13. Revelation and Realization

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I did not expect that today's events would turn out like this. One simple hang-out turned into a night out. Here we both are sitting on the couch sipping coffee and talking about random stuff. Why does it seem like a normal thing for me? Am I making the same mistake again? I don't have answers to these questions. But I am damn sure that it will be fruitful, unlike last time, at least that is what my heart is saying, and my mind is trying to register.

"I should have called a cab and let you go. But I don't know what I was thinking at that time, bringing you to my room."

"Don't worry! My mind was also not working properly at that time. Anyway, no issues, as long as you are decent." I said doubtfully just to tease him.

"Don't doubt my manners. You are my guest now, and I will treat you like one. Your safety is my utmost priority. If you want to leave, then I can call a cab for you, although I doubt if any cabs available at this time and weather," he sounded hurtful. Oh boy! Here I am, trying to tease him, but he took it seriously.

"Chill, man, I was just kidding. But I liked your comment. I will see what you will do for this guest." Now I am going to take full advantage of this situation.

"Your order is my Command ma'am," he came back to his usual calm posture.

"For now, let us do something to kill time, and then we will see what to do next," I said.

" Do you have anything in mind?" he asked.

"Why and how did you agreed to this marriage?" I asked him. He thought for a minute and answered.

"To be frank, I didn't even saw your face until our engagement day. You know, my parents' is a love marriage and my brothers also. By seeing their successful love marriages, it is natural for me to want a love marriage. But I never felt the need to search for a girl, make her my girlfriend, and then love marriage. I thought that it would happen naturally at some time. But my parents are not able to wait till then and fixed the match with you." Suddenly there was a loud thundering, and the lights went off. He went to bring a torchlight from his room.

I am also not a fan of arranged marriage before, or marriage for that matter. Now, things changed for me. But hearing him say that he wanted a love marriage and he is marrying me just because of their parents' pressure is making me hurt and angry. Then why the hell did he not opposed the marriage? Is this marriage going to be a burden for him? What if someday he finds someone and falls in love with them naturally? My eyes became moist, and my throat constricted. I wanted to scream at him, but some voice is stopping me from doing that. He returned with the torch and candles and sat beside me.

"Okay, where did I stop. Yeah, I remember, My parents fixing marriage with you. Even though I was not too fond of the idea of arranged marriage, after some time, I came to terms with it. Moreover, who can reject the opportunity of marrying a girl who stole your family members' hearts? Finally, on our engagement day, I saw you directly. You were stunning and simple in that pink lehenga. And from there, you know the story, right. Each passing day you are proving to me that my decision about this marriage is not wrong. You became one of the essential persons in my life. I know that we know each other for only a short time, but I have faith that we can make it work in the long run also."

My relief felt no bounds. I hugged him tightly. I now understood his importance in my life. Even for a few minutes, I could not digest the fact that he wanted a love marriage, and he is marrying only for his parents. I know that I am entering into that dangerous territory again, but this time I have Ram with me to fight the battles with me. I don't know when but I just slept on his lap.


This girl is unpredictable. I am caressing her hair while she is sleeping on my lap. I, too, wanted to ask her the same question that she asked me. But she did not give me that chance; instead, she is sleeping peacefully. In this short span of time with this girl, why do I feel that there is more to her than what she is portraying? Just a few minutes before, I saw a vulnerable girl in her. Seeing her sleeping stance reminds me of Nisha, my niece. I have the same urge to protect her as the way I watch Nisha.

Whenever she talks about Abhi, I feel jealous. Maybe because he knows her more than me, or she gives him more importance. She never gave me the reason to doubt their relationship. She told me everything about them. If I doubt her even after what she has done, then I will be the biggest fool. She trusted me to share the information, and I should respect her for that. I fell asleep while thinking about all these things.

I woke up to the ringtone of my phone. Who the hell is calling me in this early morning? It is Pranav.

"What do you need this early in the morning, bro," I said in a half-sleepy tone.

"If only you have checked the time, it is near to mid-afternoon. You missed today's match, bro." He said sarcastically. What the fudge. Time is 11.36 in the morning. Thank god! Today it is Saturday, so no office.

"Sorry, Pranav! I slept late at night, so I was not able to wake up in the morning. You guys should have called me. Then I must have woke up. Why didn't you give me a call earlier."

" We tried calling, bro, but you did not answer. And the match started earlier, so we went to play ahead without you," He said.

"Oh, okay, bye, bro. I have to fresh up and eat something." With that, I cut the call. I did not see Tara anywhere in the living room. Where did she go without telling me? The sound of a shower running is coming from my bathroom. She must be taking a bath then. I quickly made bread omelets and prepared two mugs of coffee. She came out of the bathroom wearing another pair of my t-shirt and shorts.

"Good Morning Tara! I hope you had a great sleep last night."

"I slept well, but I think I caused inconvenience to you. I didn't even remember when I fell asleep. Thank you for taking care of me." She said guiltily.

"No problem, Tara, I am always happy to help you, and you will never cause me an inconvenience. So, don't overthink. I prepared breakfast for us, come here and eat. I will join you in a few minutes after fresh up." I quickly cleaned up myself and came back to the kitchen. The bread omelet is untouched, and she is sipping the coffee. I pulled the chair and sat down.

"Hey, you came. I am just waiting for you to come so that we can have breakfast together. But I was not able to resist the coffee smell. It is perfect." She complimented my cooking.

"I only know to make these simple things," I said.

After that, we enjoyed breakfast together and decided to watch a comedy film.

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