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The next day of the war had started and the city was deserted. Both armies met on the plains of Frinnor. Wolfgrimm stood in front of his enemy and took some magic mushrooms in his palm. Without hesitation, he scoffed them down and waited for them to take effect. Quickly, they did so and his pupils dilated. Suddenly, he went berserk, laughing maniacally. Edmund and Rosalis faced their army, themselves mounted on horses.

"Today is the day that we fight for the future of Frinnor!" Edmund exclaimed, beginning his speech. "We fight for the future of all our children and descendants yet to come forth! We are the first and only line of defence that there is! If we fall, Frinnor will fall with us! If you fall, you will fall with honour and glory! Your lives will not have been sacrificed in vain! It is with your noble sacrifice that will allow Frinnor to live forever! Our names shall echo in eternity, remembered for centuries to come! From this day forth, we will fight a war and defend our kingdom until our last dying breaths! If you shall fall, just remember that you fought with honour and dignity! Your bodies will rot under the ground, but your names shall never be forgotten! We will make our enemy rue the day that they decided to face our wrath! We will show them that we will not go down as easily as they might think! We will crush them and we will make them bleed! We will be riding face first into the storm! You are knights of the kingdom! It is your duty until the day that you die to protect the kingdom and its people! Remember your training! Remember your oaths that you swore to keep! The attackers shall be stopped and we will put an end to this miserable war, allowing ourselves to live in peace once again!" Edmund unsheathed his longsword and pointed it to the sky. "For the glory of Frinnor!"

The entire army also unsheathed their weapons, almost simultaneously and pointed their swords, axes and spears into the sky. "For the glory of Frinnor!" They echoed with a ferocity that shook the ground. Rosalis also unsheathed her sword and in a flash, the charge began. Edmund charged into battle on his horse, leading the army, Rosalis by his side. Forthwind ran alongside her, his robes trailing after him. The knights all charged after them, their weapons ready to taste fresh blood. Wolfgrimm stood in place, in front of his army and raised his metal hand into the air. He sharply put it down again and a volley of arrows was suddenly let loose, all flying for Rosalis and her soldiers. Her horse neighed as it collapsed to the ground, throwing her off. Rosalis stood up, her armour scratched, but herself completely uninjured. An enemy knight ran at her and she quickly dispatched him, slashing her sword across his neck. She looked around, seeing the insane battle going on around her. Not even a minute had passed and it was already utter chaos. The knights of Frinnor fought the knights of Wolfholde. Swords were slashed at throats, spears were stabbed at stomachs, shields were thrusted into faces. One Frinnor knight slashed his axe at his enemy, cutting his throat open. He gasped as dark red blood poured down his neck. He choked as the blood was also forced out from his mouth, splattering down his chin. The Frinnor knight thrusted his shield into his dying enemy's face and he fell to the ground. Proceeding with giving him no mercy, he brought the tip of the shield down onto his face, slicing through it like it was warm butter. He stood up, the bottom of his shield dripping with the blood of his enemy and reacted, just as an opposing knight ran at him. He swung his axe into the knight's face, cleaving it halfway, the blade hitting the skull beneath the flesh and muscle. Dislodging his axe from the corpse's face, he stared at it for a second as fresh blood poured out from the huge gash. The corpse collapsed to the ground and the knight looked around for more enemies to kill. Two enemy knights fought each other with their spears, attacking and counter attacking. The knight of Wolfholde spun his spear in his hand, pointed the blade the wrong way round and then whacked the staff into his enemy's face. Blood exploded out from his nose as it was broken to pieces and he fell to the ground from the force of the brutal blow. Not giving him a chance to get up, the Wolfholde knight brought his spear down onto his enemy's chest, piercing through his armour. He put his foot to the corpse's plackart and drew the bloody spear out, went on to look for more enemies to kill. Edmund swung his sword at his enemies endlessly as they came at him, cutting them all to pieces as easily as he would be scything his lawn. His armour was stained and splattered with the blood of Wolfgrimm's soldiers, his sword even more so. Wolfgrimm joined the fight, cutting down multiple enemies. One knight stabbed him in the arm, but he ignored the wound and cut him down. He cut down another enemy, and another, and another, piling corpses around him. The drugs had made him unstoppable. Wolfgrimm roared as he lifted his sword up into the air and brought it down onto one knight, cracking the helmet, splitting right through the skull. Forthwind burned his enemies, setting the tunics underneath their armour aflame. They screamed as they cooked inside their armour, smoke rising. Forthwind lifted both of his hands up and suddenly, the ground shook violently. It broke apart as a huge stone hand appeared. Another stone hand appeared and a giant made of solid rock stepped out. Wolfgrimm's soldiers retreated slightly, in shock of their new enemy. The giant roared at them and suddenly picked one up, ripping him in half like a piece of parchment. It stepped onto another, crushing him into the ground. A man suddenly conjured up a beam of light from his hand and looked at his new enemy. The giant brought its palm down onto the warlock, but he dodged it. He suddenly jumped onto it and proceeded to run up the giant's arm. The giant looked at the tiny speck and it suddenly flinged itself at it, attaching itself to its face. The warlock punched one of the giant's eyes and it roared in agony, being blinded. He suddenly conjured up a large sword of light and jumped down from the giant's face. The warlock plunged the sword into the giant's chest and tore it open as he quickly descended downwards. The giant roared as it suddenly cracked in half and crashed to the ground. The warlock landed onto his feet and proceeded to stride up to Forthwind, cutting down the knights like they were mere weeds. Both Forthwind and the warlock proceeded to conjure up numerous spells, one trying to kill the other. Forthwind let loose a fireball and the warlock dodged it, let it explode onto the ground. He released a beam of light from his hand and Forthwind dodged it, jumping to the side. The wizard suddenly heaved, sucking in an immense amount of air and then released it back in the form of a stream of fire, turning himself into a flamethrower. The warlock collapsed to the ground, rolling away, letting the fire burn the unfortunate victims. Suddenly, there was a cacophony of screaming as knights from both sides caught aflame. One knight collapsed to the ground, punching it as he did so, screaming his lungs out. A few seconds later, he stopped. Forthwind shot lightning into the sky and a crack of thunder boomed through the sky. Suddenly, a large and horizontal crack appeared behind him a mile away, breaking reality. The warlock stared in shock as some hands appeared and proceeded to pry the crack open. It opened up fully and an army of wizards marched out. Retaliating, the warlock also conjured up a crack of light behind himself. Some hands also pried it open and an army of necromancers clad in black cloaks marched out, some carrying staffs, other rings, some swords. The two armies looked at each other as the rest of the knights continued to fight. Forthwind suddenly screamed and ran in, leading the charge. The warlock also did so and a bloody battle ensued. A wizard shot his hands out and a stream of fire erupted, burning one necromancer to a crisp. A wizard shot his hand out to the sky and fire proceeded to rain down, burning the necromancers' cloaks, setting them aflame. One necromancer retaliated and sent a wave of shadows to the wizard. The wave collided with him, tearing him apart in a sight of bones and blood. One necromancer fired a beam of darkness towards his target, killing him instantly and then gestured to the ground in a circular motion. A huge puddle of darkness appeared in the ground. Suddenly, huge arms of shadow appeared, dragging sorcerers down into the abyss. A wizard shot his hands out, restraining a necromancer with vines. He dragged his hands back, suddenly tearing him apart in an agonising display of flying limbs and blood. He summoned some more vines and forced them to wrap themselves around one necromancer. The vines suddenly tightened, crushing him to death. One wizard trapped a group of necromancers between some rocks. Without giving them a chance to fly out, he poured in two streams of fire, cooking them alive. A necromancer shot his hands out, summoning a hail of shadow arrows. They flew towards the wizards, killing a large group of them instantly. One wizard was suddenly speared by a shard of shadow that came out of nowhere. A necromancer stabbed a wizard with a shard of shadow. The wizard gasped as his skin began to darken, turning grey. The necromancer groaned in pleasure as the wounds on his face healed, stitching themselves up and fading away. What was left of the wizard, a grey dried up husk, collapsed to the ground and crumbled to pieces, was quickly carried away by the light breeze. A group of wizards all conjured up fireballs and proceeded to throw them towards the oncoming necromancers. The fireballs exploded like grenades, tearing limbs apart, scattering corpses everywhere. A wizard released a torrent of water towards a target, drowning him. The sodden corpse dropped to the ground. The wizard suddenly summoned a bolt of lightning, electrocuting one target and speared another one with a shard of ice. He released a beam of frost, freezing one necromancer in place, turning him into an ice statue. Suddenly, he heard a screech and snapped his head round, facing the threat. But it was already too late. A group of winged shadow creatures flew for him and grabbed him, proceeded with tearing him apart with their claws. A necromancer fought his enemy, but the wizard kept deflecting his attacks. Suddenly, the wizard shot his palms out. Hundreds of shards of wood flew for him, impaling him, turning him into a pin cushion. The corpse dropped to the ground, bleeding out everywhere. The wizard summoned a boulder and threw it towards a random target. The rock collided with a necromancer's head, splattering it. A wizard speared his enemy with a shard of metal, impaling him. A necromancer shot his hands out and shards of shadow flew for the wizard, tearing him to shreds. A necromancer was suddenly covered in dirt from head to toe and water was suddenly poured onto him. Before he could shake off the mud, the wizard dried out the mud with a burst of flame. The mud quickly hardened and the necromancer stood in place, turned into a stone statue. A sorcerer snapped his fingers and released a huge fireball towards a small platoon of necromancers. The fireball exploded in a blaze, splattering everyone everywhere. A necromancer released a long, large wavy line of shadow which quickly wrapped itself around a close group of wizards. Without giving them a chance to escape, it tightened around them, crushing them to death. One wizard stomped his foot down onto the ground and huge shards of rock suddenly sprung out from the ground one after the other, impaling the necromancers. There was a screech and a group of skulls made from shadow flew over to a sorcerer and proceeded to bite at him, tearing him to shreds. A sorcerer cast a spell down onto the ground and the earth shook as the battlefield cracked and split. A chasm opened up and swallowed many necromancers alive. Within moments, thousands had already been killed.

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