Quirk test - Chapter 12

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Deku's Pov

The first thing that Aizawa tested was speed. I am quick, but Iida has a speed quirk. I didn't do too bad for being quirkless. I got 10th place and glanced at people out of the corner of my eye. People were giving me weird looks. Next was the grip strength test. I have good grip strength, nothing special. I came in 13th for that one. I walked over to the next test. Long jumping. Running on roofs for a living, long jumping is important. If you don't do a long enough jump, you fall to your death. I ran and jumped, hearing multiple gasps. When I land, I looked back at my jump. It was pretty far, but it wouldn't compete with people like Kacchan, who could use their quirks for a boost. I looked at the placement sheet over Aizawa's shoulder. "Third!?" I screamed in his ear. He jumped two feet in the air and whipped around. "When did you get there? How'd you mask your presence that well?" He asked, clutching his shirt in the area of his heart. "How'd I get third on the long jump?" I asked. He shrugged, and I walked away, surprised. I expected somewhere around 7th. I headed towards the next test. I stepped up the the circle and got into position. Cocking my arm back, I started calculation the angle where the throw would be most efficient. I swung my arm forward and let go at the perfect moment. I looked to Aizawa and he showed me my score. 77.9. Better than I expected. "Did you just calculate that throw?" Aizawa asked. "You looked like you were deep in thought at the beginning, and then eyes snapped into focus. Were you calculating the optimal throw height?" I just nodded and everyone stared at me wide-eyed.

"How did he do that?" Kaminari "whispered" to Kirishima. He shrugged and whispered something back, but I didn't catch it. I watched everyone throw the ball, and I checked my score. I got 19th place, only beating a girl named Hagakure and a boy named Mineta. The test was almost over. I stepped to the last test and froze. It was an obstacle course. I could use the roof or the ground. I glanced at the roof and giggled darkly.

Shinso's Pov

I shivered at the giggle I heard from my left. I looked over to Izuku and shivered again. He had a slight death aura around him, staring at the roof. "Aizawa - sensei." He said calmly. That in of itself raised questions in my mind. Sensei? "Did you make the roof path just for me?" Dad sighed and nodded. "I knew you would appreciate it." His death aura grew some more from excitement and I swear I saw dad shiver a bit. I felt the pressure like I was underwater. A cold sweat dripped down my body, and people shuffled away from Izuku. He realized what he was doing and started apologizing. It was freaky how he could act like he was about to kill someone and then smile like he was the friendliest person in the world. It was like he flipped a switch in his brain.

Deku's Pov

I was pumped. I saw a few others lining up for the roof path. I bounced on the balls of my feet, waiting for Aizawa to shout go. More and more people lined up for the roof path, but the ground path had the most people. "Go!" Finally, the shout rang out and I sprung forwards. Having already checked the layout of the building, I knew there was no easy way to get on the roof that wouldn't waste a lot of time. I jumped onto a windowsill and pulled myself up before jumping again. Grabbing hold of a light pole attached the side of the building, I swung to a seated position. I see everyone starting at me wide eyed , trying to continue what they were doing. Jumping onto a second story window, I hung by my arms. Pulling myself onto the 1 1/2 inch window sill, I repeated this action until I got onto the roof. I laughed maniacally, drawing everyone's attention. I saw Eraser Head smiling, and shouted, "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Aizawa's smile grew. "It's an obstacle course. It had to be a little more difficult than climbing the fire escape that's 100 ft down there." He said, pointing to my left. I stared at the obstacle course in front of me. It was about the same length as the course on the ground. I chuckled and watched as Mineta, who used the balls on his head to climb, got hit in the stomach by a dodge ball. He was barely in the obstacle course when it happened, the ball forcing him back to the start. He cursed up a storm, indicating this isn't the first time that this has happened. I walked up to the starting line and watched his face light up in determination. I slowly walked down the path, glancing around for the dodge balls. Quickly darting to the left, a dodge ball shot next to me. I darted to the right next, making progress in the obstacle course. Flipping my body, I dodged the dodge ball coming at me in quick succession. The first ball went under me, and the second just barely missed my face. Finally, I made it to the end of the segment of the course. I looked back to the see Uraraka, Mineta, and a few others looking at me in amazement. I put on a friendly smile and waved at them. I continued the course and left them in the dust.

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