Practicals - Chapter 8

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Before we get started with the story, I would just like to apologize for not updating Friday. I completely forgot. I have no excuse except just not remembering to do it.


Deku's Pov

The gates had just opened and I had already found a 3 pointer. Grinning maniacally, I jumped on it's back and tore off the head. There was a panel on it's back, and I hummed. I looked for something that I could use as a screwdriver, and I saw a stick laying on the ground. I used part of my time in the practicals carving the tip of the stick into the shape I needed. I made my way to the outskirts of the city. On my way, I smashed in the heads of any robot I came across, racking up points quickly. I stood on top of a roof, dropping onto the back of a robot that crossed under me. I quickly unscrewed the panel as I ducked and dodged the attacks of the robot. Looking at the keyboard in front of me, I smiled. They're computer run. That's good. I started hacking, first switching off the attack mode of the robot. The robot stopped swinging at me, which made it easier to work. I quickly scanned it's programming and switched a few things. It's targets changed, going from the participants to the other robots. I screwed the panel back on, and continued on my way. I hacked into every other robot that I encountered, and pretty soon, I had an army under my control. I jumped across the roofs, and racked up more points.

Aizawa's Pov

I looked at the screens and glanced at the point recorder. I choked on my own spit when I saw my son's score. Izuku had 128 points that were given to him by defeating robots. I knew he was going to do well, but I didn't expect this. I smiled, knowing that everyone in this room doubted my quirkless son before this. "He's going to pass the record of points earned in one exam." Nezu said, making me smile. I saw multiple people draw away from me because of this. "Hey Aizawa, how did you teach him so much in so little time." I shook my head. "I haven't taught him anything. That's all his skill." Nezu looked at me in surprise. I looked around the room to see that others in the room also showed surprise. "What does he do to train? He looks like he's battle tested." Vlad King commented. I smiled again and terror flashed on almost everyone's face. "I can't tell you." Terror turned to disappointment, and then Nezu smiled. "I just love puzzles, don't you?" His words were more of a statement than a question. "Anyways," He said, a sinister smile playing at his lips, "I think it's about time."

Deku's Pov

The ground rumbled beneath my feet. I could hear the mechanical whirring of robotic movements and my head jerked up. That must be the zero pointer, I said, getting ready to charge it. I ran towards it, stopping when I saw the shear size of the bot. I was about to jump off the roof I was on when I heard a scream. A girl was sat there, in between robot debris. She looked terrified, and she screamed again. "Help me!" I looked back as her scream caught more people's attention. No one moved to save her, in fear of risking their own life. They watched in horror as the robot came closer and closer to stepping on her. I growled at their cowardliness and ran towards her. And they call themselves heroes. I grabbed sharp pieces of other robots and jumped onto the zero pointer's leg. I stabbed the pieces into the robot's leg and pulled myself upward.

I had finally reached the panel on it's back. I unscrewed the cover and got to work. It took me about 2 seconds to hack into the bot, and I stopped it's movements. Just to be sure that it wouldn't start moving again, I cut the wires to the legs. Everyone on the ground sighed in relief, and I jumped. I heard people scream, but I smiled. I got into position to roll when I felt a light touch on my shoulder.

I just stopped moving. There wasn't any impact from the sudden velocity change, but I stopped moving. Floating in mid air, I turned to look at the person who saved me. The movement caused me to flip over, hanging upside down. "Gravity?" I asked. "Flight? What's your quirk?" She looked at me like I was insane. "You just jumped 7 stories, and now you're holding a normal conversation with me like you do this every day?" She said, exhausted from the overuse of her quirk. She heaved, holding the front of her mouth like she was trying to not puke. "I would've survived." I told her. "Yeah, but I wouldn't." I whipped my body towards the voice, seeing Dad and Papa. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Dad asked. I shook my head. I felt a hand hit the back of my head and looked up. "Now I am." Papa laughed and Dad sighed. "Good. No more stupid stunts like that, okay?" I nodded, and he put his arms around me. The girl released her quirk, then threw up. Dad's voice whispered in my ear. "You did good, kid."

"Let's see how many problem children I get this year." I laughed at dad's sarcastic comment and started to help the girl out of the rubble. Carrying her to the first aid station, I set her down and then walked back to Aizawa. Shinso, who had taken the exam in another battle center, walked to us. "Can we go now? I need sleep." Hitoshi asked. I burst out laughing, and a few people looked at me. Yamada walked over, and we started walking to the cars.

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