The Attack pt. 2 - Chapter 49

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Dark Shadow charged towards me and Shoji, ripping trees out of the ground on the way. I jumped out of his trajectory the best I could and Shoji followed. Tokoyami turned and charged towards us again. This time, when I jumped out of his way, I continued running. Shoji followed closely behind me. I saw a tree branch that was close enough to grab and flipped on to it. Shoji continued running, but he slowed down in confusion. I climbed the tree, getting high enough that I was taller than Dark Shadow and waited for Tokoyami to pass. Because of how dark it was, Dark Shadow didn't see me climb the tree and continued running after Shoji. I stood on my branch, waiting for the right time to jump. Finally, Dark Shadow was beneath me. I jumped off of my branch, making Tokoyami look up. Fortunately for me, gravity is quicker than his reactions. I tackled Tokoyami, detaching Dark Shadow from the majority of his body. "Wake up!" I shouted. I shook him as I tried to fight off Dark Shadow, who was trying to retake control of Tokoyami. Dark Shadow smacked into one of my broken bones and I winced. Dark Shadow did it again and I screamed out in pain. Tokoyami's body moved. Dark Shadow hit another broken bone and I screamed again. Tokoyami's body moved again. He's waking up. "TOKOYAMI!" I shouted as loud as I could. Tokoyami's eyes shot open and Dark Shadow went wild. Tokoyami struggled to regain control of Dark Shadow and I winced in pain from the ache in my bones.

Shoji, Tokoyami, and I slowly moved farther into the forest. I heard shouting from up ahead and immediately recognized the voice. "Kacchan!" I shouted, trying to run towards him. Before I could even get a step in, my legs gave out. I had aquired a broken leg in my fight with Muscular. I fell to the ground almost dramatically and Shoji and Tokoyami both looked at me in worry. Shoji reached down to help me up, but I stuck a hand out to stop him. I forced myself on my feet and tried to take another step. My leg throbbed hard and I fell again. I heard pounding footsteps and my head started spinning. I did my best to get into a defensive position, wobbling left and right. This time when Shoji offered a hand, I had no choice but to take it. He lifted me off of the ground and settled me on his back. He covered me with his arms, almost like he did with Asui and Mineta at the sports festival. The footsteps I heard earlier got louder. A figure broke through the tree line. The figure got closer... and closer... and closer, and finally Kacchan showed up in my view. I breathed a sigh of relief as he walked towards us, Todoroki following close behind him. "What happened to Deku?" Kacchan asked, unconcerned. I chuckled. "Broke one of my legs, standing on it hurts." Kacchan nodded at my statement and shrugged.

Our group moved along slowly. Shoji and I stood in the middle of Kacchan, who was in front of us, and Tokoyami, who was in the back. Todoroki shifted from between the front, side, and back. As we walked, I heard a quiet, high pitched squeal from behind us. "Guys." I said, trying to alert the others. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and the something happened. I started to shrink and feel drowsy. My stomach felt like it fallen out of my body. It was like I was watching the scene unfold through glass. Kacchan and Toodoroki turned around and their eyes widened. They looked at me and I began to rise in the air. Then, I fell asleep.

Bakugo's POV

"Guys." Deku said. I had been talking with Todoroki in the front of the line. I turned around and saw a villain. He had a full-faced mask on with a top hat and a trenchcoat. He laughed when I saw him. He flipped his fingers open, and in between his fingers, he held three marbles. Upon closer inspection, I noticed people on the marbles. Tokoyami, Deku, and Shoji showed up on the marbles' surface. The villain jumped into the air and Todoroki fired a blast of flames towards him. You could tell it bothered him to do so, but he fired the blast anyway. The flames charged towards the villain and smacked him in the arm. The villain had been mid-jump, so he wobbled a bit and ended up dropping a marble. I saw it and dove forward to catch it. I got underneath it, ready to close my hand around the marble when it landed. Then, I heard the marble crack. It had landed right in front of my fingers. I looked down, scared for whichever classmate had fallen that height. Shoji was laying perfectly fine in the grass, though he was a little disoriented. I sighed in relief. I extended my hand to help him up. "We have got to go after them. They have Deku and Bird Brain." Shoji shook his head, trying to shake off the dizziness. "If Todoroki makes a giant ice ramp, you could push us off using your quirk." Shoji suggested. "That's a lot of weight, but I can try." I said, eager to chase Deku. "Icyhot, ice ramp." I snapped at him, getting in position to propel myself and the others with my quirk. To help us start, Shoji was going to push off a tree. We got ready, and we were off.

The weight of the others was almost crushing. We were approaching the villain quickly, but it was straining me a lot to keep us in the air. Finally, we rammed into the villain. He had started landing, so wherever he was trying to go was directly under us. We barrelled out of the sky and crashed into the ground. The masked villain we were chasing took the brunt of the fall. When we got up, we saw villains surrounding us. My guess is they were just getting ready to leave. The villains stood still, stunned at our arrival for a few seconds. Then, blue flames shot towards us. We all dodged, but as we did, the villain with our friends ran towards the other villains. Suddenly, a portal appeared behind the villains.

Shoji and I stormed forward, feet pounding the ground. The masked villain had just about made it to the portal when Shoji tackled him. Shoji's hands ripped through the masked villain's pockets and gloves while me and Todoroki attempted to hold off the other villains. When he found the two marbles, Shoji held them up for me and Todoroki to see. We slowly backed away from the masked villain, and the masked villain got up and started brushing himself off. Then he started walking towards the portal, but before he walked through it, he turned around and bowed. "Just so you know, when a magician shows you something, it is most likely to draw your attention away from something else." The masked villain took off his mask and stuck out his tongue. On it sat two marbles, one with Deku and one with Tokoyami. I shot forward, using my quirk to propel myself. I charged into his stomach, making him spit out the marbles. Todoroki caught one and I dove for the other marble. I was a few millimeters away from it when a hand snatched it out of the air in front of me. I looked towards the fire villain and frowned. "Nice going Dabi!" The masked villain shouted. Dabi threw the marble to a chick with space buns on both sides of her head and then started walking towards the portal. As he got closer, he took the marble from the chick. "Mr. Compress, show them their friends." The masked villain snapped their fingers and the marbles were gone. Shoji was holding Tokoyami, and there, sinking into the portal with a hand on his neck, was Deku.

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