16. First Confession

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I met Krish during Pranavi's wedding. I was studying at that time. It took more than a year for us to become friends. I just fell for his attitude. I know that we don't match each other from the start, and there will be too many obstacles. And I tried every possible way to hate him. The more I did, the more I fell. He became my mentor, my supporter, and my go-to person. But I don't think he had the same feelings for me. I moved on from him way before his marriage itself. Now I don't have any feelings for him. But my only regret is that I did not tell him about my feelings to him. Still, I am carrying that burden with me.

"You know, Ram, they both were like Tom and Jerry, always fighting with each other. Tara used to find new ways to irritate Krish. Pranav and I used to spend half of our time solving their silly fights." My lovely sister told this to Ram.

"What can I do? He was my favorite person, after all," I said sarcastically.

"You are still my favorite person, my kiddo," said Krish while ruffling my hair.

"That is so nice to hear, grandpa" I turned to him and stuck my tongue out. Everyone started laughing after hearing our rant. I missed these rants, our fights, our bond as a whole.

It's been more than two years since I last saw him. I deliberately dodged every situation that needs to meet him. Last year he got married to Kavitha. As usual, I cited some silly reasons so that I can avoid that marriage. Pranavi was very angry with me at that time because she knows how much our family's presence is important to their in-laws. Especially, Krish, I know that I mattered a lot to him. He even called me on a day before his marriage to invite, and it was evident from his tone that he was disappointed because of my absence. I was too selfishly thinking about my feelings that I did not attend one of the important events in his life. In contrast, he supported me in every important step of my life and held my hand as a big brother.

Anyway, I am here to move on from the past and start fresh with Ram. I hope that I will get a much-needed closure here.

We had our dinner early while light chatter flowing around. After that, I talked to Kavitha for some time. She seems like a mature woman, not like me. I can see that Krish and Kavitha love each other. I am so happy for Krish. Kavitha retired to bed early. It seems that she is tired because of the journey.

But one person is not giving me his attention from the time we came here, and it is irking me so much. Without thinking further, I took my phone and messaged him.

Someone forgot about me :(

"Why that sad face, sis? Is your loverboy not paying attention?" My sis started. Shit! I often forget that my face automatically reflects the expression I use in my messages or calls. Now I am caught.

"No, Nothing like that. I was just checking my group's messages. They are having so much fun without me. I miss them." I said with a sad face to convince her. And it is also true. I am missing them nowadays.

"Yeah, I know about your monkey troop. How are they doing?" She asked excitedly. My sister knows about everyone in my group and vice versa.

"I hope that everything is going fine. You know I am not talking with Abhi like before. I don't know whether my purpose of coming here served or not,"

"Don't worry, my little sis. Everything will go back to normal. Moreover, it's good that you came here. You got some time to spend with Ram and know him before marriage. Everything happens for a reason."

"I hope so. Are you going to sleep?" I asked her since she is looking very tired, maybe because of pregnancy.

"Yes, I have to. This fellow will wake me up in the middle of the night, you know. So I better get some sleep now." she said, lovingly caressing her bump. I also touched her bump and said, "Nice job, champ. Take care of your mommy for me."

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