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Rosalis journeyed further into the forest, aided by her new helpers. Night fell and Benedictus and Forthwind carried burning torches, lighting the path ahead. Suddenly, Rosalis held her hand up, stopping them both in their tracks. Putting her hand down, she scanned the forest and then after one moment, she gestured to the trees and they hid without question. Rosalis peeked out from behind her cover and she saw two people walking her way, both clad in scratched and scuffed armour. One of them carried a large and heavy looking warhammer in one of his armoured hands and the other had two large daggers kept in sheaths, strapped to himself. Strapped to his back, was a straight, single edged falchion that resembled a large and long machete, looking like it could easily cleave through bone. Rosalis stepped out from behind her corner and drew her sword out, ready to engage in combat. Forthwind also did so, conjuring two balls in fire in his hands. Benedictus took his staff, ready to use it at will. The two newcomers stopped in place and grabbed their weapons. There was silence for a few tense moments, either of them wondering which one was going to attack first. It was then that the one with the warhammer spoke out.

"Who are you?"

"You first." Rosalis replied.

"We are just two travellers."

"With weapons? I highly doubt that."

"This is a dangerous place."

"That be true."

"Are you journeying towards Wolfholde?"

"Why is that suddenly your concern?"

The two men looked at each other and then put away their weapons. Rosalis stared at them and then nodded to her companions after a small moment. Benedictus lowered his staff and Forthwind closed both of his fists, letting the flames go out in two puffs of smoke.

"My name is Marmaducus Walcher and this is my friend Anselmus Valter." He said. "We are out for revenge on Wolfgrimm. He ransacked our town and because of him, everyone lives in fear that he may one day return and cause more trouble. No one sleeps, everyone has nightmares about the incident. Because of him, people have lost their lives."

"You want to kill Wolfgrimm?" Rosalis asked, sheathing her sword.

"Yes." Ansemlus replied simply.

"We are also here to kill him. If we fail in our quest, Frinnor will fall."

"Then we could be of help to you. What say you?"

"It is a deal."

Without another word said, Marmaducus and Anselmus walked by them and they all followed after them.

"Why were you walking this way?" Benedictus asked. "Wolfholde is behind you."

Marmaducus shook his head. "The bridge over the river collapsed. There is no way that we can get across. But maybe there is another entrance somewhere. So we had to go back the way that we had arrived."

"So we just have to find another way."

The five heroes journeyed further, trying to find another path towards Wolfholde. Slowly but suddenly, the sky had begun to darken, black clouds rising. Forthwind looked ahead of himself, his eyebrows furrowed. "Something is wrong." He said. Immediately, everyone drew their weapons out, reacting to the threat. Three people stepped in front of them, all clad in armour, spears in their hands. Favian, Fendrell and Hildegard Terricus looked at their enemies. Without one word said, they all grabbed their spears and charged towards their targets. A fight ensued. Marmaducus and Anselmus fought Hildegard, watching each other's backs, one protecting the other. Benedictus fought Favian with his staff, continuously trying to smack it into his face, but failing as Favian parried every single attack sent towards him with speed and agility. Forthwind lifted one of his hands up and clenched it into a fist. Suddenly, Favian's spear began to release a small wisp of smoke, heating up. Suddenly, it set aflame. Favian cried out in pain, seething and dropped his staff. Smoke rose from his hand and he doubled over, clutching at it, screaming in agony. Forthwind suddenly thrust one of his hands out at him and a stream of fire erupted from his palm, colliding with the mercenary. It immediately set him aflame and he collapsed to the ground, screeching in a voice that was not his own, writhing around like a snake. Within seconds, he died, his corpse charred, smoking. Forthwind thrust out his hand once more and a ray of frost shot out, hitting Fendrel square in the chest. It immediately froze him in place, turning him into an ice statue. Forthwind thrust out his hand for a third time towards Hildegard. Five bolts of lightning shot out from his fingertips and collided with the final mercenary. He jerked and jarred violently in place as the lightning cooked him in his armour. The lightning suddenly exploded in a shower of sparks and Hildegard was shot backwards by the force. He rolled on the ground, his armour steaming slightly and did not move. Marmaducus took his warhammer and swung it at Fendrel, smashing him to pieces. Chunks of the icy mercenary scattered themselves all over the place. Just his feet stood in place, frozen to the ground. They all looked around, trying to see if there was anyone else that might jump out at them. Marmaducus looked at Forthwind.

"Not bad for an old man." He said.

"I may be old," Forthwind replied. "but I am certainly not redundant."

Marmaducus chuckled. Rosalis looked at Forthwind and saw him staring at some trees. His face was in shock.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Forthwind snapped his head towards her, his face immediately back to normal.

"Mm?" He asked. "Oh, oh, it's...nothing. It's just..." He looked back towards the trees once more and then looked back towards her, smiled. "It is nothing, don't you worry about that." He cleared his throat. "Well, we must press on."

Rosalis looked at him and then continued to lead the way.

The fivesome made camp and sat around the crackling fire. Marmaducus groaned, stretching out his legs, getting rid of the kink in his back. Forthwind plucked some mint leaves and stuffed them into his pipe. He lightly snapped his fingers, summoning a miniscule flickering flame and lit it, allowing the leaves to smoulder. Waving away the flame, he sat back down by the fire. Rosalis looked at the wizard and saw him puffing away at his pipe, releasing rings of smoke into the air that expanded and quickly melted away into the night sky. He was staring at the fire, seeming to be hypnotised by it.

"What's wrong?" She spoke out. Forthwind looked up at her and immediately stopped puffing at the menthol. He took the pipe out of his mouth and smiled at her.

"It is nothing." He replied, shaking his head slightly.

"It will be better if you get the matter off your chest."

Forthwind looked around, seeing that everyone else was looking at him. He sighed. "After our victory against the mercenaries, I thought I saw something. Through the trees. A figure in white. Some time ago, I had a student. Seraphina was her name."

"A beautiful name." Marmaducus remarked.

"It wasn't just her name that was beautiful. She was something. I taught her everything that I knew about sorcery, but then, she became sick. Her mind went towards dark magic, necromancy. She lost her mind altogether, she became insane with the power that she had accumulated. I tried to help her, I tried to save her from her dark path, but she disappeared. I fear that she is out to kill me."

"You are not dead yet." Rosalis replied, reassuring him. "Just like I would with Edmund, I will protect you until my last dying breath."

Forthwind smiled at her. "That means a lot to me."

Anselmus grunted as he got up. He grabbed a bottle of wine and handed chalices to everyone. "This is no time to think about dark things such as this. Let us be merry tonight. For our next day may be our last. Wolfgrimm is someone that is not to be trifled with." He proceeded to pour everyone ounces of wine and quickly, the bottle was empty. Throughout the night, they all sang songs of joy and danced without a care in the world. It was only then, in the early hours of the morning, that they finally rested.

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