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Rosalis and Benedictus made their way through the forest, journeying further and deeper. Suddenly, they spotted a small, cozy looking cottage. There was smoke rising from the chimney and a light emanated from inside, illuminating the windows. They stood still in place and stared at it. Benedictus turned his head towards Rosalis. "Should we see if there is anyone inside?" He asked. "Maybe they have food."

Rosalis slowly walked up to the cottage and pushed the door open. The cottage was cramped, cupboards and shelves filled to the brim with jars of unknown substances. Numerous dried herbs and spices hung from the walls. The fireplace crackled pleasantly, small sparks of embers flying into the air, disappearing a second later. At the back of the cottage was a table where an old man was sitting at, reading a book. He held a long wooden pipe in his mouth, pleasantly puffing away at it. Noticing the door open, he looked up at them from the book that he was reading. He was clad in long, brown robes, a swirl of patterns embroidered into it, embellished with gold. He had a short but incredibly thick beard and his face was lined with wrinkles. His white hair was short and thick, puffed out like a blooming bush. His eyebrows were bushy and untamed. He took the pipe out of his mouth and waved them over.

"Please, do come in." He said, closing the book and putting it down onto the table. He put his pipe down onto a rest, letting the smoke waft around the room. Rosalis and Benedictus took the invitation gingerly and stepped inside, letting the door shut behind them. They walked over to the old man as he stood up. "You must be famished. Please. Sit." He shuffled over to a small, cramped kitchen and began to prepare a meal, taking two plates. He opened two pots on the stone stove and took a large fork, proceeded with dumping on unpeeled potatoes and thinly sliced cabbage. Rosalis and Benedictus sat at a table and waited, either of them not knowing what to say. He put the plates down at their faces and gave them each a fork. Rosalis and Benedictus both looked at each other and the knight took her fork, deciding to go first. She proceeded with eating the meal and Benedictus followed suit. The old man came back to them holding two small bread rolls. They took them and took a bite, eating them with their meal. Finally, for a third time, he came back with two ceramic mugs filled with beer, placed them down by their plates. He then sat down at the other side of the table and looked at his new guests. "So what brings you here?" The old man asked. Rosalis swallowed and licked her lips.

"We are journeying towards Wolfholde." She replied.

"Why there? Surely there are nicer places to go to? Why would you want to enter that accursed land?"

"I am going to kill Wolfgrimm."

The man frowned, concern suddenly in his eyes. "Let me get this straight. You want to kill the king of Wolfholde?"


The old man sighed and then blinked, as if he had just remembered something. "I am so sorry, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Forthwind."

"My name is Rosalis Ventris and this is my companion, Benedictus Fitzalan."

Benedictus waved a hand at Forthwind, continued with his meal.

"I do not mean to offend either of you in any way," Forthwind continued. "but I strongly advise both of you to even attempt to enter Wolfholde."

"I already told her the story." Benedictus said.

"But you joined her?"

The monk shrugged, grabbing the mug of beer. He gulped some down. Forthwind sighed.

"Turn back now. Both of you. Turn back before it is too late. Especially you, Rosalis."

"I must tell you, that you are addressing the herald and custodian of King Edmund II of Frinnor." Benedictus said. "Show some respect."

Forthwind held up both of his hands for a second, tilting his head politely, excusing himself.

"Neither of us are going to back down." Rosalis said. "We are on a quest to prevent a war. It is one death in exchange for the survival of thousands of other lives."

Forthwind's eyes widened for a second and his huge eyebrows jumped up and down. "Well why didn't you just say so? I can be of aid to you."

Rosalis sighed almost silently. "I do not mean to offend you in any way, but, you are old. This type of quest isn't something that is suited to someone such as yourself."

The old man smiled. "How are you so sure?"

"I'm sorry?"

Forthwind swept one of his hands gracefully and a chill of wind ran through the cottage, suddenly extinguishing the burning wood in the fireplace. Benedictus was about to shove another portion of cabbage into his mouth when he stopped himself, freezing into a statue. He dropped his utensil and reached into his robes, drawing out a small wooden crucifix. He showed it to Forthwind. The conjurer did not seem the slightest bit fazed by the action, himself seeming to be immune to the power of God. Rosalis took the monk's arm and forced him to lower it and he did so, but still stared at the old man in fear.

"How is such a thing possible?" Rosalis asked.

"I am descended from an ancient race in which we call ourselves wizards." Forthwind replied. "We are healers and protectors of the weak, nothing more. If I have to be honest with you, even I myself do not know how my powers work. They are just the way that they are."

Benedictus stared at the wizard for a couple of moments and then replaced the crucifix back into his robes, his faith shaken to the core.

"So what say you? May I join you on your quest?"

"Indeed." Rosalis replied. "We could use someone of your skills."

Forthwind inclined his head in a small bow. "If we are going to prevent a war, then we have no time to lose." He walked over to a large, pointed brown hat, also decorated with a swirl of patterns and woven with gold. Taking it, he put it on his head and grabbed his pipe. They then set off once more, towards their destination of Wolfholde.

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