1 v 1 Battles Part 4 - Chapter 29

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Kirishima's Pov

My fist collided with Tetsutetsu's face at the same time as his collided with mine. Giving into exhaustion and pain, I fell backwards, eyes closed. Before I fell asleep, I heard something about the match ending in a tie.

Deku's Pov

I laughed at the way Kirishima's match ended drawing attention to myself. I was standing at the entrance of 1-A's sitting area after taking a walk to calm myself down. Multiple heads turned in my direction as I composed myself, wiping tears from my eyes. "Hey Midoriya, are you okay?" Iida asked. I just nodded and plopped into my seat. I looked to Uraraka before turning my gaze on Kacchan. "Do your best." I said plainly. They both nodded and walked into the preparation rooms.

Bakugo's Pov

My leg bounced as I sat in the preparation room. I was really looking froward to this match, because Uraraka had been setting up a plan since she knew who she was facing. Of course, she didn't tell me she had a plan for winning, but I could tell just by looking in her eyes. She was scheming. Finally, I was called to the stadium, excitement flowing through my veins. As I walked out onto the battlefield, the stands erupted in cheers. I saw Uraraka come to a stop on the other side of the field. The look on her face was one of pure determination. I smirked and got into my battle stance. Midnight said go and, to my surprise, Uraraka flew towards me. I blew her back with an explosion, only to have her rush me again. She kept herself low to the ground, making her a bit harder to hit. She got in close and we traded a couple of punches before I knocked her back an explosion. My arm stung from the force of her hit. I can't let her touch me with all five fingers. I have to keep her away from me. I threw another explosion at her face, knocking her back again. I started to get frustrated because no matter how many times I hit her, she always came running right back. I scowled and shot a particularly large explosion at her. She suddenly stopped and shouted, "Release!" It was then I realized how torn up the ground was and how little debris was there. My eyes widened as I looked up, rocks falling towards me like meteors. I mustered up the largest explosion I could and fired, aiming at the sky. The mini meteors abandoned their war path and split apart, scattering across the arena. I turned towards Uraraka, and she had a dead look on her face. Her knees hit the floor and her expression stayed the same. The crowd stayed silent before someone shouted, "You could've gone easier on the girl!" The crowd erupted in boos and shouts. I ground my teeth as I tried not to snap.

Deku's Pov

I was already slightly annoyed at the predictability of my classmates and the loud shouting of boos by everyone around me just heightened my annoyance. My entire class sat quietly, watching the events unfold. Dad's voice came over the speaker and everyone quieted down. "Who started this riot? If you are a pro hero, you should turn in you badge." The crowd looked around confused and murmured among themselves. "Bakugo was going hard on Uraraka because he recognizes how strong she is. He knows how much she's trained for this and decided his best chance at winning was not to go easy on her." I look down at Kacchan. On he face was a small and almost unnoticeable smile. Kacchan knocked Uraraka out of the ring with a small explosion before leaving the stadium. I sighed and walked out of the seating area.

I knocked on Recovery Girl's office. The door opened and I saw the multiple medical supplies in the room. Mentally naming them in my head, I saw Uraraka and Kacchan sitting on a bed. Kacchan's hands were torn up and singed, while Uraraka had light burn marks and dark bruises covering her arms. I sighed and approached the two. "I could've told you that plan wouldn't have worked. Kacchan's reflexes are really fast and his quirk doesn't have an activation delay or requirements except the sweat on his hands." I said, turning to Uraraka. I think I just made her feel worse, because her face fell. I tuned towards Kacchan. "And you're just as predictable as ever. Only using brute force. Though, I don't see anything else you could've done in this case. Anyway, don't listen to the crowd. If they don't know that these types of fights are what the sports festival is for, they're dumb." I saw Kacchan smile a little before I held out my hand. He raised his eyebrows in confusion before I grabbed his hands and yanked them towards me. I inspected the skin on his palms. I grabbed some alcohol, dabbing it on the multiple lacerations. he grimanced and I continued to apply the alcohol. After I had disinfected the wound, I got some burn cream that would also help heal the cuts and applied it to his palms. I wrapped bandages around and looked him in the eye. "This'll help with some of the pain and will hold up until Recovery Girl can get you proper treatment." I turned to Uraraka, preparing to do the same, but she said she would rather wait for Recovery Girl. I shrugged and walked away.

I made it back to the seating area in time to see the end of Tetsutetsu's and Kirishima's match. The winner was decided by and arm wrestle. It was pretty amusing to was Tetsutetsu's disappointment when his arm hit the table. The loud thwack his arm made when it hit the table made me wince. "And Kirishima advances to the next round! The final fight for the first round of contestants is over. We are now on intermission, this is your time to get food or drinks. The next round, we are starting off with some really strong fighters." Present Mic announces Kirishima's win before Midnight could even lift the microphone to her face. She gave him an annoyed glare, but he didn't see it. I smiled and went to get food.

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