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Rosalis, her custodian and the escaped convicts returned to Wolfholde. They all entered the armoury and stared at the abundance of weapons that were stored there. Averill and Orion immediately went for a pair of swords whilst Jake went for a pair of small axes. Jaxon grabbed a longbow and slung the quiver onto his back. The custodian looked at Razor.

"You are not going to pick anything?" He asked him. Razor grinned and chomped his metal teeth at him. "Point taken."

A knight of Wolfholde stood guard at his post, a spear in his hand. He stared forward, trying not to fall asleep. After all, he was one of the many others that were responsible with keeping the kingdom safe from a night attack. Suddenly, a sword protruded itself through his neck and his corpse was dragged around a corner. The knights of Frinnor snuck through Wolfholde, trying to get to the palace. More guards were assassinated, their bodies hidden out of sight.

Rosalis and the rest of the killers sat in a room, planning about what to do with Frinnor.

"Well, we could just take it by force." Jaxon said.

"You really think that we haven't tried that?" Rosalis replied.

"What if we just sneak through and kill everyone?" Jake asked. "No one will see us and we will probably end up decimating them."

"Tempting, tempting."

Averill suddenly held his hand up. They all looked at him and he gestured, standing up.

"There is someone here." Jaxon said quietly. Averill and Orion drew their swords out. Jake drew his axes out. Jaxon knocked an arrow into his bow. Russel merely grinned. The door suddenly burst open and some Frinnor knights charged into the room. Jaxon let loose his arrow and Jake threw his axe, immediately killing them both. They retrieved their weapons. Rosalis gestured her head to the criminals.

"Go on," She told them. "kill as many as you like."

They all charged out of the room and proceeded with the slaughter. Razor Russel suddenly clamped his jaws down onto a knight's neck and twisted his head back, tearing out his jugular vein. The knight dropped to the ground, horrifically bleeding out, already dead. Russel spat out the jugular vein and went for another knight like a bloodthirsty cat. Crazy Eyes Jake swung his axe across one knight's neck, decapitating him and then grabbed his head, letting the blood flow into the corpse's helmet. He dropped the head and took the helmet in both hands, proceeded to gulp down the blood like a vampire. The knights looked on in horror. Jake dropped the helmet to the floor and looked at the knights, his mouth covered in the victim's blood. His eyes were wide, his pupils dilated. He suddenly tilted his head sharply, like a raven that had just spotted a fresh carcass. He grinned at the knights, showing them his blood stained teeth. The vampire ran for them and they dropped their swords, fleeing. But they were too slow and Jake killed them easily. Jaxon let loose his arrows one by one, shooting the knights in the face, getting a bullseye every single time. Averill swung his sword, taking out knights. Orion took out the knights easily, despite having one arm. Two knights ran at him and he clashed his sword back and forth multiple times, disorientating them and then sliced one of their throat's open, stabbing the other in the face. Meanwhile, throughout all of the slaughter and mania, Rosalis sat in a chair, enjoying the show, cutting away slices of apple with a dagger. Having had some sense knocked into their skulls, the knights of Frinnor began to retreat from the unbeatable fight. Quickly, the room was empty. Rosalis stood up, putting down the half eaten apple onto the armrest and stabbed the dagger into the wood, letting it stand on its own. She stepped over to a window, opening it and looked at the knights as they fled from the city, fearing for their lives. She chuckled and turned to the knights, smiling at them.

"Well done." She told them. "I am pleased with you all."

The regent king of Frinnor sat in the throne, his right fist resting under his cheek, the fingers of his left hand drumming away at the armrest in thought and anxiety. The doors opened and he stopped drumming his fingers, took his hand away from his cheek and stared at a knight that walked in, He stopped in front of him. "Well?" He asked. "What of the attack on Wolfholde?"

The knight sighed, hesitating. "It did not go well, we had no choice but to retreat. It seems that Rosalis has broken some criminals out of Bellburn and they are working for her."

"What?!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the hall. He shot up from the throne and slowly walked up to the knight, anger brimming. "Are you telling me, that Rosalis has recruited some of the world's most dangerous killers to work for her?"


The regent king stopped a couple of metres away from the knight and stared at him, piercing steel daggers into his eyes. The knight blinked and his lip quivered slightly, himself wondering what his fate was going to be. The regent king sighed and blinked. "I never thought that we would have to do this. We have to go to our last resort."

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