The End is also a Beginning - Chapter 51

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The Coat led me outside while moving as quietly as possible. "Where are we going?" I asked slyly. He made a hushing noise as a sweat drop ran down the side of his head. He was nervous. I chuckled and whistled lightly. I heard footsteps and The Coat froze. The voices passed and he continued to lead me. I followed behind him, and we came across an alley. He quietly walked into it, leading me along. The alley led into a large open space that a building had once been. It had probably been knocked down a few minutes prior to my arrival, because the LOV stood in a group and the heroes stood on the other side of the space. We entered the large space and began walking towards the villains when The Coat suddenly dropped. I looked towards The Coat and smiled sadly when I saw a bullet hole in his head. He had been one of the few in the LOV that I wanted to keep alive, after all, he did give me a quirk. Of course, he would've been arrested, but he would've been alive. "Young Midoriya!" All Might shouted, "Come over here quickly." A large villain emerged from the darkness, and froze at my name. "...Midoriya," he said, "My son became a hero." He scoffed at the thought, but I didn't really hear it. My son. His words kept playing through my head, causing me to grow more and more angry by the second. I had already known that All For One was my dad, or I had suspected it. My blood boiled more when I heard another voice. "Izuku?" the voice said with disdain. I turned to the voice, seeing my mother. I glowered at both of them, showing the hatred for them on my face. "The useless fuck became a hero, huh? That's so unexpected, and so disappointing." She said. I looked up at them, and I saw red.

"You torture and experiment on your own son? Heartless. Though, I can't really complain. Because of that, now I have a quirk." I said. The heroes looked at me in surprise while the villains smirked. "Baby, it worked!" Shouted Inko. AFO nodded his head. "Now we can get rid of him." He replied. He ran towards me with some type of buff quirk on his arm. I manipulated the air around him to bind him into place, but Inko broke my focus by charging at me. I dodged it, but AFO became free. He ran towards me with the same buff quirk, but this time I wasn't quick enough to bind him or dodge. His punch landed square in my stomach, breaking a few ribs and sending me flying backwards. I hit the ground hard, back first. I laid there for a second, moving the air in and out of my lungs, when AFO appeared in my sight. I rolled to the side, rolling until I laid flat on my stomach. I pushed myself off of the ground and ran towards Inko. I stuck my hand out, struggling to suck the air out of her lungs. When she couldn't breathe, I grabbed her by the throat. I breathed in deeply before spreading my quirk out to cover the entire LOV except AFO. I backed deeper into my airless void before dropping her body in it and running for the exit. I had practically reached the edge of the void when my vision started going black and I fell to the ground. I breathed deeply as my face broke the bubble of airlessness. I coughed as I pulled myself out of the void. I looked behind me and saw AFO cradling Inko in his arms. She didn't seem like she was breathing. When I passed out, my quirk had flickered on and off, so I was worried it would leave some of the members of the LOV alive. Their bodies were sprawled out all over the place. I saw AFO put Inko gently on the ground out of the corner of my eyes. So he can be gentle, just not to me.

A scream of pure rage is all anyone could hear for the next few seconds. He charged at me, hand turning into a weapon. I dodged him quickly, barely missing his ready knife. He swung his knife at my stomach in a quick move and I dodged as much as I could, but the knife still scraped my stomach. The wound wasn't deep, but it still hurt. I dodged another strike and gained distance away from AFO. I grabbed a blade off of my thigh and parried his blow as he charged towards me again. His blows grew faster and harder to keep up with. Sweat dripped down my face as I dodged another swing of his knife. I plunged my weapon into his shoulder and had a brief moment of celebration before pain blossomed in my chest. I brushed it off and pulled my knife out of his shoulder, backing up. I went to swing again when excruciating pain appeared in my chest. I felt large amounts of blood gushing down my shirt. I looked down and saw a huge blood spot on my shirt, on the left side. The knife struck my heart. I smiled with tears in my eyes, then fell to the ground.

Bakugo's POV

Deku was stabbed. He was bleeding from his chest near, if not from, his heart. I ran forward, attempting to grab Deku, but he fell to the ground. I reached for him, seeing him struggling to breathe. Just as I was about to reach him, the villain that stabbed Deku came towards me. I dodged his knife and shot and explosion at him. He simply brushed it off. I had come without my hero suit, so I didn't have my gauntlets, but I let off a large explosion anyway. We exchanged punches and explosions for a couple of minutes.

Deku's POV

I heard explosions. I slowly opened my eyes, struggling because my eyelids felt heavy. I knew I only had a minute or so left. I forced myself onto my feet, grabbing my gun off of my hip. Kacchan was busy fighting AFO, and I didn't want to injure him. I used my quirk to suck the air out of AFO's lungs and he started choking. Kacchan looked confused and stopped moving. I aimed my gun at AFO's head and fired. The bullet went straight through his brain and he fell to the ground. Kacchan turned to look at me in surprise while I followed AFO to the floor.

Kacchan's POV

I watched as they dragged his body away. Deku's family stood behind me, in tears. I was just shocked. I had seen him make it through so much, seen him so alive only moments before, and now he was gone. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I joined Deku's family. Deku had bled to death in my arms with his family surrounding him. I thought about his last words, the words he had whispered before he had passed away. The words he whispered to Shinso, Aizawa, Yamada, and I. His final words were a simple, "Thank you."


Aaaaaaaaaand thats the end. I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I did, and I hope you enjoy the double update. I don't know what kind of story I'm going to do next, so you are welcome to suggest ideas. I've been reading stories on wattpad more often lately, that's why I got back into writing this story, so feel free to comment your ideas and I will pick my favorite one and make it happen. I will also give you credit if I end up using your idea, because that's just nice. The story doesn't necessarily even need to be a fanfic. If you have any ideas for a story you want to see but don't want to write yourself, feel free to contact me through my wattpad account or comment on this paragraph, because I do read the comments.

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