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Rosalis stood in a stand, clad in just her trousers and a tunic, having had her armour confiscated. 12 jurors stared at her, their cold eyes piercing into her soul. The judge stood up, proceeding with the inquisition.

"Rosalis Ventris," He announced. "you are hereby put on trial for the regicide of King Edmund III of Frinnor. How do you wish to plead?"

"I plead innocent." She said without one hesitation. "In my defence–"

Suddenly, there was an uproar from the crowd.

"In! My! Defence!" Rosalis roared over them. The crowd quieted down as the judge held his hand up, sitting back down at his chair. "I killed the assassin with my very own sword."

"You could have conspired with him."

"That accusation is absurd. Do you really think that I will kill my own ally?"

"Silence!" The judge suddenly roared, his voice echoing through the court. He snapped his fingers and a knight came up to him, holding a longsword in a steel scabbard. The judge took it and unsheathed it, the blade was covered in dark, dried blood. "Is this your sword?"

Rosalis hesitated. "Yes."

"Then please explain how it came to be covered in blood?"

"I already told you, I killed the assassin with my own sword."

"How do we know that you didn't kill the king with this very blade?"

"I have been a custodian and herald of two kings. Both of which I have sworn to protect with my life."

The judge sighed, sheathing the bloody blade and handed the sword back to the knight. He took it and returned to his post. "I think that I am ready to deliver my verdict." The judge suddenly banged down his palm onto the table, sounding the end of the trial. "By the power vested in me, I hereby judge you as guilty, for the regicide of King Edmund III of Frinnor. Your execution shall take place in a week's time."

And with that, Rosalis was taken away.

Rosalis sat in the dark, cold and damp jail cell, fearing her impending doom. Three days later, she heard the rattle of a key in the lock. She stepped out from the shadows and stared at the knight as he unlocked the gate. He opened it and gestured with his head.

"You're free to go." He told her. Rosalis frowned slightly, confused, but then went on anyway.

Rosalis sat at a large table in the castle's hall after having retrieved her armour and sword. She endlessly drummed her fingers onto the tabletop, anxiety grabbing her. What was going to happen now? Edmund's bloodline was wiped out. How was the kingdom going to survive without a ruler? The doors of the hall opened and a man entered. He stopped at the end of the table, clasping his hands behind his back.

"My lady," He said. "it is time that you prepared for the election."

Rosalis immediately stopped drumming her fingers and looked up at him in a slight shock. "Election?" She asked.

"You are going to be elected as queen of Frinnor. It was one of Edmund II's wishes that if his bloodline should end, you are to start a new one in the name of the kingdom. Frinnor is now yours to command and protect."

Rosalis' mouth slightly dropped open and her eyes widened. She lifted her hand up and wagged a finger slightly. "Excuse me." She grabbed a bottle of wine and uncorked it, poured herself a large amount.

"It is not wise to drink before an election." He advised her. But before he could physically stop her, Rosalis had already gulped some down. She then looked at him, midway through the second gulp.

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