4. Walks and snacks

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After that incident, we had our breakfast while chit-chatting. After that, my BIL'S other two best friends also came. I already met them on my engagement day. They got shocked by seeing me here. After all the explanation, we decided to play some games.

After so many arguments, we decided to play dumb charades by forming teams. Adi, Pranav, and me in one group and the others in the opposite group. We decided to give movie names to each other. Everyone came up with their best acting skills. Some movie names are so funny that we laughed our hearts out when they are acting. We all are hungry, so we decided to stop the game, and it ended in a tie.

Too lazy to cook, we decided to order the food online. After lunch, my sis decided to take a nap. My BIL went outside to get the groceries. Arjun, Adi, and Ram are discussing something.

I plugged in my earphones and decided to finish the novel today. While I'm reading, I tend to forget my surroundings. When I was deeply involved in the book, suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up in irritation. It was Ram. He was taken aback by my reaction.

He said, "we decided to go to the park, so thought of asking you also, sorry for disturbing," in a gentle voice.

You idiot, you scared him." I'm sorry, Ram, the book is interesting, so I got irritated with the sudden interruption. Please don't mind that. I will come with you." I apologized quickly.

Today's weather is nice, so I decided to take a walk in the park and said that I would come. I took my phone and wrote a note to Pranavi about our outing. I don't want to disturb her sleep.

Park is just a 5-minute walk from the flat. After reaching there, they decided to join the volleyball game. I plugged in my earphones and started to walk around the park. Little kids are playing around the park, and old age people are talking and doing some small exercises. Walking is one of my favorite hobbies. I like to walk as much as I can. It gives me the time to think about anything and everything.

After some time, Arjun, Adi, and Ram came to me. "OK, Tamara, we are leaving for the day. Please take care of our Ram. You can give us a call if you want any help regarding this idiot," Arjun said, pointing towards Ram. I just gave them a small smile and waved them bye.

Ram joined me in the walking, and we started to talk about random things. This is the first time where we are talking without anyone's presence.

"I heard that there is a food court nearby. Shall we go there?" Ram asked me. " Yeah, I want to have a chat masala. It is delicious here. Let's go," I said.

We reached the food court while talking with each other. We ordered two plates of chat masala. As usual, the taste is fantastic. Then I saw the juice shop. I want an Oreo milkshake now. I dragged him to the juice shop and ordered an Oreo milkshake for myself. Ram ordered a chocolate milkshake. He drank only half a glass, and here I have finished the whole tumbler in 2 minutes.

" It is already late. I think we should go now," he said.

"Yeah, just finish your drink, then we can leave," I said.

"I don't like sweet items that much. I can't drink more than this, yaar."

That chocolate milkshake is looking yummy. I don't want to waste it.

"OK, I will have it then. It is looking too good to waste," I said. He just nodded at me with a smile. I drank the remaining portion and paid the bill.

It is already dark. It will take nearly 30 minutes to go back by walk. We are walking side by side. It is really peaceful now, without any sounds.

"I did not expect that today it would turn out like this. It was nice spending time with you" Ram started the conversation again.

"yeah, all thanks to those monkeys. They planned it beforehand," I said.

" Yes, I think it is good. Even though we have our numbers, we did not even text each other, at least good morning or good night texts. If we have to progress our relationship, I think we should at least start from somewhere," he said.

'' Yes, I know, it's just that it will take me some time to become comfortable around new people, but I will try my best," I said.

It is filled with silence again, "OK, will start like this, tell me what you have observed about me today, and then I will tell you the same," I said.

"Good idea. I noticed that you like to beat people" By now, my face is like a tomato, such an excellent impression, girl, keep going on like this.

" You love your cousin like your own sister, you are stubborn, you don't like to be disturbed while reading, you don't like to waste food, especially milkshakes, and you are shy around me," stuck out his tongue after saying the last part.

I punched his shoulder and said, "oh, don't boast about self Mr. Ram. As I said earlier, I am nervous around new people, don't make assumptions."

Yes, I am a little shy around him. Who wouldn't be shy around their husband to be? Still, I don't want to say this to boast his already massive ego. I will keep that with me only.

"Haha, then why did you lower your head? Don't you want me to show your expressions now" after saying that, he laughed. " your eyes speak more than your mouth." he said in a serious tone after some time.

I am impressed by his observations.

"OK, my turn now, you are a helping friend, friendly nature, you have so much patience, you don't like sweets, you don't like to hurt others, and you make the best masala dosa," I said.

"Thank you for the compliment, my friend. I only know how to make dosa, so don't think that I am a good chef," he said.

"same pinch yaar, I also belong to the same category."

"oh no! then how can we manage in the future, Tara."

"don't worry, we have youtube and Google, right. Let us start to learn from now onwards," I said.

We both are talking and laughing. We did not even realize that we reached our destination.

It is sure to be a productive day. I think marrying him will not be a bad idea.

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