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Rosalis and the survivors had finally made it to Wolfholde. Anselmus also rejoined them, his wound quickly healing itself, leaving only a mere scar. They entered the gates and proceeded to walk through it. The villagers suddenly scattered about the place, hiding behind trees, behind houses. Rosalis heard voices and turned her head. She saw a villager on his knees, his head placed on a chopping block. The executioner stood next to him, a black hood over his head, a large axe in his hands. Another man stood next to the villager, saying something, carrying out the sentence. A woman was held by a knight, her arms restrained behind her. She screamed and yelled, pleading for them to release her husband. They ignored her and continued with the sentencing. Marmaducus went to step forward, when Rosalis suddenly stopped him, grabbing him by the arm. He looked at her.

"We can't just let them do this!" He said in a loud but hushed tone. Rosalis shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but there is nothing that we can do for him." She said. "We will be walking straight to our deaths. Besides, we have more pressing matters at stake."

Marmaducus looked at the scene with fear in his eyes, just as the executioner raised his axe into the air. He brought it down onto the man's neck, cleaving it easily. Instantly, Anselmus snapped his head away, screwing his eyes shut, grimacing. The head dropped to the ground and blood poured out from the stump. The judge kicked the corpse over and then walked off, the executioner following after him. The knight released the woman and she ran over to her husband's headless corpse, collapsing next to it, bawling her eyes out. The knight walked off, having no regard for the poor widow. Rosalis sighed sadly, releasing Marmaducusʼ arm and continued forward. Suddenly, a guard snapped his head their way.

"Hey!" He called out to them. He began to walk up to them. Having no choice, Rosalis and the rest were forced to flee, hiding inside a tavern. They sat down at a table and ordered tankards of mead. They waited and prayed that they would blend into the crowd. Benedictus looked at Rosalis.

"What should we do?" He whispered.

"Do not do anything." She replied quietly. The guards suddenly burst in and looked at the first thing that their eyes caught. The back door of the tavern was swinging open gently. They ran through it and disappeared. Once they were sure that they were clear of the danger, Rosalis and the rest got up, when suddenly, there was a loud whistle outside. They immediately sat back down again. The guards had returned, accompanied with four agents. The agents slowly walked about the tavern, taking note of everyone. They stopped at one table and Rosalis looked up at them.

"Come quietly." He told her. "You shall be taken to Wolfgrimm. If you do not obey, there shall be trouble."

Rosalis nodded to her companions, signalling them to listen to the order. They all stood up. One of the agents looked at Benedictus and smirked.

"Where is your God now, monk?"

Suddenly, something in Benedictus snapped. He roared in a rage and stabbed the agent through the chest with his staff. Immediately, a brawl erupted. Anselmus suddenly grabbed an agent and threw him across a table, scattering tankards all over the floor, spilling the fresh mead. Beneditus spun his staff and impaled yet another agent. Anselmus drew out his falchion and swiped it across one enemy, taking an arm. The agent screamed as blood sprayed out from the stump, covering a window. Anselmus finished him off, slashing the blade across his neck. He collapsed to the floor, already dead. With the brawl having been won, they quickly left the scene. Anselmus looked at Benedictus, cleaning the blood off his blade.

"That was quite something."

"Just because I am peaceful, does not mean that I do not know how to be violent."

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