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Midday had almost dawned and Rosalis and Uliraf awoke, hungover from the night of drinking and wild sex. They sat at a table, devouring a large meal like wolves. They eyed each other with murderous intent, not speaking to one another, groggy. Sweet rolls, cheesecake and biscuits decorated the table, the meal being mostly sugar based.

The next morning, Rosalis and Uliraf awoke, feeling fine. They sat at the table, eating their breakfast. "Tell me," Uliraf asked. "how did you come to be Edmund's custodian and herald?"

"It's a long story."

"We have time."


Five years ago...

The archbishop stepped back as he placed the crown onto Edmund's head. "Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!" The crowd echoed. Edmund II smiled warmly.

Edmund walked with the archbishop around the castle.

"My lord, I advise that you get a herald and custodian to help you with your daily life." He suggested.

"I do not need one. I shall be fine on my own."

The archbishop bowed his head and left him.

Edmund walked about the kingdom, greeting the villagers and he passed them. They all greeted him back, bowing to him. Rosalis was at her small cottage sowing seeds on her incredibly small garden. It wasn't much, but it was cozy. She bowed to Edmund as he passed her.

"My lord."

Suddenly, some bandits jumped out from behind the trees, daggers in their hands. Edmund stopped in place, frozen by shock.

"Now then," One of them said, twirling the dagger in between his fingers. "Hand over your gold and jewellery. We don't want to make this difficult for you, don't we?"

"Alright, alright." Edmund went to surrender, preparing to take the rings off. Suddenly, one of the bandits screamed as his arm was separated from his shoulder. It dropped to the ground and blood spurted out from the stump. Rosalis stepped over to him, slicing his throat open with a cleaver. She suddenly stepped in front of Edmund. One of the bandits dashed at her and she proceeded to kill him, began to cleave through the rest like butter. Within some moments, the corpses of the bandits were sprawled all about the road. Edmund looked at her. "I...I don't know what to say, other than thank you for saving my life."

Rosalis turned to him. "You're welcome."

Knights ran up to the scene and immediately went to apprehend Rosalis.

"For God's sake, get off of her!" Edmund yelled, suddenly angry. Within an instant, they let go of her. "How dare you treat my saviour!" He turned to Rosalis, his face kind. "I do apologise sincerely."

Rosalis inclined her head in a bow. Edmund waved away the knights.

"Get back to your duties."

And with that, the knights departed. Edmund turned to Rosalis. "Come, walk with me."

Rosalis suddenly threw the cleaver into her kitchen, letting it spin through the air. It hit a chopping board and stayed there. Edmund's eyebrows jumped up and down in amazement. Rosalis closed her door and walked with the king.

"That was quite something that you did." He remarked. "You may be a maiden, but you have some skill."

"Thank you."

"I am in need of a custodian and herald."

Rosalis frowned slightly, confused. "Excuse me?"

"How would you like to work for me?"

Rosalis did not say anything, speechless.

"I shall pay you ten shillings a day."

Shock suddenly ran through her mind. "Oh, good Lord."

"Is that not enough?"

"You are being much too generous."


Rosalis suddenly stepped in front of Edmund and dropped to one knee, bowing her head to him. "I shall protect you with my last dying breath."

Edmund smiled warmly.

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