8. Outing with friends and Revelations

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The week passed away quickly, and Abhi's mood did not change back to regular. Whenever I tried to talk with him, there was one or the other interruption, and he also did not show much enthusiasm to have a chat with me. That is the reason I decided to set up a meet this weekend with our college friends. We are a group of eight close friends working in different companies in the same city. We usually spend most of our weekends together either by going on short trips or exploring new restaurants. And not to forgot, I did not meet them after my engagement. This weekend sounds more exciting than before for all the reasons.

We decided to visit a famous mall in the city. And not to forget lunch is on me. They are going to eat like horses now. Rahil, Abhishek, and I live nearby, so we decided to go together. I wore a simple white shirt with blue jeans and a sling bag. I'm not too fond of makeup and all, not even lipstick also. Rahil and Abhi are already waiting for me near my apartment inside a cab. I fastened my steps and joined them. They seem to be in a serious conversation before I joined.

"Someone came at last! We were thinking of canceling this plan," Rahil said in a sarcastic tone.

You know what, every time I am the one who will be waiting for them, just this one time I am late, and he is using that opportunity to mock me. He always tries to provoke me. We both are like Tom and Jerry, always fighting with each other. But this time, it's my fault, so I decided to say sorry.

"Hi, guys! Sorry for being late. I forget to set my alarm before bed, and my phone was in silent mode. Thank god! My roommate woke me up for breakfast." I explained, facing Abhi.

But he is looking towards the road with a bored face. Oh, god! What is his problem? I nudged Rahil in his ribs, pointing towards Abhi, and signaled him whether he knows why Abhi is like that. He just shrugged his shoulders. Although Rahil and I like to pull each other's legs, we understand each other so well.

"Tell me more about that unfortunate guy who is going to marry you. You did not even share his details. How are we going to warn him about the danger he is going to marry," he said.

"I think you don't need to worry about that. Pranav must have already given him a fair idea. Moreover, he is Pranav's best friend only."

"Oh, poor guy, he is entering into this even after knowing about you. I can't simply sit without appreciating his guts. Give me more details about him."

"Can you guys please shut your mouths for some time? I am having a headache now." Abhi said this while rubbing his forehead.

Rahil muttered something under his breath. I now got some clarity that something is going on, about which I don't have any clue.

After that, nobody uttered a single word. The ride was silent. Even the driver switched off the radio because of Abhi's outburst. We reached the mall in 15 minutes. Others are already there waiting for us. We exchanged hugs and kisses. We decided to go to the play area first. Boys are eager to play bowling, which is one of the main reasons they chose this mall.

This is my first time playing bowling, but I managed to beat the boys in one of the rounds. To all of our surprise, Riya is the one who won the game. She had prior experience in this game. This did not settle well with the boys; apparently, their male ego got wounded. We girls did a little victory dance seeing their faces. It serves them right for dragging us here in the heavy traffic.

"Ok, guys! Let's go to the dining area. Don't forget that Tara is giving us apart," Anand said excitedly.

"Yay! I did not even have my breakfast so that I can eat more at the party." Shakthi beamed.

"I imagine the juicy chicken popcorn in my sleep also. I can't wait anymore. Let's move, guys." this is Neethu. she is a big-time lover of chicken. All of us are foodies, and we have different tastes in foods, which makes us a perfect group.

I noted down all their orders and went to the counter to order them. The girl at the counter opened her mouth slightly in shock with my list of orders. Who wouldn't be? This list can easily feed a whole village. After some time, our orders arrived, we took our orders and sat near a round table.

A light-hearted conversation is going on around the table. Shakthi and Neethu are exchanging glances as usual.

"Why don't you guys tell us what is happening with you two," Anand said, pointing towards them.

Both of them blushed hard. "We wanted to take this thing at a slow pace. We don't want to give you guys any false information and spoil this friendly bond between us," Shakthi said.

"Idiots, why would this affect our bonding? It will only strengthen our relationship even more," Rahil said.

"Wow, Rahil, is it you speaking about relationships. I did not expect this much maturity from you, " I said while putting my hand on the heart with a shocked face. Everyone started laughing because of my statement.

"I wanted to tell you something. My teammate Madhu proposed to me, and I thought of giving it a shot, so I accepted her proposal," he said.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. I am sure as hell that everyone's reaction will be the same. Rahil does not believe in love and long-time commitments, but he is also not the type of guy who flirts with every other girl. So obviously, his revelation shocked us.

"Please, guys, no more revelations. My heart can't take any more of this. And here, everyone is doing a great job by reminding me that I am single," Riya said with a mocking face.

Our day got past within a blink of an eye time. We parted our ways, and the same silence prevailed in our ride back also.

I don't want to spoil my mood today by confronting Abhi, so I decided to talk with him tomorrow. I am quite happy with the turn of events today. I guess the love phase is going in our group. No one can dampen my excitement now. I wouldn't be this confident if I knew what is going to happen today.

Thank you so much for reading

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