7. Moody Abhi and Playful Ram

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" What are you thinking with that serious face," I asked Abhi.

"Nothing serious, I was thinking about the work, leave it," he said.

"Let's go to lunch then, and I am hungry already."

"Sorry, buddy, I am having lunch with the boys. Can you go with your team members," he said.

"I brought your favorite dal and fry. Don't you want to have a taste of it?" I tried to tempt him with his food weakness.

"oh, but I have to go with them for today. I will have your food next time," he said with a sad face.

" Okay, then I will leave"

Abhishek is acting these days weirdly, and he is not that cheerful anymore. I need to get deep into this matter. With these thoughts, I entered the cafeteria with my colleagues and had lunch. After that, we decided to sit on the bench for some time. I opened my mobile and checked the messages. There was a message from Ram.

R: You should hear another person's response before cutting the call, girl.

He is referring to the incident that happened in the morning. I don't want to tell him the real reason why I cut the call. It will boost his already oversized ego. So I responded to him with some silly reason.

T: My manager was calling me at that time, so I had to cut the call. From next time I will remember your words.

R: oh, okay! Had your lunch?

T: yes, just now, did you finished your lunch?

R: No, Tara, still some work is pending.

T: It is already 3. Complete your work after eating.

R: Oh, already started bossing, now I am afraid.

An involuntary blush crept on my cheeks. He is an idiot. He does know how to charm a girl. But most importantly, why am I feeling like this? Get a grip, girl. Usually, it will take me a lot of time to warm up with new persons, but I already feel comfortable sharing everything with him.


When I am getting ready for the office, I got a call from Tara. I was surprised by her call. And I got more surprised for the reason she called. She was not even afraid of the situation and handled it in a relaxed way. But I got into deep thought, and I always felt some responsibility towards society. Day by day, the crime rate is going up crazy. I forget to eat breakfast because of these thoughts in my mind.

When I reached the office, I was greeted with loads of work. It seems that Raghu took leave for a week, and I had to do his work also. Raghu is my closest friend at work. We both are at the same level and support each other. I did not even check the time while doing work. My phone beeped with a message from the person in my mind from the past few days.

T: My manager was calling me at that time, so I had to cut the call. From next time I will remember your words

R: oh, okay! Had your lunch?

T: yes, just now, did you finished your lunch?

R: No, Tara, still some work is pending.

T: It is already 3. Complete your work after eating.

Just now, she sounded like my mother. I noticed that it was past my lunchtime. If my mother came to know that I skipped my breakfast and did not have my lunch yet, she would surely kill me. My mother is amiable in all things except when it comes to food. And one of my weaknesses is I cannot lie to my mom in any situation. Anyway, I got a reason to tease Tara, and I will not leave this opportunity.

R: Oh, already started bossing, now I am afraid.

I sent her the text with a small smile on my lips. My stomach also started to growl, and With that, I left with Siva to have lunch.

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