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Night fell once more and they all had made it through the tundra and walked through a forest. They had their torches lit for another time, allowing the flames to light their path. Suddenly, there was rustling coming from the trees and the bushes.

"Something is wrong." Forthwind said after taking his pipe out of his mouth. They all grabbed their weapons in response, not one question asked and Forthwind dropped his torch to the ground, put his pipe back into his mouth and lit his hands up with raging red flames. Seraphina appeared through the trees. She was clad in a long, white dress and had long hair that was as black as sin. Her complexion was perfect, not a single blemish in sight. Her eyes were something to behold. Green like jade, glinting like jewellery. Immediately, everyone had their weapons at the ready, prepared to fight her. Benedictus threw his staff at her and Seraphina released a gust of wind. Suddenly, the staff spun through the air, back towards Benedictus. The monk got down onto the ground, rolling away as he did so. The staff stuck itself into the ground, mere feet away from him. He took his weapon back. Anselmus slashed one of his daggers at her, using the second one half a moment later. The witch dodged both attacks with ease. She released a spike of ice which impaled itself into Anselmus's leg. He collapsed to the ground, screaming in agony from the wound and the cold that froze his blood. He crawled backwards, away from her as Marmaducus swung his warhammer. Seraphina dodged it with ease and pushed both of her palms out at him. A gust of gale took him off his feet and he collapsed to the ground, groaning, rolling around. Rosalis fought Seraphina and the witch let loose a vine, wrapped it around the grip of the knight's sword. She tugged back, wrenching it out of her steel hands and flung it away. It spun through the air and stuck itself into the ground behind her. Anselmus gathered up the courage and drew out the spike of ice that was still in his leg. He groaned loudly, sucking in his lips, suppressing a scream. He panted, trying to overcome the sharp pain. Benedictus ran at Seraphina and she pushed both of her hands out at him. He was suddenly forced back by a strong gust of wind, flying backwards. His back hit a tree and he collapsed to the ground, not moving. Seraphina's eyes suddenly flashed yellow and Rosalis' sword floated up into the air and pursued after the knight. It suddenly shot itself towards her, flying for her face. Rosalis did not even have time to duck. It then suddenly rebounded off course and stuck itself into the ground. Forthwind put his hand down, having shot a spike of ice from it and then continued to fight. Rosalis took her sword back and joined in once more. Benedictus groaned and got up. He took his staff, propping himself up on it. "Run!" Forthwind suddenly ordered.

"We are not going to leave you!" Rosalis shouted back at him.

"You have to or we will all die!"

"We will not abandon you!" Benedictus responded loudly. Suddenly, Forthwind let loose a stream of fire from one hand and set the ground aflame, stopping his companions from getting to him. Rosalis turned and quickly made her way along the path.

"With me!" She shouted.

"We can't just leave him!" Benedictus shouted back, protesting.

"He's a goner!" She suddenly yelled at him, her eyes twisted in a fury. "There is nothing that we can do about that! If you want to end up dead, then you can stay with him!" And with that, she left him, the rest following after her. Marmaducus grabbed Anselmus and slung his arm over his head, supporting him and dragged him away from the fight. Benedictus looked at Forthwind, fighting Seraphina and then forced himself to run after Rosalis before he completely lost sight of her and left Forthwind to his fate.

"Seraphina!" Forthwind shouted to her. "I know that there is still some of you that is left in there!"

She walked towards him through the trees, not seeming to acknowledge what he was saying to her.

"Please! We could just sort this out and let bygones be bygones! How does that sound?!"

The witch still stalked after him and then suddenly let loose an ice spike from her hand which Forthwind dodged. He was then hit with the horrible realisation that he had no choice. Forthwind's hands suddenly burned with fire, enveloped in a rage of red flame. Seraphina walked up to him through the trees and they both looked at each other. Forthwind let the fire loose and let it travel towards her in an endless beam, planning to burn her into a crisp. Suddenly, a wall of shadows sprung out from the ground, shielding her. The flames hit the shadows and proceeded to slowly penetrate through the tar-like substance, seeming to have difficulty in doing so. Ash proceeded to fall to the ground on the other side. Seraphina laughed and Forthwind cut off the beam of fire. Suddenly, the wall of shadows dissipated into the air and she sent a stream of shadows towards her target. Forthwind had just enough time to roll out of the way, losing his hat in the process. He got up, seeing another stream of shadows being sent at him and he lifted up one of his hands. A block of concrete sprung from the ground, shielding him. The shadows exploded against it and the wizard was left unharmed. Seraphina suddenly dashed over to him and grabbed him, flying high up into the sky. She released her grip on him and let him plunge to his death, herself still hovering in the air, looking down at the plummeting wizard. Forthwind suddenly conjured up a rope of light that wrapped itself around one of Seraphina's legs, saving himself from certain death. Seraphina looked down at him as he dangled below her. She tilted her head to the side. Grabbing the rope of light, she dragged Forthwind up towards her and suddenly, they were both falling, trading blows whilst doing so. Forthwind broke away from Seraphina and conjured up a rush of air, slowing his descent, landing hard onto his feet. Seraphina crashed to the ground and did not move. Forthwind walked over to his pipe and picked it, dusting it off. He put it back into his mouth and smoked it. He walked up to Seraphina and looked down at her corpse. The witch suddenly jumped up and grabbed the wizard's face. Shadows seeped out from her mouth and into Forthwind's mouth. She released him and smiled. Forthwind's pipe fell from his lips and to the ground. His entire body shuddered slightly as he tried to fight Seraphina's control over him. He groaned as he tried to stop the spell from taking effect, tried to force it out of himself. His eyes looked towards Seraphina and she smiled at him. Not being able to control his own body anymore, Forthwind turned and began to march towards the lake. He stepped inside it, shuddering at the freezing temperature, but kept moving forward, further through the icy water. His body quickly began to disappear into the lake as Seraphina forced him to do so, laughing hysterically. His head dipped below the surface of the water, and all that was left, was a floating pile of robes. Seraphina looked at the spot where Forthwind had disappeared and reached her hand out, curling her fingers, beckoning something to come forward. Suddenly, Forthwind's head broke through the surface, himself arising from the lake. He made his way back onto the shore, the water pouring off his drenched robes like a waterfall, and trudged up to Seraphina, crushing his pipe as he did so. He stopped in front of her and stared at her with dead eyes, unblinking. His skin was grey and wet, his eyes were enlarged, doubled to twice their size, almost bulging out of their sockets. His eyebrows had flaked away and his eyelids had seemed to have fallen out. His lips were black and his wet hair and beard were the same nightly shade. Seraphina looked at her slave and smiled.

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