing in front of the door tiredly.

"Sorry, Tara, I had to leave in a hurry that day, that's why I forgot to take my keys with me. "

"Don't worry, Di, I thought it was the milk boy again. That's why the rage."

She laughed at my statement. She knows my row with that milk boy.

"You are looking so tired. Go and fresh up. I will make my special tea for us," I said.

She nodded her head and went to fresh up. I made a tray with two cups of tea and a rusk packet and took it to our room. We enjoyed the tea while facing the balcony.

" I want to tell you something, Di," I started the conversation.

"Yeah, tell me, Tara. I also want to share something with you."

" I am shifting to Bangalore next weekend. My client asked me to relocate for the new project. And my situation with Abhi is not improving. So I decided that it will be a good idea to shift. "

" I got it, Tara, don't forget me after getting close to your fiance, okay," she said in a teasing tone. I blushed at that comment.

" I did not even consider him in this whole scenario, don't make assumptions, Di. I am shifting because of my client and Abhi, not for Ram." I defended myself.

"Whatever makes you happy. I, too, got engaged last week with Kiran. My family approved our relation with quite a bit of drama. But it is a happy ending." She said. I squealed and hugged her.

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