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Night had fallen and the entire kingdom had fallen into a slumber. Rosalis tried to sleep, but could not, traumatic flashbacks from the war flashing through her mind. She bolted upright and looked at the door of her chambers. Faintly, she heard footsteps in the corridor behind the door. The night guards were not supposed to leave their posts unless an attack was made on the kingdom. There was no alarm and still...Rosalis stepped out of her bed and grabbed her sword. She continued out of her chambers, barefoot, just being in her white nightgown, not having time to change into her armour. She silently opened her door and looked at the corridor, just managing to catch a knight disappearing around a corner, leaving his post. She followed him, her bare feet silent against the stone floor. She heard more footsteps and saw that every single knight had left their posts. She saw one knight enter through the large open doors of the throne room, closing them behind himself. She suddenly burst in, having just enough time to react as a sword was stabbed at her. The point pierced into her arm, wounding her and she cried out. Retaliating, she slashed at him, killing him. She started forward into the throne room, seething from the pain and then suddenly, all of the doors burst wide open and knights began to pour into the room from all sides, swords drawn. Immediately, she was surrounded. "What on earth is going on here?" She demanded.

"You have become a tyrant." One knight replied. "We have no choice but to kill you for the good of the kingdom." Without saying another word, he proceeded to converge on her, followed by the rest of the knights. Having no choice, Rosalis slashed at him, fighting for her life. He collapsed to the floor, dead, and she proceeded to take out more of the rogue knights. Suddenly, one of them stabbed at her and she cried out. She stepped backwards, drawing the sword out of herself and then retreated, having no choice but to run. She ran down the corridors, skidding around corners, taking multiple turns and then pressed her back to a wall, hiding herself in the shadows. The knights ran past her and disappeared. Making her way back to her chambers, she quickly dressed herself in her armour and proceeded down the corridors, making her way out of the castle. She ran down the main corridor, towards the exit when a man came out from behind her. He lifted up his hand and sharply twisted it. Suddenly, the entire corridor of the castle tilted sharply and Rosalis collapsed on the incline, sliding downwards. Her feet hit the wall, the bones breaking. She screamed in agony as they splintered. The sorcerer put the corridor back into place and proceeded to walk up to the crippled queen. Rosalis stood up, seething and limped away as quickly as she could, crying out. She managed to make it outside and quickly jumped up onto a horse, riding away. The sorcerer stopped outside the gates and looked at her as she escaped from him. There being nothing else for him to do, he made his way back into the castle.

Rosalis disembarked from the horse, having made her way to the old town once more and broke into the first house that she saw. Seeing that it was empty, she collapsed onto the bed and rested. Immediately, her nostrils were filled with the smell of pungent herbs. She looked around, seeing herbs and spices hanging from the walls and ceiling. There was a table cramped with numerous instruments and a chopping board with some sage and coriander placed on it. Rosalis noticed that the house somehow looked familiar to her, but then dismissed the thought. She slept for a couple of moments, but was then stirred awake by the sound of footsteps, someone sneaking outside. The door opened up and Merek the herbalist stood in front of her. She chuckled, but then immediately winced in pain. "I was wondering why this house looked familiar." She told him. "Would you mind helping me with something?"

"Not at all." Merek replied, walking up to her. He looked at the hole in her armour and carefully took it off. He proceeded to look at the stab wound in her chest, and without waiting, he healed her up. "You can rest here for as long as you want." He said as he sewed in the final stitch. He cut away the thread and made a miniscule knot to prevent it from coming undone. He then proceeded with binding her broken foot, letting time heal it. He stood up and proceeded to put away his medical kit.

"Why do you keep helping me?" Rosalis asked him. Merek turned around and gave her a humble shrug.

"That's just how I am." He replied.

"Thank you."

He nodded to her and opened up a small drawer. He took out a brown root and proceeded with breaking it apart. He chucked the broken remains in a stone mortar. Taking a pestle, he proceeded with crushing up the root, grinding it into a sandy brown powder. He turned to her, the mortar in his hands and handed it to her along with a wooden spoon. "Eat." He said. "It tastes like dirt, but it helps."

"What is it?"

"It's devil's claw. It's a natural painkiller." He pointed to her. "Eat."

Rosalis hesitated for a small moment, but then did so. She took a spoonful and immediately, her face soured. She coughed. "Christ." She said.

"It's better than having to deal with the pain from a stab wound and a broken foot." He pointed out. Rosalis forced herself to eat the rest and Merek took the mortar from her, walking back to the table. Rosalis turned her head to him.

"Are you not going to ask me what happened?"

"It's not my business." He simply replied, putting the mortar back into its place. He turned to her. "Congratulations on being elected queen, by the way."

Rosalis chuckled and smiled. "Thank you."

Four weeks went by and Rosalis was fully healed. Not having any use for him, she left Merek. She turned around and looked at him. "Thank you once again."

"I will give you help any time that you shall need it."

Rosalis made her way to Wolfholde and proceeded to climb up the steps to the dark palace. She pushed open the double doors and made her way up to the new ruler of the kingdom. Suddenly, the guards converged on her, spears drawn.

"Stop!" Someone suddenly shouted. The guards immediately returned to their posts and stood in their places as if nothing had happened. Rosalis walked up to the king of Wolfholde, Uliraf and then immediately dropped to one knee, bowing her head to him. Uliraf was clad in shining armour and a perfect black cape, himself not having seen battle yet. A sword in a gleaming scabbard was sheathed by his side. His hair was long and as black as sin. His face was clean shaven and soft, not a single scar being present. But still, there was something in his eyes that made Rosalis want to curl up and cry. "What do you want?" He asked her.

"I want you to help me take back Frinnor." Rosalis replied. Uliraf frowned.

"Why should I help you take back your own kingdom? We are enemies."

She looked up at him. "My knights have turned against me, and I want my vengeance."

"What you are doing is treason."

"I do not care."

"You will be burning bridges."

"Those bridges are already burnt."

"Trust me, you would not like working with me."

"If you are trying to steer me away, I do not care."

Uliraf sighed, giving in. "What's in it for me?"

"If all else fails to take back the kingdom, then I will allow you to raze Frinnor to the ground."

Uliraf suddenly smiled, enjoying the notion of the idea. "Then you and I have an agreement."

"Would it be too much trouble to have a bath?"

"Not at all."

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