18. Cuddling and warning

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They will tease us if they see us in this position, so I asked Ram to drop me near the door before pressing the doorbell. As soon as the doorbell rang, Pranav opened the door without delay, like he is waiting to open the door. Everyone is assembled in the living room. It is evident that Pranavi cried before we came, and Krish looked somewhat relieved after he saw us. I am feeling guilty now. Pranavi cried because of me. So without waiting, I tried to walk towards Pranavi but hissed due to the pain.

"Ah!" someone cried. When I look back, it is Ram who cried. "What the hell did you do, Ram. I am going to kill you if you don't tell me a valid reason now. Why does Tara looking like she cried a lot, and you also made my Pranavi cry."

Oh no! Pranav misunderstood. I should stop him before he continues to beat Ram. Even though Ram is his best friend, I know that he will not spare him when it comes to Pranavi or me. He is way too protective.

"Nothing happened. I hit my leg hard to a stone while walking, and due to the pain, I cried a lot. Ram helped me return. So can you please stop this nonsense now?" I said.

"Shit! I am sorry bro, I could not control my anger after seeing Pranavi and Tara's torn faces. But you should have informed us before leaving the house, right. We were worried," Pranav apologized to ram. Thank god! His anger subsided. You don't want to deal with angry Pranav. He causes too much damage.

"I am not returning your punch just because Pranavi was worried because of me. I will kill you next time if you do the same before asking, you Idiot," Ram replied angrily while giving Pranav a soft punch.

Everyone came back to normal after that and went to their beds. I can see that Ram is wincing in pain. He sat on the couch while muttering some colorful words to Pranav. Pranav gave me a pleading look asking me to look after Ram and followed Pranavi. I sat beside Ram and took a careful look at his face. A red patch formed on his cheek.

"Go and bring the ice from the refrigerator and a piece of cloth," I kind of ordered him.

"Am I the one who got a punch, or is it you? You should get those and treat me," he said.

"Oh, is it? Am I the one whose leg got fractured, or is it yours?" I replied with a question. And then he realized his mistake.

"Okay, fine. I will get them."

After that, we both attended to each other's wounds and got up to sleep. But a hilarious thing happened here. Since there are only two bedrooms available, we thought that girls and boys would take different rooms. But it seems that arrangement is no longer followed. Pranav and Panavi are sleeping in one room, and Krish and his wife sleep in another room. They might have forgotten our previous arrangement after all the drama, I guess.

"Okay, let us take blankets and pillows and sleep in the living room," I suggested.

"Do we have any other choice now?" he replied. With that, Ram brought spare blankets and pillows from the bedroom. We settled on the floor. Different thoughts are running in my mind. Within a short span of time, so much happened. After five more minutes of my unsuccessful attempts to sleep, I opened my mouth again.

"Are you asleep?"

"It is already 1.30 in the morning. Go to sleep Tara."

"You are not at all fun Mr. Ram," I said.

"Is it? You should have told me that while we are kissing," he said. How can he say that so casually? I blushed profusely at his comment. Thank god! The lights are all switched off.

"Okay, from next time, I will search for a fun-loving person to kiss," I said. It serves him right.

"What the, you will do no such thing, Tara," he replied angrily while snaking his arm around my waist. I snuggled into him while putting a pillow between us.

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