Gran Torino - Chapter 37

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Deku's Pov

It had been a week since Master began teaching me MMA, which means the work studies start today. I had my bags packed with 1 week's worth of clothes and headed out of the house towards the train station. Dad wouldn't allow me to drive his car because I'm not a legal driver. My body ached and was covered in bruises, but I walked anyway. I had learned a lot in a week. MMA was pretty close to my original style, except my style was mostly just whatever would work to survive. I wasn't gonna use MMA very often anyway. If it ever got to the point where it was necessary, I would probably just kill them anyway. The intercom in the train station rang out, announcing the arrival of my train, and the doors opened. I boarded and sat down.

I walked off the train, stretching as I did so. I yawned and started walking towards my destination. The work study I had chosen wasn't even an agency. Gran Torino was a close friend to the 7th holder of One for All, Nana Shimura. Shimura was Toshinori's mentor and Torino helped train him too. I walked up to Torino's house and knocked. He opened the door and recognition flashed across his features. "Who are you?" He asked, a dumb look on his face. I raised my eyebrow. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, but you already know that. I could tell by your eyes." He looked at me in surprise. "Well, that was unexpected. Aren't you a student?" I nodded. "Well, anyway, good job. Now, let's start your work study." He began bouncing around the room, gathering speed. He lunged at me and I just barely dodged. I glanced to my side fearfully, only to find him gone. I felt a hard kick to my side and I stumbled, only to be kicked the other way. I caught myself from falling to the side, and felt a kick to my back. I fell forward and flattened myself to the ground. My movement threw him off guard and he crashed into the ground. I grabbed his foot and spun him. I released him mid spin, causing him to fly into the wall. He groaned before he picked himself back up and immediately went back to jumping around. I tried to follow his movement like I did Iida's, but he had the advantage in the small space. His movements were also sporadic and he knew the terrain better. I glanced around while dodging the majority of his attacks by luck, catching glimpses of his body as he flew around the room. Then, I spotted it. His tell. He had a split second where he angled himself on the wall. I had seen him use this a couple of times, but I thought it would be better for me if I study him a bit more. He angled himself towards me and I made sure to move out of the way. I caught him while he was barreling towards me, using him own momentum to slam him into the floor.

I offered Gran Torino my hand. He took it and I lifted him to his feet. He brushed himself off and I just stood there. "Well kid, are you hungry?" I thought about it for a second before nodding. "I could eat." I said answering his question. He pulled some taiyaki out of the freezer and walked to the microwave. I just stood by the door with my bags. "Your room is down the hall, third door to the right." I nodded and grabbed my bags, thanking him on the way out. I walked into the room and looked around, The door was close to the right side of the room. The bed was in the center of the left wall, and the dresser was in the bottom left corner next to the bed. There was one window that spanned across the majority of the wall facing towards the door, lighting up the room. I walked towards the bed and laid down. The sheets were black and the bed was soft enough to sink into. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling before I was called back into the kitchen.

I sighed, sore and stiff as I laid on the bed. I had been waiting for Gran Torino to fall asleep so I could leave. Being who I am and doing what I do, I made the foresight to bring my vigilante suit. Finally, I hear snoring from the other room and I threw on my suit. I used the window to escape because the building was only one story and the door made too much noise. Slipping out flawlessly, I climbed onto the roof. Iida ended up going to Hosu in search of Freezerburn. I hopped from roof to roof, nearing the train station. I boarded the first train to Hosu and sat on the roof of the train patiently.

Iida's Pov

I looked down every alleyway Mr. Mizushima, aka Manual, and I passed, looking for him. I knew it was highly unlikely that he would be here, but humans were creatures of patterns. "You know, you're very thorough. I don't think I've been on patrol with anyone who insists on looking down every alleyway themselves. I was surprised you chose to come to our agency. I mean, a small agency like ours? I'm sure you got better offers." Manual said. I just nodded and continued looking down alleys. "Well, our shift is over. It's time to head back and sleep." I nodded, still glancing down every alley as we headed back. I was glancing down an alleyway when I saw movement. Something had fallen from the roof. I stopped Manual and pointed, trying to see if he saw as well. He nodded, and we approached. When we neared the object, I realized it was a person. I panicked and rushed over. I sighed in relief. The person was alive and breathing. They didn't seem to be hurt, but they seemed scared. What was weird was that the person was tied up and had a piece of paper attached to him. I picked the paper up and began reading it.

Hey Heroes!

I caught this guy robbing the bank down the street and thought you'd like to arrest him. Keep up the good work and leave the killing to me.

- Your ever adoring fan,

Shinigami ❤️

I glanced at the heart at the end and then read the name again. What's he doing here? Isn't he in Shizuoka? I looked towards Manual and he shrugged. "Might as well take him in how he is. Bring the note. Maybe the police can run fingerprints." I nodded and we headed towards the police station carrying the criminal.

Deku's Pov

I whistled as I hopped from rooftop to rooftop. I saw Iida and Manual on patrol, so I dropped off a criminal I had been carrying. I came across and alleyway when I heard a scream. Smiling maliciously, I approached the alley. Staying on the roof, I looked down. In the alleyway I saw who I assume is Freezerburn and a pro hero. If I recall correctly, the hero's name was Tigger. He was an underground hero with a mutant type quirk. His skin was striped and his paws could crush a human into dust. Why he chose the name of a Winnie the Pooh character, I couldn't tell you. I watched the one-sided beating with interest. Watching Freezerburn, I studied the ins and outs of his quirk. I used Cancer to take pictures for me to study later. Freezerburn doesn't fit him at all. Finally, Tigger fell and "Freezerburn" left. I dropped down into the alley and examined Tigger's body, careful not to leave fingerprints.

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