1. Engagement Day

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After receiving the news of my marriage, I immediately took permission for one week and came home. Currently, my house is bustling with relatives and friends. Since I am the only child of my parents, they decided to celebrate it lavishly.

My mom gave me a photo of the groom. But I decided to see him directly for the first time rather than his photo.

I know that my parent's selection will be good. And also, I'm not that interested in this marriage. I don't hate this marriage. Just I did not invest any emotions in this marriage at this stage. My cousins came in the morning and made me ready by doing my hair and makeup.

My mom came inside and looked at me and said, " oh my god! Tara, you are looking fabulous, you are really looking like a star now. I hope you will not catch any evil eye, let me put this Drishti chukka #1".

My mom is like a sister to me. She can tell what is going on in my head by a simple look at me. I will miss her after the marriage.

One of my cousins came and announced, "let's keep going, Tara. Everyone is waiting for you, and especially your fiancé seems restless for your arrival."

I just took one last look in the mirror and walked to the stage.

My eyes took sight of my fiancé. I can say that he is one hot man with that jet black hair. He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath it. Boys in black are one of my weaknesses.

When I stood beside him, I am just an inch higher than his shoulders, a perfect height match. I don't know that I'm checking him shamelessly in the presence of the audience until I heard some throat clearing. I snapped back to reality. My cousins started giggling. Oh god, what an embarrassing moment. My cheeks got heated up. I lowered my eyes to count the tiles on the floor.


Finally, today is my engagement. Today is the day I am going to meet my fiance for the first time. I didn't even see her photo. I want to meet her directly. I want to see the girl who got instant approval from my family.

My father came to my room and said, " you are looking dashing. Tara is one lucky girl to have you as her husband. But remember, you are even luckier to get her as your wife. She is an ideal daughter-in-law anybody wishes. I think she will be an ideal wife too. I know that you wanted a love marriage, but after seeing her, we just know that you will love her, let's go. The ceremony will be starting".

After hearing my father's words, I am really curious to meet her. It isn't easy to impress my family, especially my father. But with just one meeting, they decided that she will be their daughter-in-law. Heck, even for my best friends, it took some time to get impressed by my family. I hope that she will justify all of their claims.

I'm tapping my foot on the ground. While waiting for her, my best friends gave me a knowing look. Pranav couldn't make it for the engagement, but he said that he is planning something interesting, let's see that.

Then she entered the hall with her friends. She is wearing a pink lehenga. Her hair is braided in the front side and left loosely in the back. She is wearing a simple lehenga when compared to what most Indian brides will wear. But she just took my breath away. She is looking like a goddess. She is not that fair-skinned, but her innocent look added to her beauty. I was just in a trance that I didn't even know when she came and stood beside me. Arjun gave a pat on my back. I broke from my trance and cleared my throat. That's when I saw the blush creeping on her cheeks. Damn cute.


#1 Drishti chukka means a black dot that is believed to make an evil eye go away.

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